I have been in a long distance relationship with a Pisces woman for years. We broke up years ago. And I haven't seen her in years physically but we speak everyday.
When we broke up. We never separated we kept talking. And we became best friends. I talk to her everyday. And I mean litterally everyday (Atleast an hour minimum. But much longer than that).
The past few years. She has litterally taken care of me. I hit a very tough and rough patch. And she took care of me. We created numerous businesses together and litterally we have the type of trust in which I have all her information...Social Security, Credit etc. Litterally this relationship in terms of a difference never changed (minus the physical).
This year she has gone on a few vacations with a guy. But didnt claim they were together exclusively. However a few days ago, she let all this information out in one big grab bag. That litterally destroyed me. She told me they are "serious". Marriage talk, ive known her 10 years this guy has known her 12. Hes an ex of hers. And to top that all off, this guy doesnt like me. And it's based off what she told him about me. He knows all about me. But I know nothing of him.
I never seen this guy...No photos. Dont even have a name. Her sister (Who really likes me. Calls me her bro. Wants me to marry her sister) always tells me the truth. Told me I know she was seeing somebody but not seriously. Thinks that we have a weird relationship, that once stress calms down we will be back in again.
But my ex lied to me about "how serious" that relationship was. And always down played him. Hell shes hiding him for God sakes. And she told me...I down play you to him. Has even hid an entire business from him....One we just launched
I told her how I really felt...I told her I was IN love with her. She told me "She loves me. But not in that way". So of course im crushed. Secrets of the relationship seriousness, flat out lies about it. I dont know him. But he fully knows me. And she crushed me with an information bomb right after Christmas.
This all paints the picture for me to leave right? Well its like she has me trapped. We are so intertwined and close...personally and business wise its hard to get out. And I told her when we broke up (We are too close. Whenever we get BFS or GFS its not gonna work) she stated that it didn't matter who I got. Or who she got. They just have to understand our relationship. Which with this guy hating me. I guess she was right atleast on her end.
Hell her sister told me even once that she said "You don't understand how deep my relationship goes with him. So butt out of our relationship ".
But the question is. Why not let me go? Why keep me here? Why break my heart...Then expect me to act like everything is ok (and further want to create a future with me. More businesses and etc). Not to mention. I always talk in "US" and ill say like....
"Our relationship has to be better. I want to start spending more time with you. Alot of time". Or "I have many plans for us. But we gotta get focused". And she hops onboard no problem. She knows how I feel. She knows I didn't want this to happen. But yet she won't let me go. What does she want from me? She can't have both. And she knows that im gone once its serious with someone else. And its almost like she planned this so I couldn't leave. It's hurts me bad. Because I know where's she at...And it's not with me.