So there's this Pisces Female that I met and we became really good friends. Like she would come hug me and be super excited to see me and would also initiate convo. Then I thought she liked me because she would keep staring at me, and just wanted to be around me, would ALWAYS talk to me. Then she started to get shy and ignorant towards me all of a sudden. Out of no where, and I didn't know if I did something wrong. We both got super interested in one another, and we should be better friends than we are in comparison with others around her, but it just seemed to be stunted. She treats me like we have been best friends for the longest time, but then started being like weird/ignorant towards me. It will be this rollercoaster and I'm like what is going on. Recently she has been always staring at me with these eyes that just seem to tell me she loves me it's so weird, no one has ever looked at me that way. But I have never seen her look at anyone else that way. Then she treats me like the most important person, like when we are around all of her closest friends I am the most important like my opinion and she will always try to talk to me. She always tries to make me laugh, and seems to Like beg for my attention, like will always get in my line of sight or just where I am. But always wants me to notice her kind of idk it's weird. Is she just interested in me as a friend because I am new and fun or like actually interested. What would be other signs? How should I act if I actually would like to pursue her. I wonder because does she treat friends this way. She has never kissed anyone before.
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Jun 03, 2014Comments: 7 · Posts: 1996 · Topics: 55
I am very outgoing for a Pisces and can be touchy feely with people (im a hugger), flirty and I smile a lot...but the key is I am only like this around people I DO NOT have a romantic interest in. With people I have a crush on, I am quiet, and they usually never know I like them.
In otherwords, if you think I'm flirting with you, or interested in you, I'm probably not.
My guess, she has backed off because she realized she may have given you the idea that she was interested and feels bad for possibly leading you on. But you will never know unless you try to show some interest in her, ask her out, flirt with her, etc. Every Pisces is different so you have to really figure this out on your own.
Well I guess I should do something about it then. I am just still unsure if it's friendly or not. I mean she cares for me as one of her closest friends it seems like, but we are not that close yet. I also don't want to ruin our friendship, but I do like her.
As a Pisces Sun/Moon, I'd like to apologize because this sounds like something I'd have done/still struggle with. If she's anything like me, she's probably interested in you to some degree, but she's unsure of where you stand/where she stands. Us fish are a bit wishy-washy, but only in the beginnings of getting to know someone/deciding how we feel about them because deep down, we're kinda terrified of rejection.
Also adding in the fact that she's never kissed anybody, I'd say she's very afraid of doing something wrong/coming on too strong with Romantic Feelings. I'd say just take it slow with her and, as much as it may suck, kinda go with the flow of her moods. She'll settle into a more fixed routine I bet if she sees that you're consistent, and not afraid to take a little initiative too and throw some (subtle!) flirting back at her.
yes, I am unsure if she is gay. So we are torn between trying to act super excited and seeing each other to now when we see each other it's so like we both don't want to be there, but like I am being distant now because I am protecting myself from getting hurt. Our relationship has changed and it's definitely not for the better. But it's weird because we are just friends. I really don't understand.
Wow I guess she does those things, maybe it's just me. I guess I will just have to come out to her and then go from there. Thank you guys for your help!!!