The Angel's Rebirth

This topic was created in the Pisces forum by VIRGOEXALTED on Tuesday, January 15, 2008 and has 19 replies.
Hello fishes I have a problem, well not a problem more so a feeling of sorts.....I've had a feeling that a person that I come accross in my daily meetings is someone I've met for 'a second time around' if you follow my drift....
I didn't really entertain (not saying I don't believe in or don't accept the idea of reincarnation, the experience just hadn't become personal for me yet: I pride myself on my very open-minded, and understanding philosophy) the idea before, it's just everytime I meet the person I somehow they 'know' me: like nothing I have inside me remains 'unknowable' anymore....I feel like they are leeching my secrets but not in fine detail: just a look really shook me up....the person have a face that makes me shudder inside, but I maintain my stoic face whenever they come's just the person 'moved me' deeply.....I've never felt a feeling so strong before in my life; it scared me for a second....
I felt like they came into my life for a reason....I don't know, ya know? their eyes were so strange in such a great way....who is this person? why are they here? have anyone of you felt this way before? Reincarnated with your 'other' so to speak? No person in my life has ever made me feel so 'moved' before....I felt like I was 'exposed'....I don't know what to think of it; my mind has been FIXATED on this for the past week or so...such a cryptic thing life is....always deepening on me.....but I don't mind it.....I'm just facinated really by this, I just want some speculation is all, I just need to hear things from another side is all....thank you fish....
I....feel like they know everything about me and it's driving me up a wall!!!!! I'd try to tell my parents, but any high-flying idea I bring them they dissmiss, and chalk up to 'an overactive imagination' which I do have......but a feeling THIS strong.....what could it mean?
I don't understand why this happend.....or this feeling....fishes, come to my aid! lol Tongue C'mon guyz....I need some help here!!
We don't know what to tell you, VE .. what you describe is an everyday occurance to us .. every person we meet, we "feel". Maybe not necessarily to the point where they've moved us, as you call it .. but, certainly to where we can sense their soul.
Maybe you're in love smile
I can't possibly be in love with someone I've only just met! You're....making me don't say things like that!! I bearly know her....but about sensing their soul.....I have been rather 'receptive' in the emotional a kid I was exceptionally emotionally acute....I just moved away from that sphere as most people do, and to tell the just hasn't been the same since....
P I'm just not used to intense feelings like's a strange thing for me, and then being around people who don't listen to their feelings dosen't really give me much comfort: why does it have to be so strong? Why me? I sure didn't ask for this....Not to say I haven't been enjoying it....just how can you tell someone that you 'love them beyond anything you've ever understood?' lol it's just not garden variety conversation I'd probably tell the person to piss off!! lol....It's frustrating is all.....I'm used to disciplining myself emotionally, and commanding them effortlessly....but why can't this feeling just fall in line like the others? I figure you Pisceans being the 'emotional gurus' and all would help shed some light on did say that this for you is an 'everyday occurance' right? Well you of all people would know....

I've had a feeling that a person that I come accross in my daily meetings is someone I've met for 'a second time around' if you follow my drift..""

ohh someone else who is having this feeling!! I have also been experiencing these feelings too.........the Aqua with Cap Moon feels like someone I've confused me a great deal after a few months of meeting feel almost fated..

"""I didn't really entertain (not saying I don't believe in or don't accept the idea of reincarnation, the experience just hadn't become personal for me yet: I pride myself on my very open-minded, and understanding philosophy) the idea before, it's just everytime I meet the person I somehow they 'know' me: like nothing I have inside me remains 'unknowable' anymore....I feel like they are leeching my secrets but not in fine detail: just a look really shook me up....the person have a face that makes me shudder inside, but I maintain my stoic face whenever they come's just the person 'moved me' deeply.....I've never felt a feeling so strong before in my life; it scared me for a second...."""

