The Astrology of Kink: The Polymorphously Perverse

This topic was created in the Pisces forum by CancerianGoddess on Sunday, March 7, 2010 and has 24 replies.
Leather and lace, fringe and fetish ??_ in this series, we??ll take a peek at the kinkier side of the zodiac. Each sign has its own distinct sexual flavor; by combining the various tastes you find in the natal chart, each person??s unique sexual recipe begins to emerge. We??ve finally reached that most changeable, most unfathomable sign of the Zodiac, the Pisces.
Pisces is the most mutable of the mutable signs. Those influenced by this sign are born actors; they can be anything, to anyone, at any time. They can play the top, the bottom, the middle, the outside; one of a twosome, threesome, or fourteensome; the exhibitionist or the voyeur; the boy, the girl, both, or neither ??? in fact, if you can imagine it, Pisces can do it, and probably has. But ??_ why?
The key is that Pisceans derive satisfaction almost solely from giving their partners pleasure. So, you have a Piscean friend who??s suddenly gone from impeccably-clad, black-tie dominatrix to wispy, giggling, pastel ditz? She??s changed lovers. Her entire persona will draw itself subtly around the new partner??s tastes; she??ll morph into the girl of his or her dreams, with very few compunctions or self-doubts.
It??s quite natural and it??s almost subconscious. They??re good at it, too. Pisces influences (particularly the Sun, the Ascendant, or Venus) give a kind of intuition that other folks call ???psychic.?? When a Fish tunes into their lover??s unspoken sexual wavelengths, the result is nothing short of fantasy fulfillment; they take great pride in their ability to extract and enact even the most carefully hidden desires.
Most are fundamentally bisexual, and both sexes often remain attractively gender-fluid. One of the few things that tend to remain constant include an enjoyment of heightened sensation; many Pisceans like a little pain with their pleasure, as well as long, drawn-out teasing sessions or sensual play.
The Piscean sex drive is very instinctive and often cyclical. When they??re in heat (with Pisces, this is a completely apt description) everyone within a hundred miles knows it; they radiate a kind of deep sexuality that is similar to Scorpio??s yet slightly more dispersed. Small mobs of admirers accumulate overnight, like alley cats when a housebound Persian is feeling frisky.
Here??s a little clue: Pisceans don??t actually live in their own bodies. Their sensitivity seems to reside some few feet away, at least. They can have extremely intimate contact (some would call it ???sex??) without ever touching someone; artistic Pisceans make good use of this, using the sexual/sensual sensitivity to fully engage with whatever person, object, or scene they??re in love with at the moment.
Some of the best parts of Piscean sex happen in this non-contact way, and some Fish remain perpetually disappointed by the act itself. They then compulsively seek out new sexual experiences, trying to physically match the psychic merging that is so familiar. Until these Fish learn that physical merging is one thing and psychic merging another, each to be enjoyed on its own terms, they can be restless, self-destructive, and completely unreliable.
The physical drive is strong, but not at all assertive; for instance, the Pisces Mars is sensual and amorous, but rarely aggressive. It can be sneaky. If you??ve ever had accidental sex (say, you were snoozing in a big chair with a new beau and whoops! you both wake up in need of a towel and some Chinese takeout) you probably encountered the Pisces Mars in action. Like water dripping on stone, it??s gentle, subtle, and effective ??? unless you??re the jackhammer type, of course
Pisceans are mutability incarnate. Like water itself, they can change shape in an instant to fit almost any situation. Some folks find this annoying, but some find it fascinating and beautiful; if you??re one of the latter, a Piscean lover may suit your tastes. Be prepared to go all the way, though. Deep dreams and fantasies are Pisces?? territory, and they??ll never be happy with superficial facades. If they find a fantasy they like, they??ll act it out for you, as close to perfectly as possible. And if your wildest dreams happen to coincide with theirs, you could have a dream lover for life. Make a wish??_.
Oh my goodness! This is spot on for me! Wow, it's kind of eery like they've been reading my I am definitely an actress and I do enjoy "acting" out things with my lover. I do seem to be in tune most of the time and I DO aim to please for sure and I derive so much pleasure from that alone!
Thanks for posting Goddess! Winking
Glad you liked it Stpatrickspisces Winking
Posted by Awake
I cant say for sure how much any of this is actually true with me. I always try to keep my important people happy. That being said, if it grates against a personal belief, its direspectful to me, or goes against any morals I have....
A gently running creek can abruptly turn into a tsunami
Maybe its becuase Im 3rd decan though? March 18th.

