Something for the Fishy's:

This topic was created in the Pisces forum by GeminiMind on Friday, May 8, 2009 and has 30 replies.
This is from one of my favorite authors. I hope some of you can gain something from it. Enjoy!

If I feel depressed I will sing.
If I feel sad I will laugh.
If I feel ill I will double my labour.
If I feel fear I will plunge ahead.
If I feel inferior I will wear new garments.
If I feel uncertain I will raise my voice.
If I feel poverty I will think of wealth to come.
If I feel incompetent I will think of past success.
If I feel insignificant I will remember my goals.
Today I will be the master of my emotions.
-Og Mandino, ???The Greatest Salesman in the World??
Spoken like a true Pisces. lol!
Didn't say all my friend. Glad that it doesn't apply to you. You apparently are an "upstream fish". But, don't act like you don't know those others. lol!
Because Aqua_Boy, this Gemini man thinks Pisces people are weak ... and makes statements all the time about this being a Piscean trait .... read between the lines, such as when he laughes at his girl for being so uncontrollable of her faculties that she can't help herself except to giggle when she hears the word "bunny".
Just you P-Demon. Just you. I think you are responding to the wrong thread. Doh! ROFL!! But, since you showed up P-Devil . Thank you for proving my point.
For example ..... the below quote was his said on another thread ..

"Can you imagine what it would be like if you were a Pisces and your choices were Caps, Scorps, Cancers, And Virgos? Dayum! I'd blow my fucking brains out. No wonder fish have so many relationship worries."

He actually thinks that Pisces have relationship worries .. he really has no clue.
You are so dismissed P-Devil. ROFL!!!
P, dont waste your time. Every Gemini that comes to the Pisces board are all the same. With the exception of GemGal, I really started to like her.......damn shame she's gone.
See, you try do something good, and evil trys to take over. Nobody is all this same. But, I guess ignorance needs companionship. Your ass is dismissed too.
I also posted in on the Sag boards. So, it wasn't about that. I think by the response it shows a little sensitivy to such subject matters. Wasn't implying what some of you think that I was. And, that book applies to every person on the planet IMHO. Again, I said of "Some" can get something, great. If not, thats cool too. It's free. But, Ms.Pisces, you feel like an upstream Piscean. Kudos!
Yeah, I know Klover Fish ... what is it about Gemini's that they just cannot grasp us? But, I keep trying. Actually, GemGal came back briefly under the missym, and then deleted her account again ... hopefully, when she is able she will come back for a period of time.

Eric (Capricorn) on the Gemini board explained it so that I can make sense of it, he said ...
..... Gemini's are free spirited when it comes to themselvs but are absolutely domineering when it comes to everything else. With the free spirit approach to life comes the attitude of "My way or the highway" because free spirits think in terms of I. It's all about what I want, what works for me, what makes me feel good. My freedom is my world and no one else will change it. You see what I am getting at? Your father is behaving like a typical free spirited Gemini. You just don't benifit from it, that's the problem

And that ^^^^ clears the Gemini problem for me quite a bit, and why they come here like they do. I mean, we've had this guy, pisces8er, Imitation, Gem-who-fights-with-sister .. and they are all the same.
They view themselves as free spirits (which is ok) .. however, very controlling of everything else. If other people are open-minded, then Gem quickly attempts to contrain, as if other people aren't allowed to be free.
The other scenerio other than trying to constrain, is complete oblivion that this condition is in existence with them ... and they don't even hear what others say, to continue down their same free-spirited path, not even acknolwedging the damages they leave in their wake.

Emotional control is obviously in dire straights.
Listening is an acquired skill. I was very specific. I said to whom would find this useful. Read the posts. HaHaHa Geez!
And saying Og Mandino is stupid is a contradiction in your post. The victim mentality. Yawn....Listen for your survival. Try that. If you 'STAND UP AND BE STRONG' and nobody's listening for the exits then......The fish are gonna be on somebody's boat ot their way to market because someone didn't listen. I hope you aren't one of them, seriously. But, you judged Og Mandino, you judged me, and you judged yourself. READ WHAT YOU WROOOOOTE. Hell, read what I wrote. You can't be nice to some people. Screw it. Too damn sensitive when it shouldn't be that way. Yuck!
^coming from the asshole who trolled all over the Sag board today looking for a negative comment about geminis to argue with, in an attempt to school us on the "true" traits of geminis...and of course, tell us we were weak.

You are such a punk.
Posted by brianafay
^coming from the asshole who trolled all over the Sag board today looking for a negative comment about geminis to argue with, in an attempt to school us on the "true" traits of geminis...and of course, tell us we were weak.

You are such a punk.