Yes!! this is exactly what I'm feeling smile
and well it thru me for a loop cause I'm pretty much a controlled person emotionally and well my emotions are being powerfully churned and well meeting this person...caused and is still causing this feeling....a powerful, magnetic attraction....I have always felt like I have know this person and yes it's strange and confusing.... to know but not really know.....we look at eachother and we say nothing but the feelings are there and it feels like nothing needs to be said.....I just know this person is important some way
and yes this is also the strongest I have ever felt for someone too
"""I felt like they came into my life for a reason....I don't know, ya know? their eyes were so strange in such a great way....who is this person? why are they here? have anyone of you felt this way before?"""
yes these have been the questions I've been asking myself.....since we met eachother.....and I also keep analyzing why I'm having these feeling.....cause this totally came from left field and so unexpected....I have Venus Square I feel deeply but I can't/have trouble expressing emotions/love........I also act serious but inside I'm just trying to keep myself together and stop from making a fool of myself lol
""""Reincarnated with your 'other' so to speak? No person in my life has ever made me feel so 'moved' before....I felt like I was 'exposed'....I don't know what to think of it; my mind has been FIXATED on this for the past week or so...such a cryptic thing life is....always deepening on me.....but I don't mind it.....I'm just facinated really by this, I just want some speculation is all, I just need to hear things from another side is all....thank you fish....""""
yeah this person has also moves me the emotions and thoughts are totally being thrown for a big loop....well my sun is the 8th house also have a 8th house stellium so mysteries, death, taboo, money,relationships, sex are deep issues for me .....and well I also think about life , death, why things happen, the universe.......just wanted to let you know I also feel the same way and it was good to read your post
PS: I'm a virgo Winking and they say we don't feel ha!
lol if THEY ONLY knew Tongue
We may not be as 'expressive' but the depth of feeling is certainly present.....for someone to be so moved by an experience......I can't describe with words what happened.....for someone for even if a second make ME shudder....I felt stripped but nothing....NOTHING has ever felt so right....
'Many people miss their other soul aspect, and feel incomplete throughout their lives. They feel alone, often abandoned and lost, depressed. They cannot find themselves. A piece of themselves is always missing. They search for it in third dimension but never completely find it. If they are lucky, they find someone who comes close to making them feel whole. They want someone to love them, share with them and help them through this journey.
You can meet someone who can carry the frequency of our Twin Flame and give you the feeling of union, Oneness. When you make love with that partner, you can experience all of who you are, the union is multi-dimensional. You can also feel the energies of your other soul aspect, as part of the union!'
Everything here pretty much explains my 'inner life'....I've felt a deep sense of lonliness, abandonment, incompletion and emptiness, and all I've had to go on was 'other: look for other'....I've been obsessively looking for that other ever since I was young.....Becuase I haven't found that other yet it's been leaving me in a black depression, and a resentful state of mind; at times it's easier to conceal, but other times, I feel that others begin to 'feel' me 'crack' and it starts to seep out.....I felt honestly that that's the only love that's ever mattered and I've single-mindedly looked for that: and I've lost sight of others love becuase I thought that that was the ONLY love there was....
Perhaps this is why Virgos have such a need to be 'whole' or 'perfect'.....the need to seek your other the one that can transform you from the inside out.....the one who holds the key to yourself perhaps....I never knew quite why I always felt so lonely or isolated.....I felt as I walked home from school or anywhere that everyone was just a big mass of bodies that just sort of blended in with the background and I had a special energy signature that was 'seeking' the other.....I had no idea....
Where are they? Now I'm becoming more obsessive with this.....not worried, I just want more......I want what was promised to me....the love that can warp this sorry excuse for a life I was given.....s
I only want to know who the person is whom I can share my deepest, darkest, parts with I have never EVER in all my life been able to deeply express what lies inside me I always was under the impression from others that they couldn't quite understand me and that is depressing beyond belief.....someone who can understand me beyond words.....
I've lived with it for a while and I'm sick of it...always feeling like an outsider in my own family, like somehow I don't belong....This didn't just start in's been my whole mother and brother and father always seemed as if they where so content with just the three of them.....I've been noticing this more and more lately...they really don't even notice me out of the room......Don't get me wrong, I don't really have much desire to be where I'm not wanted, I've got too much pride for that, It's just.....It's time for me to find that place: Untill the day I do, I'll keep my feelings in....
It's not bad at all from my perspective VK. You can actually learn more about yourself from your emotions than from impersonal logic. Honestly I think anyone who would rather hoover on the surface, than dive into themselves are cowards. We are given the chance to feel and to feel as hard as we can.....what good is feeling or life at large if someone is detatched on an everday basis? Can you say you're even alive? How can anything be changed if someone dosen't take their own life seriously or personally? Would you rather be a bystander in your own life or would you rather step up and get involved in your own life?
I don't care about how bad I hurt becuase of feelings, becuase it tells me that I am alive, and that I have a soul....that I'm more than a computer and that I for the improvement of myself should get to know myself through what I feel.....they are the components of what makes a person human feelings and logic. I can be detatched but I'd rather have my feelings rather than to never get involved and enjoy what's going on around me. Life doesn't mean a thing if you just go with the motions of it....have fun with it. If you're pissed off, than shit, go nuts, but try to control yourself so as not to hurt someone you love, but if you don't give a ratz ass about 'em let the fur fly! lol Tongue
