The Best Valentine Ever!!!!

This topic was created in the Pisces forum by tocca on Tuesday, February 10, 2009 and has 4 replies.
Share your best Valentine's Day story, be it good or bad. And if you don't have one, what would it be?
The one I remember most is when I was in 12th grade and didn't have a boyfriend at the time. I was so sad b/c I knew I wasn't going to recieve anything from anyone. Well my name was called to report to the office to receive my valentine's gift and it was from my dad. A dozen roses and it seemed like 15 balloons. I had a ruff time gettin all of that in my honda. I was sooo happy!
Im on the fence about V-day. I love my woman and I really dont need a day to express that. The one positive, she can ear lots of chocolate, which will result in more for me to play with smile
ahahahahahahahahaha. ok. It was a rough one. Dating my Pisces-ex at the time. He comes over to pick me up for our date. I'm in a new dress/underpants Tongue for the occasion. He actually says "I don't love you anymore." All the while I 'm looking at the flowers he had sent to me. I was just like, wtf? Why wouldn't you do this yesterday?
Ultimately we reunited for another year before I had enough of his shanningans. Ahhh, love. smile
Wow mclure50, I've heard those words in that same order before as well from a male pisces.