
This topic was created in the Pisces forum by Aqua_Boy on Wednesday, January 9, 2008 and has 14 replies.
Is it their life goal to go out and annoy every living thing possible?!?!?! If any Virgo's read this, dont take it personally, its just many Virgo's i know, get under my skin and irritate me to no end.
Or..maybe its just cause both my brother and sister are Virgo's, and everyone is annoyed by their siblings Tongue Im in such a chatty mood today LOL.
"I'm assuming since people actually invite me to social gatherings, I'm assuming I'm not too annoying."
LOL! No, VLC, you don't seem to fit the normal Virgo mold.
"I'm more fire than earth though - not the staus quo type."
You're on the cusp also, so that air influence lessens some of the more "weighty" Virgo traits.
I'm quite certain that we irritate them too smile
My sister is a Virgo and we get on great, and I'm not biased because she's my sister. She's actually a half-sister technically (same mum different dad) and yet I'm closer to her than I am to my Scorp brother (same parents). There's also a 13 year age gap.
She seems to really look up to me so I try to be a good influence on her, I like to think I'm helping her to look at things from a different perspective as she grows up and matures. And if I'm honest I probably learn a lot from her too.
However, yes we do irritate each other at times lol, but the thing is we understand our differences so it never descends into battle.
I think I've annoyed people on Dxp because I can never notice anyone responding to my post even when I offer the thread starter advice or respond to someone else's post. I guess I wore out my welcome. Sad
Truly, I do realize that a lot of you have been members here for years and so I respect that it's kind of clique-ish or family-strong (whichever floats boats) and so I don't try to make room for myself with anyone. If someone sincerely wants to e-befriend me I am all for it. All I ask is that whatever level it started on it should remain on. IMO if you switch up without reason (like someone on here did) and stop interacting with me like I've done something to you then I know you were never sincere.
I am probably one of the easiest persons to communicate with. I love feedback so you can talk to me about anything. Being fairweather only makes for a hostile environment. There are some really cool people on this board and a few that I will always like (QS and FS) and there are some that are just outright ugly or who started out cool and turned out ot be fake (won't name names) and I will never deal with them again.
I accept someone's reasons for doing what they feel is best but like the saying goes if you're that sensitive "don't start nothing, and it won't be nothing". In other words, just read and post and let everything else roll. smile
Sorry you feel that way, MsAristocracy .. most people express within what emotion they are feeling at the time, and this happens moreso with Water people, than any other ... so, it would difficult for some to only speak within the same tone everyday.
It's unfortunate that you have been left to feel like you have annoyed people, and so feel like you have very few friends on here. Sad
There are some cliques, and the members within them rarely make room for newcomers .. however, on the Pisces board, everybody is welcome and I hope your posting experience is better for you in the Fish Tank smilesmile
However, we are typical to our traits in here and might leave you frustrated smile, seeing you're a Virgo smile ... we talk about nothing certain, only possibilities and what if's smile
P-Angel, yes, I am having a great experience in the fish tank and part of my fascination is learning about how fish people think so "possibilities and what if's" are fine by me. And, thank you for confirming my feeling welcomed here. I do love water signs. smile
I've really only been in 3 forums Virgo, Scorpio and Pisces. Both, Scorpio and Pisces forums have been the greatest and I don't mind hanging out in either. I enjoy research and reading to learn more and so I can be in my own little world happily all over this site. It's just that when I post I like feedback and I don't get it unless I ask a question and that makes me feel disconnected.
A lot of times my friends tell me they don't comment on things we discuss in email because I've said everything and there was nothing left to be said. I guess that could apply in other places I write and maybe I can ask for feedback when I am done.
Awww...I feel about my comment towards Virgos now Sad I love you guys smile *hugs*
But anyway since im Pisces and i hung out with my sister today who is Virgo, and we were talking and we dont like ANYTHING that eachother likes LMAO! I guess thats typical since Pisces & Virgo are complete opposites. She was so annoyed with me cause i didnt like anything she likes hahaha, my brother is the same way...hes Virgo too, like i said before smile
"yes, I am having a great experience in the fish tank"

That's fantastic .. we always find things to talk about here and no need to ask questions to get us to answer you.
Sometimes .. you can just babble and we'll join in with the incoherency just as though we're actually saying something intelligent smile
I dated a Virgo once, he pissed me off to no end, I'm pretty sure it was mutual too! lol. But I did learn somethings too, I guess that's really what it's all about.
Is it their life goal to go out and annoy every living thing possible?!?!?!
Aqua Boy,
We're not all bad; we are like Scorpio in alot of ways: the fact that we are 'm crested signs' like scorpio signifies that we are black or white; Hated or Loved, and sometimes it's both by the same person!! lol In my defense, I've met a few Aquarians that don't meet up to what they've advertised in general.....but that's not the bunch, just the few....such is life man....get to know the 'person' rather than the generalization.....(which I commonly refer to as GOSSIP lol Tongue)
I'd have to say I'm very open-minded and understanding person in practice, more so than the abstract or other signs that claim to be understanding but wont' take the stand at all.....dissapointing.....the astrology reports fail to tell you the Virgoan character is more than the surface 'still waters run deep' is the expression for this type of character I think.....I'm moved by all the forces be they emotional or mental in life: I go for the 'third way' the fusion of my feelings and mind....nothing in the earthen plane really facinates me at all: they're all devices to keep a person trapped, and from expanding. My personal philosophy is to let nothing stop me from growing and pursuing my goal of perfection: it's a life long journey that will be with me untill I pass on.....
btw, if there is any zodiac character more obsesssed with status quo, I'd have to say that award would go to your Libran characters: being an 'M-crested sign' means we can be the best of the best or the worst of the worst.....this is becuase both Scorpio and Virgo deal with healing and growing past limitations......Virgos pursuit for perfection (which sometimes goes too far!!) and Scorpios desire to change to gain a 'new' perspective on an old view.....
we do have that 'extremist' vibe....scorpio personalizes it, and virgo projects it in others....our actions for some reason illicit extreme responses in people be they love or no idea we we're so powerful! lol Tongue
I've never really met person I didn't like: so long as they aren't selfish, and contradicting....also it's good to keep an open, and rational working mind....I need to communicate with people and am cerebral: that's where the connection for this Virguy is made.
I've had great relationships with wind signs and fire signs Aries, Sags, Geminis and Aquarians are the best ones I've had realtionships with: I think it's becuase we do have an element of 'changability' to us but underneath the surface you grow to see that we can be stubborn and stuck on our own view points, but a Virgo that is really at it's peak will be like your basic air sign....sociable, cerebral, and logical...this to me is because all of our basic personality traits have to do with gaining awareness: we can be analytical or's all for the idea of achieving heightened awareness getting closer to perfection....just my thought.