Hey Y'all,
It has been nearly 3 years since I've last initated a post on here. I guess its because I've gotten tired of the drama and tricky situations that I've grown more evasive to potential troubles. I have a question: When someone reveals that they have a crush on you and you never knew or suspected it and you're in total shock by it. . . . God, I don't even know how to word this. . . I just think it is so unfair for people to just spring this up on you and expect you to feel the same way with the same intensity, when they see that you never expected this, so it's obvious that you never given thought to it. I guess my question is: Why does it have to be an all or nothing deal? This has happened to me soooo many times and I wasn't rejecting them, as a matter of fact, I wanted to just try it out and see where it goes, hoping that they'll be patient enough to let my feelings develop to the same level and intensity as theirs, but all of my crushes would assume heartbreak and then they alienate me comepletely. Why does it have to be like that? What the h*ll?! Any thoughts?
Signed Up:
May 22, 2011Comments: 18 · Posts: 3539 · Topics: 200
maybe you should try not to look so FABULOUZZZZZ
Oh please. I blame my dad for that. He's the one who hammered it into my mind to always take pride in my appearance. He's a Capricorn and unlike me, he actually cares about how the public percieves him. He's the only man I know how wears brushed shined dressed shoes with jeans. You wouldn't dare catch me in that get up.
What's up, MsPisces!!!
I'm glad to see that you're still here.
I usually have that kind of effect on people. If I'm not highly distracting, I make some people tremble like they have seizures all while screaming on top of their lungs. It's crazy, but thanks, its nice to meet you.
Wow, you still remember all that?! Yeah, it was a Virgo, an Aquarius, another Virgo who was extremely aggressive, then 2 Libras, a Aries/Taurus Cusper and now a Scorpio. I mean what the hell? I've shot all them down. I hear you on the self check part. I'm already there.
Were you talking to me? I don't remember the user name.
Signed Up:
Apr 05, 2011Comments: 0 · Posts: 704 · Topics: 20
You stopped posting just as I joined this site under the user name Awake.