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Oct 22, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 231 · Topics: 26
the hour glass figure is sexy .. most pisces girls are curvy and nice
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Nov 07, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 439 · Topics: 11
You seem to be putting too much emphasis on this. Life is much more simpler than you think, its our desires and emotions that complicate things. Right now you are in a state of despair so anything that goes on will drive you into further despair when you think too much about it. Let things flow in life, things come and go, people come and go. We all are shaped by our experiences and that is what makes us become better people.
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
"We remember people as they once were, and that is exactly the crux of the situation and it can often lead to hurt feelings."
You are correct.
But, it doesn't have to be this way, dreamweaver .. to have memories of a person to whom you are with, doesn't mean that you have to be fixed within this image .. people are fixed like this by choice, because most people don't allow for growth of a person.
"life could skip by me and as long as she was with me, Im ok with that."
The same here ... to have life skip you by would mean forever with a fixed image of what she was then ... and you shouldn't be ok with that. She will evolve, as will you .. and the aim is to evolve/grow together.
"I just dont understand things anymore, and Im so terrified that I said too much to her, or that she will try to be some martyr or try fix something that she cannot. I dont know what she is thinking, she didnt saything that would make me think that, 'she just said that 'I love you' but I cannot shake this feeling."
You have bound yourself within this programming of what was, at the moment of measurement/judgement.
A person fading from your life can only happen if you think of her as a snapshot, if she thinks of you as a snapshot .. an image at that point of measurement.
You are so much more, as is she, dreamweaver .. because everyday that you both live, apart and together ... you are evolving, your reality changes, your perspective changes.
So, instead of worrying about who she "was", when you realized that she is all you want/need to be happy ....... instead, think about who she will become, who you will become .. as your hearts stand together.
What you mean to her will only pass her by as a memory of you .. if you stop living for today, and tomorrow WITH her ... know, dreamweaver, know in your heart and in your mind that everything you experience together is building a bridge.
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Nov 07, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 439 · Topics: 11
We never takes time to become experienced. Im still learning too and I still feel amateurish. Surprisingly I give better advice to people than taking it myself. I know what I have to do, but I don't quite always do it because emotions get in the way. You will be fine. We all get better with time.