Scorpio /Pisces relationship

This topic was created in the Pisces forum by K-Scorp on Monday, February 2, 2009 and has 15 replies.

I was talkin to a pisces once it was awesome but she was too sensitive for me and too loyal to disobey her parents and just go out with me so I been wonder what i would have been like to date one.
They supposedly make a good match. I would date around, we share similar traits, but some may be less sensitive compared to others. I think as they mature, they have better control over their sensitivity.
Thanks now just need to find a pisces lol sounds like it'd be as awesome as i thought.
haha..... Fishing for a pisces.

My younger Brother is a Scorp, and he's in a new relationship with a Pisces. They are a very happy couple. It's obvious to me that they really dig each other. I haven't had the highest opinion of Fish Gals, but this one is making me rethink - she's maturely immature in ways I didn't expect, and that seems a perfect balance to my Brother's immature maturity...
He moved back home from Colorado just to be closer to her, and she's looking at leaving her civil service job to be closer to him -- they're both willing to make major sacrifices, even though they've only known each other less than a year... Looks really impulsive to a Virgo; and yet, I suspect there's more thought behind these actions...
For Once, it looks like my match-making might actually pay off!
And, here's a switch: My Brother used to tell me EVERYTHING about his relationships. But with the Pisces, he's very reserved in his comments - just smiles a lot...
Stop worrying so much about signs and just got test the waters, so to speak. People are shaped and changed by events that happen through the course of their life, these events will vary from person to person. Astrology is fun and can be semi accurate, but people are too complicated to be neatly labeled.
You're going to find that most Pisces women are sensitive. Even those like myself who generally hide's there. Scorpio's bluntness can sometimes wound Pisces pretty deeply. And some Scorpios do this to Pisces on purpose. It's that whole Scorp thing of once they find a weakness, they keep picking at it syndrome. This will only push Pisces away in the end.
But, you don't really have to catch a fish. You'll just be naturally drawn to each other. That's the way it's always happened for me, anyway, with three different Scorpio men. There's this unexplainable fascination with each other, that feeling that you've "known" each other before, and an incredible sexual chemistry...that only gets better in bed, actually. It's the stuff fantasies (and porn flicks) are made of lol So just keep your eyes peeled and watch your razor tongue. Winking
well from my experience pisces-scorpio really rocks... my wife is a scorpio.. true she is a bit possessive but I love it Big Grin
to me pisces and scropio are complimentary to each other... and we tend to understand a lot of what is going through without even talking... i am sure others too have the same experience
I don't know ... not a probable union for me. The connection is great with Scorpios, but, the whole possessiveness, emotionally controlling thing would be a bit much for me to
How do you do that smiley face?
The winky smiley? ; )
But no space.
Piscesboy!!! Big Grin
A Scorpio would prlly get their feelings hurt in a relationship with this Pisces, too much jealousy and lack of trust.

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