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Feb 19, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 109 · Topics: 11
I'll ask other pisces: How do you not let emotions get in the way? I feel so weak sometimes, yet I know I'm a really strong person, I can go through hell and back and just shrug my shoulders. But I know I come off as a very weak person. I also want to know if others have a problem with opening up to people. It takes a good while to open me up. I have to feel comfortable. How do you guys cope and change that?
i am a Pisces moon, but i can relate to what you said (:
man, i personally can't *not* let my emotions "get in the way"--as in, they're always going to surface/be there, no matter what. as for dealing with it, i'll just do whatever: journal/listen to music, etc...i think it's not really a weakness. it might seem like a weakness externally, but i believe emotions (and emotional strength) are something malleable and changeable. and this changeability is just part of the process of learning from experiences.
i sometimes have a problem opening up to people (but with people i am super comfortable with, i can go on and on and on...). if i don't want to come across as "socially inept", i usually ask the other person questions so they have to do more of the talking. if not, i'll stay quiet and spaced out, and people can think whatever they want of me. LOL.
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Nov 07, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 439 · Topics: 11
I think you are going to have to learn how to cope with your emotions, because we all are emotional. I wouldn't deny it, but I would toughen up on being emotional about everything. It has a lot to do with confidence and sureness of self in general.
I only do not open up if I sense some sort of danger and high uncomfortability factor involved. I do grow quiet and observant, but eventually I just go out there and say something, because I'm bored. What gets me going is basically this thought, "Everyone is on the same level as you...just do it." Usually I don't open up most when I do not feel equal to the people I am with. Reminding myself that everyone is equal (and wont bite), I am able to just push myself into uncomfortable situations and succeed. I often times force myself to do things that I feel uncomfortable in doing because I know its good for me. I do tend to toughen myself up because I know I need it and the experience helps me feel comfortable for the next time I run into the same problem.
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Jan 08, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 104 · Topics: 14
Stop being soft? I dont really know, I know how I deal, but its probably not the best way.