You need to look at your Mars and Venus (venus more so for males) in order to understand your sexual style , but you r sun sign does matter a bit.
So me!!
Posted by Sensual_Pisces

I sooo would be her too! I would be whatever Enrique wanted me to be...that sexy Taurus!!! That video would be appealing to the Virgos with that showering going That was so sexy that I am a bit hot and bothered by it and this Winking
ST- LOL, ENRIQUE IS TOOO HOT for his own good...Plus the video is an example of how us Pisces woman can get. *giggle*
LOL Yall are too cute, *sends love to pisces soul sisters* You know pisces and cancer can read each others minds, its strange but true!
LOL, thank you. *Sends love back* I know we can it's great. Maybe it's because your also an water sign.
Posted by CancerianGoddess
LOL Yall are too cute, *sends love to pisces soul sisters* You know pisces and cancer can read each others minds, its strange but true!

Soooo true girl! I LOVE my cancer friends!!! They have been some of my best friends that I can just connect so easily with! Sending love your way too woman! ((hugs)) to CancerianGoddess and
I have a Cancer man pursuing me and since Mr. Virgo has disappeared and not even contacted me for a week and a half and before that I had to contact him and he still couldn't "see" me since 2/4! I may just have to give the Cancer a Plus, Cancers are so romantic and he's already written me two poems and is just as sweet as can be! I may be on the Cancer boards asking for advice! He's moving back to the states from London in two weeks so we shall see!
Awwwwwwwww thank you sensual_pisces & Stpatrickspisces, i FEEL the love, maks me all cozy!
Stpatrickspisces You are more than welcome for advice in the cancer boards, and yea weare romantic. They say Pisces,Cancer & Libra are the sign of romance, but i have neverrrrr got along with libra because they are too flighty and flirty. Love pisces people!!! I say go for it, and start a conversation in the cancer thread!!!
Sensual_Pisces your more than welcome to sugar! Winking Winking
ST- You should go for the cancer man, you just might really enjoy yourself.
CG- Thanks for the love...*Warm hugs for everyone..Yay* I just might hop on over to the cancer boards.
If that's your ink Awake it gets a thumbs up. smile
I dig my ink. Have a good sized piece plotted out but trying to decide where to put it.
Awake - I already have a dragon and Oriental princess, upper arm, a red rose on my shoulderblade and the kanji for "Mother" on the back of my neck. The next is a memorial piece. I know I don't want it on my back, was thinking about lower calf. And still not sure because I like the ink to be coverable when dressed up.
Posted by Sensual_Pisces
ST- You should go for the cancer man, you just might really enjoy yourself.
CG- Thanks for the love...*Warm hugs for everyone..Yay* I just might hop on over to the cancer boards.

Why thank you Sensual! I think I will b/c he will be here in two weeks and he is moving to TX to a city not too far from me and he's so sweet and charming. I just don't feel I have a He will be busy at first b/c he will be either searching to join with a law firm or starting his own but he said he will make time if I agree to go out with him. I just can't get over how romantic and sweet he is being! I have been doing reading on here about Cancer men and I think I can deal with some of their issues b/c I am used to moody men! "said with a wink and a smile"
(Still no word at all from Virgo so that really is not an issue for me anymore b/c I think that's downright rude and not in my best interests anyways!)
Yes, forget the Virgo he lost a good thing. One man's rock can be another man's diamond. So you might be the diamond for the Cancer =]. And Cancers are really sweet so it's gonna be hard to but you shouldn't.
Yes we are hard to resist. Once we are in love, we spoil,pamper and baby our mate,and we are also VERY protective over them!
Yes it is Awake, I want her dancing with butterflies all around her. Free from everything, at play.
Thank you buttercup. smile That sounds GORGEOUS.
Posted by buttercupSG
that sounds very beautiful and serene venusianbull.

not sure why but i just wanted to share that if you ever have a chance to visit San Francisco, check out the 4-story Rainforest at Califorina Academy of Science. they have many colorful beautiful butteflies flying around free among ppl. i luuuuvvee that place.

I agree with buttercup venusianbull. That place sounds wonderful buttercup! There is a place in the zoo in San Antonio like that but it is small. I want to visit San Francisco one day!