What do you love most about being a Pisces?

This topic was created in the Pisces forum by Aqua_Boy on Saturday, August 25, 2007 and has 21 replies.
I thought this would make an interesting thread, lol. My favorite thing about being a Pisces is the whole "intuition" thing, which i think us Pisces have the best. I also like how everyone tells me how "soulful" my eyes look. (Not saying any other sign doesnt have soulful eyes or whatever though lol) it's just I've heard that us Pisces have more expressive eyes...i think? LOL oh well, anyway, what about you guys?
Intuition .. however, not "it" in itself, for I believe everyone has intuitin to a degree ..
What I like most about this intuition is that because I'm a Pisces, I don't fear listenting to it. Other signs don't trust it .. they will often forsake what their gut tells them and go with their brain. When in most cases, their gut was actually the right path ..
That's my favorite quality .. I trust my spirit when it talks to me. It knows better for me than my individual ego consciousness, and so I listen and follow.
P-Angel I couldnt agree more! I always trust my gut feeling too, I used to not trust it, but I do now.
Hey .. pp, M'Lady .. how you are today?
since today is saturday,then i'll say somethingsmile
the best thing>makes me effortlessly creative and gives my dreams a wispy twist.
Wow, you remembered smile
I've been thinking on this ever since you said it and waiting to see how good your memory is .. and it's fantastic, Mr. Aqua Man smilesmile
pp, we are having the thunder and storms today .. I guess it finally made it over the mountains.
Is grandma still going to stay with you tonight? That sounds like so much fun .. a night with granny. I miss my parents Sad
dankie pasmile
going off to bed now,for tommorow is a new a day, the i'll become aquarius again.smile
midnight is approaching,its re-transition timeTongue
Nitie Nite .. sweet dreams smile
Wow, that sounds so exhilerating .. you know you're a true Pisces when you feel re-born almost when it's raining .. it cleanses our souls, doesn't it? I might just go do that, M'Lady .. it's raining now.
pp, that sounds really fun .. a nice healthy meal, some chic-flicks to remind Grandma (the Pisces one?) that just because she's older, it doesn't mean she can't still feel beautiful in her womanhood with romance. Oh, her husband's gone .. maybe that would only torment her.
Anyway .. it's raining at this very moment and I have to go and enjoy, like M'Lady said .. I'll be back.
What I love about being a Pisces? Well, as a Quadruple Pisces, the thing that I love about it is my intuition and my ability to touch people on a deep and intimate level. I guess with all that sensitivity, it's magnetic to anyone with an appreciation for it.
I would basically have to say my intuition and sensitivity; easily picking up on other's moods, even thoughts before they are spoken at times. Which in-turn makes me highly emphatic and understanding. i also like how music and the arts can touch me at such deep levels. It really is magical.. i'm particulary enchanted by artists of the past. i also like how i can get completely lost in a moment, whether it's in my mind or something more tangible. My general piscean flexibility and adaptability, although my stubborn fixed 'Taurus rising' wants to kick me sometimes..lol They say pisces is impressionable, but i usually find it the other way around, whether it's sharing a thought, idea or some other kind of inspiration. i truly love being a fish, for so many reasons..
Oh, so spot-on Starfish..*it's just that 'knowing' in your gut. It's hard to explain unless you actually live it, as a fish. It's like, "how did you know i felt like that, or what i was just thinking?" Another one i sometimes hear is.."i don't know what it is, but i feel i can talk to you about 'anything'." A pisces will truly 'listen' unconditionally before anything.. i think we can also be very much in-tune with the 'soul' of another, as well as our own.
I think what I like more is to be at peace with my self and with the world, there is no need for stress and disturbness, just live and let live.
what do i like most about being a pisces...incredible intuition, my eyes...they get me a lot of places lol...my hair lol...i dont like the fact that i seem to wear my feelings on my sleeve, i guess that comes from bein ultra sensitive??...someone yells at me, i cry...go figure....
i love being able to help every single person on the face of this planet...except myself...
i loooove my fussy fishie
"What do you love most about being a Pisces?"
I'm not a fish, but I like the fact that some Pisces are not racist & prejudice. They'll (well, very few) well give their hearts to even the smallest & poorest of people & treat them as if they were their best friend.smile
I Heart (some) Fishes!!smile
i loooove my fussy fishie
i love my fussy fishy too =)
yay...my fussy fishie loves me toooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"It allows me to continue on in a happy vein, completely oblivious to how shit things are......then by the time I realise it's shit and needs sorting out, it's already sorted!"
I was just trying to work out how to say it myself when SP words caught my eye. I love being happy, being care free, and seeing the best in people. Yes, I know they are not perfect, yes I know some are walking all over me, but I am easy going and happy; not blind or stupid. I prefer to be giving and nice and let my actions speak for themselves.