What is Pisces man reaction when the girl he used to like deactived social media

This topic was created in the Pisces forum by Sunmi on Wednesday, August 2, 2017 and has 4 replies.
Hi, as I mentioned before I still like this guy but no longer talk but he still stalk my social media. yesterday, I've deactived my Facebook and Instagram.. the reason why I did that because I wanna feel better and away from social media for awhile.. as a Pisces man, how they feel if they found out e person he used to liked deactived her account since he stalk social media Everyday? Just curious
I got the persons number I deviated it?
Godzilla, I admit Indo stalk his social media as well...
Sierraleone, at least he texted you and asked, my fish didn't text me at all..