Thanks for stopping by. Nice to see you! How have you been? Miss me? Stalker! So endeth the lesson. Go back and shoot some arrows. Sensitve thing. Damn This Mercury Retrograde is starting to take it's toll on some. Pay attention peeps.
I don't think Geminimind was at all trying to be offensive, he probably saw that a Pisces could understand the complexity beauty of that poem. I know some Pisces just saw it and thought, immediately that it correlated to their emotions. I mean if I had a poem the first place I'd bring it to was the Pisces board, because only they would be able to see the depth and artistry of it.
Thanks for posting it on the Aries board, by the way. I don't think my big ram skull would have been able to appreciate it Tongue.
Actually, xtina .. I think he meant it just the way we took it.
He goes on all the boards with this kind of attitude .. for example, below are two partial sentences of his .. there's just no reason, at all, that a man who tries to make himself out to be gentlemen should talk to women like we see here ... the first is making implication that she should have been aborted.
GeminiMind is not what you think ....

"Where was a coat hanger back when you were hatched"

"if you hypocrites stalk me to the Gem boards again to cry like little crab infested whores that you are"

And to make matters even worse for him .... he made implication that Archer is trash.
Archer !!!!!! Archer is the dxp angel, and if she was reduced to calling this man out, then this is serious business.
I suspect his stay here will be short .... he'll be banned soon.
Posted by xtina
I don't think Geminimind was at all trying to be offensive, he probably saw that a Pisces could understand the complexity beauty of that poem. I know some Pisces just saw it and thought, immediately that it correlated to their emotions. I mean if I had a poem the first place I'd bring it to was the Pisces board, because only they would be able to see the depth and artistry of it.
Thanks for posting it on the Aries board, by the way. I don't think my big ram skull would have been able to appreciate it Tongue.

Finally! Somebody that gets it. Kudos!!
Ya know, about a 1/16 of the folks that I've seen on here are good folks. I won't be here long, don't worry. This is not a good forum. Too many unhappy people projecting their shit on others.
Some of you are down stream for good reasons from what I see. Since everyone's got an opinnion. There's mine. Just keep swimming.
Oh okay. It's everyone else who's projecting.
Awww....Your wittle feewins steel hoyt? Don't you have a doctors appointment?

But, yet they keep you here, huh? :::SNICKERS::: I will be banning myself here in a minute. This is therapy for most people on these things. For me it's just something to do. Nothing changes here. A lot of the people (Not All) are cackling hens. The others are on here as a means to get realationship advice. So, I would miss you P. You and your psycho, inconsistent babble. Winking But, like the true Gemini that I am. I'm starting to get bored.....Ho Hum...
Me: Taurus moon, Scorp Neptune shitload of Cancer. Big whoop! I guess their misery is your company.
Oh, and Pisces are in Lilith and Saturn for me. Bigger whoop.
Posted by GeminiMind
that book applies to every person on the planet IMHO.

And to show this, you posted it on the Pisces forum and titled it "something for the fishies."
Sorry playa... as drama-tastic as some of the people you're buttin' heads with are known to be, you brought this round of negativity on to yourself...
Posted by JessaBee226
Gemini Mind I think you need to learn how to read each sentence from beginning to end because if you had read my post correctly you would have realized that I never said Og Mandino was stupid not once within both those paragraphs. I had said I thought that fact that you targeted the pisces board with this excerpt was stupid.
I simply stated that all people are different regardless of their sun sign, that all pisces will be different in one way or another. I had said that even though our sign describes us as weak, emotional, dreamy creatures we do live in the same screwy world as everyone. This makes us stand up and be strong because we want to survive in this world just like anyone else would so therefore even though we are described a certain way we may be completely different.
Oh and we listen and we listen well may I add, that is why most people come to us with all their problems constantly. Seriously re-read what I had wrote and then look at your response it does not apply in anyway.

Ok, I can feel you Bee. I meant no disrespect (Contrary to popular belief). However I believed that I was giving credit to the duality/mutability of the upstream Piscean nature (Again, can't be all things to all people). Based on your response..I think you feel that. But it is quite interesting the responses to this thread. And yet this is the number one thread to date on Pisces. But, I'm glad you clarified. I apparently made a mistake. Thanks for setting me straight. Again, I was looking for a response like yours. Thank you for being an upper stream Pisces Jessabee226, and not being ignorant. Kudos!
"Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance."
~Albert Einstein (Upstream Piscean)
I have a feeling that ^^^ he's someone who's been here before. Just a feeling. I could be wrong. *shrug*
Pisces are cool in my book. smile
^^^You'd be wrong Gingerscorp. But, it's all good. And yes, Pisces are cool in my book too. Thus the thread. Winking
Not a bad way to keep your emotions in check