uh, wtf? last post didn't work. READ THIS ONE!!!

This topic was created in the Pisces forum by let.go_jump.in on Tuesday, August 8, 2006 and has 5 replies.
Alright, so i met this guy like, not even a week ago, he seemed cool so i gave him my msn. We talked a little and i ended up giving him my cell phone number. He's a pisces. I'm a picses/aries cusp for you guys that don't know that already. lol
I didn't want to be anything more then friends with him, i told him this too. I told him i love getting to know new people and he said that was cool.
Well, now he blows up my cell phone all the time after i would have JUST told him "hey, i'm busy. i'll ttyl." or "i'm going out and i won't have my cell phone, so don't call."
He'll change his msn name to things like, "i only want to talk to one person and im invisiable to her..." or "having a bad day. everybody leave me alone." (but then he'll consistently IM me and insist i talk to him) or "i wanna be the only one who can make her smile, smile for me sammie!" (my name is samantha - aka sammie - by the way.)
i met him not even a week ago! he'll draw stupid pictures that say stuff like, "Me + You = Heart" ...... and tell me things like he wants to lay in my bed with me??
like..wtf?? its really creeping me out.
and i don't know what to do. i don't wanna be a complete biotch to him and make him kill himself, but i want him to go the F away.
what do i do?? HELP!!
We are in la la land here, where we don't even know each other's names . . except you of course, you said your name is Samantha.
If this guys is a danger to you, or, you fear his stalking you . . why are you asking people who are only words typed on a computer? We can't stop a nutcase that is in your real world. The only thing we can do is comment, either for you, or against you. Does that stop a stalker in ones real life?
You want help with someone who you feel is a threat to you . . ask someone who CAN help.
However, maybe you just want some kind of reassurance because you now feel like a total idiot for giving vidal information away to a looneybird. In that case, don't worry, there are plenty of people who will respond and tell you what to hear so you don't feel so stupid.
All he's after is something that he's not going to get.
If you explained to him, in a way that should be obvious to most people, that you just wish to make friends, then you're not at fault.
Don't waste any more time with him.
P-Angel, did you even read what i typed? I'm asking for advice on how to get him away nicely without hurting his feelings or making him want to kill himself.
Obviously, i don't care if i give away my first name - thank you for stating the obvious. my first name has nothing to do with my life other then the fact, thats what i answer to.
And for your information, i don't feel like a "total idiot for giving vidal information away to a looneybird." It was my CHOICE to give him my number, and i made that mistake. I know that and i'm not afraid to admit it. All i asked for was advice on how to get him away from me
Yet you have the audacity to sit there and try to tell me that I feel like a total idiot and that maybe i "won't feel so stupid" when people answer my post?? pft.
sounds like you forgot to take you anti-bit*ch pill today.
You didn't say advise . . you said, help
If you don't know what you want, how can anyone else possibly know that.
But, like I said, don't worry . . most people only think about what it takes to make other people like them and will respond, even when their good sense tells them otherwise. Things that sparkle aren't as ugly as things that don't.
They'll come and you'll feel better about yourself.
You can hear stuff like, "Don't waste any more time with him." If it were that simple, you wouldn't have needed to start this thread. You want help, or useless comments.
You want help . . then go seek someone in the real world who has the ability to stop this guy before his messages turn into an obsession and then your life will be in danger.
You want useless advise from someone who doesn't know anything except what you stated, which I'm sure is only half the information - for people tend to inflate their own goodness and embellish the one bad in the one they want to be at fault - people will come and tell you all kinds of things to make you feel wonderful.
What is it you want? If it's help . . why are you still at your computer?