Outcast, I'd sooner give up breathing than trees(weed)!!! lol Tongue
*VE takes final hit than drops dead lol*
lmao, garfeild I didn't mean it quite how it came out! lol, I'm not saying love at first sight is impossible (if I didn't think it were true, why would I have started this board in the first place?) I was just saying it out of shock.....You know when I get a crush on someone I try to deny it becuase I can't believe that someone could ever have such a hold on I think it's funny (Virgos are usually the bachelors of the one could ever be more detatched than a Virgo I'll tell ya that much) that this happened.....It's a lesson I suppose I had to learn: it's taught me so much about myself and my own capacity to feel.....I always knew my feelings ran deep but....WOW this really knocked me on my ass! lol
I'm just pissed off is all....well not pissed just....well 'like how a rock hits you out of no where and you blank out' lmao.....can't believe someone got the better of me....and she's probably sittin' back in a damned corner giggling....damn females...shit....Tongue lol
""I was just saying it out of shock.....You know when I get a crush on someone I try to deny it becuase I can't believe that someone could ever have such a hold on I think it's funny (Virgos are usually the bachelors of the one could ever be more detatched than a Virgo I'll tell ya that much) that this happened.....It's a lesson I suppose I had to learn: it's taught me so much about myself and my own capacity to feel.....I always knew my feelings ran deep but....WOW this really knocked me on my ass! lol""
I here fellow virgo.....actually to tell you the truth .......I had literally given up on finding someone....I just said f*ck it..I just be alone for the rest of my can't be that bad....then someone came along and knocked me on my ass....sigh... and here I am struck by cupid's arrow and well it was unexpected, and I don't know what to do about it...I guess I'm just scared....
hey do have a planets in the 8th house or alot of Pluto influences? by any chance....because I understand completely what you are saying....and I understand the need to go further, deeper in finding out what drives, people, emotions
I have alot of 8th house and Pluto influences.......I'm just curious Winking
****I hear ya fellow virgo***** damn typos! lol really need to chill out...did you know that stress causes your hair to grey early..???
*VE runs to the mirror* Not a grey in sight......I'm built for deep, strong, and pensive thought mm, not to worry....I'm a deep thinker, not much of a freter, or worrier.
starblue, I don't.......I'm free of Scorpio everywhere in my chart except for my Mid-haven and my Pluto which is exalted, but offers no personal effect to me what so ever from what I've heard. It's generational, so it's effect is spread across children who were born in my year.....I think this is just the summation of my being....put simply, this is what lies underneath the still waters....I'm only calm becuase I'm proud.....I despise people controlling my emotions....I like to be in control of myself, and am only a control freak in that aspect alone.
Also Star there was once a point in time where both Virgo and Scorpio were one sign.....Maybe there's some remnance of that stinger left in me???.....Both signs behaviors are really the same in the larger scope of things.......It's not uncommon for me to be mistaken for a Scorpio, but I'm not. I command my feelings to obey me, and they do, and every so often I meet a 'strong' person who can see through the veil and into the dark...I prefer to be alone, and am starting to develop more interest in people: I'm a rather paranoid person, and am usually on gaurd alot of the time, even though I look calm, I'm seething with feeling underneath it all. I like to 'lend people the noose' so to speak, by letting them speak to their hearts content (people are VERRRRRRY egotistical: just be quiet and listen to their, I mean words...hehehehe....) Well, I'm always on the look out for power and control, (I poses the aspect of Scorpio where I'm constantly on the look out for power, and manipulating others: Sorry, it's the truth, I'm a good person, trying to be good, but This good guy has learned that being good dosen't always pay the same rate as evil).
Personally, I can say I fall into very dark depressions where I despise everyone around me, and I just go into 'plotting mode' trying to strike out at everyone.....ha, I'd rather be seen as a psychopath than a weakling....When I feel like someones' trying to destroy me, I'll strike back first, mercilessly, and without feeling, just for inflicting a little pain,, justice,...yeah, that's the word! lol Tongue
mm, I hear grey is rather sexy....
*VE rubs his bald spot with moxy*
I NEED to live my life from my emotions......I'm an INTJ. I don't like feeling anything 'a little bit' or 'kind of' I need to KNOW what I'm feeling is BLACK or WHITE and I'm not as sensitive as I may lead on, I'm very strong underneath, but have no insecurities, or inadaquices at all about myself which is why I appear cool, calm, and unruffled, and maybe even a little amused by people when they're emotional.
I myself am a profoundly emotional person, but (merc. in Libra) makes me hate the messy, and, 'unrefined' expression of emotionality.....although, I am very emotional, it's just the way I come off to others reflects my ego back to me: quite simply, I feel good about myself, when I command my emotions to show a calm, placid, person. However, what is most frustrating is not having the proper outlet to express my strength of feeling....I told my parents 'I express approximately 30% of my actually personality to you'. They look at me like they were hurt, but the simple truth is, I don't really trust most people enough to really show them my guts.....caution is a must in this day in age, but I give all I can till I can't anymore.
I have trained my emotions to be at my disposal, and I enjoy my feelings more than I do anything else becuase they garuntee me individuality......when things cross the emotional threshold, no two people can relate, but can generalize feeling the same at one point in time or another. Logic is a mechanism that is really conservative in that, it's a mechanism we all share, and it dosen't vary much at all, whereas emotions vary quite a bit from individual to individual depending upon the emotional intensity they are willing to deal with. I hold my feelings in and 'feel' them instead of 'expressing' them all the time. I have also been interested in the mind of and hearts of people.....figuring them out, examining them, testing every aspect of my being out even at personal detriment, all for the sake of evolution.....

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