What is the Hardest Sign to Pin Down ? & Why

This topic was created in the Pisces forum by Evo Fish on Monday, July 17, 2006 and has 5 replies.
Which sign, do you believe to be the hardest to pin down ??? - Every site and book I've read said, that its Pisces...that even in a realationship, and are in love, we are wishy washy.
I still think its between Gemini,Saggitarius and Aquarius ...
def. def. gemini!!!!!
they never can make up their monds about anyhting
Yeah, thats true, but when I mean pin down, that even in a relationship.Your mind still kinda wanders, and you lust and think of being with other people, and might even act upon it.
Apparently Pisces male is THE #1 most unfaithful sign out of the Zodiac.Over Aires and Saggi...I felt like a real dawg when I read that lol
mainly cause its true
Gemini - hands down. Case closed.

Gemini - hands down. Case closed.

Totally agree... Gemini whose moon and venus is in Gemini too smile