
This topic was created in the Pisces forum by Sensual_Pisces on Friday, March 5, 2010 and has 8 replies.
Do you guys believe in Soulmates?. I really feel that my EX aries and I are twin souls/twin flames. I don't really know much about it, However I did read An article on it and it seems like it fit us. I feel this deep connection with him I can't explain, but I just feel right with him. Also there is a psychic i talk to and when I first made it official with him she said she feel we are soul mates, But he is afraid of his deep feelings for me that he constantly pushes me away. Also that right now our relationship is not over he will call me. Another thing I forgot to mention is we look exactly alike. So if you would like to see how we look you can go to my profile and view all images.
I don't believe in ONE soulmate. I believe we all have hundreds - maybe thousands of soulmates out there. Some people are not even lucky enough to find one though, while others have to choose between more than one.
I believe there is many soul mates for everyone to, However there are 3 types Twin souls, Companion souls mates, and soul mates. Each one have there own purpose.
Tony- You will believe again when you meet one.
I'm not even absolutely positive that we have souls.

Do you know for sure that you do?
You have a conscience .. but, that isn't a soul.
Have you ever seen anybody elses soul?
Ghosts/spirits are echos of the energy residue.

How can a person be sure that such a thing even exists?
Again, you have a conscience, which guides you to do the right things, or it will allow guilt and remorse to set in ... but, that isn't a soul, it's your conscience.
To WANT to believe in something isn't fact .. it's faith.

Faith isn't absolute.
Let's assume for a minute that souls exist, and that there is a such thing as a Soulmate.

So, what the fuck?

Can you feel your soul? Can you talk to your soul? Can you have any awareness of what your soul is doing at this very moment?
Now "it" (soul) (whatever, wherever its doing, since you don't know because you have no conscious awareness of it) has a mate.

This would mean you cannot know what the mate is doing either, so what difference does it make if "It" has a mate, or not?

You can't do any fucking thing with 'It' because 'It' resides in another plane, if it exists at all .... so even if 'It' had a mate, your conscious mind would have no awareness of it.

so, what fucking difference does it make?
Just something for your Fishy brain to fantisize about.
Posted by enfant_terrible
I don't believe in ONE soulmate. I believe we all have hundreds - maybe thousands of soulmates out there. Some people are not even lucky enough to find one though, while others have to choose between more than one.

I agree with this. I don't think we have just one b/c then too many people would never get to find their soulmate. If that were the case there would be literally tons of soulmates out there who would never find theirs b/c people get involved and stay involved with people they know aren't really right for them. That would be hard to have to choose between more than one!!! I would rather that than not find one at all though!!