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Apr 13, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 295 · Topics: 32
I don't consider myself to be a downstream Pisces, but I feel like I am going upstream very slowly. I don't understand much about the downstream vs upstream since I haven't done enough research, but I feel like I'm stuck in stagnation. I don't feel like I am going down the stream though, just taking too long at a rest stop. I would like some advice for swimming harder in a positive direction. I'm graduating from college now and matured as a designer a little later than I should've at my school.. you know trying to find myself and my style ...
Now I find that I put off things because of different situations in my life, and I need to overcome this and start working on my stuff, but don't seem to find an effective way to push myself . I just feel stuck...
If anyone has some advice on how jump start yourself out of a "block" I'd love to hear it. Thanks.
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Apr 13, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 295 · Topics: 32
Thank you Star, you're right. I try to think that way, but it's crazy. I have a mother who loves me but doesn't want to see me succeed. I'm convinced of this. It's one of those situations where the mom doesn't want to be alone so she sabotages things for the child so that she can control him/her and make sure the child never leaves her.
I broke away, but it can be so hard. I did come very far! People tell me I need to remind myself of this all the time, but it's not satisfying enough I guess. hmph.. LOL
I have another question for Piscians...
My boyfriend is a Scorpio and he told me that I need to learn how to filter out the things that don't matter. Does anyone else have this problem? I let things bother me he says. (e.g.- mom treating me like garbage, torturing me, etc...) He says it's simple, you just put things into perspective... weight them out. Msybe I'm retarded LOL, but sometimes that doesn't work for me at all.
I'm sure it'll come easier to me with time. Just curious to know if anyone else struggles with this like I do.
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Jan 08, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 104 · Topics: 14
I can only speak from my experience, but I would say in regards to your mother, to hell with her... The bottom line is, for any situation, the world will not stop for you, the world will not take pity upon you. Take the cards you were dealt with and play them, stand in defiance of all adversity(Personal relationships included) and flip the bird. Remember this, the weak falter and the strong overcome, make your choice on what you are going to do, and yes sweetpea, this is a choice.