What is the point of having Mercury in pisces and Venus in Aries?

This topic was created in the Pisces forum by Goldfish on Tuesday, December 1, 2015 and has 9 replies.
I really dislike these placements in my chart.
Posted by Heart
Posted by Goldfish
I really dislike these placements in my chart.

Oh, geez, my guy has this We're tangoing right now, heading slowly toward the dating phase, but it seems Mercury Pisces doesn't know which way to swim
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My merc in pisces doesn't understand this
Venus in aries isn't bad, imo. Mercury in pisces is real...unfortunate, however.
Posted by Ands2016
do you get mad at fire hydrants for being 15 mins late?

I literally laughed out loud at this because I understand. Lol. Stay strong OP. I'm fighting it too. My aquarius sun makes me super aloof, but my Aries Venus makes me super impatient. On any given day I either don't want to be bothered or you have to talk to me now. But if you don't talk to me now....maaaannnnnn. Pisces comes out and makes it worse with the emotional BS. Such a confusing time in life. I'm constantly all over the place. The people I deal with are probably always like WTF?!?! Lol. Poor guys....
Posted by Heart
Posted by deezie
Posted by Heart
Posted by Goldfish
I really dislike these placements in my chart.

Oh, geez, my guy has this We're tangoing right now, heading slowly toward the dating phase, but it seems Mercury Pisces doesn't know which way to swim

My merc in pisces doesn't understand this

It means the attraction is clear but he doesn't know how to express his side. I noticed with Mercury in Pisces things have to be spelled out- even with jokes.
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Yes!!!! Super accurate unfortunately!
I meant the part about posessing someone as "your guy " if you aren't even yet dating.

You need not spell anything out for me.

What's your merc anyway? Because i just had to spell out my joke for you.
Try having Venus in Aries and Mercury in Gemini. Crying
Posted by Heart
Posted by Goldfish
I really dislike these placements in my chart.

Oh, geez, my guy has this We're tangoing right now, heading slowly toward the dating phase, but it seems Mercury Pisces doesn't know which way to swim.

Can you explain to me what this feels like with Venus is Aries, in order for me to better understand him? You guys seem really sweet though. If it makes you feel better, Einstein had the same Mercury. Winking

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Hate to be the one to tell ya but old Albert had Mercury in Aries as well as Venus in Aries.
Posted by Noblique
Posted by Heart
Posted by Goldfish
I really dislike these placements in my chart.

Oh, geez, my guy has this We're tangoing right now, heading slowly toward the dating phase, but it seems Mercury Pisces doesn't know which way to swim.

Can you explain to me what this feels like with Venus is Aries, in order for me to better understand him? You guys seem really sweet though. If it makes you feel better, Einstein had the same Mercury. Winking

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Hate to be the one to tell ya but old Albert had Mercury in Aries as well as Venus in Aries.
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Hate to be the one pooping on your Einstein party, but the old dude never said that
