Why are we so dramatic?

This topic was created in the Pisces forum by fishworry on Thursday, November 2, 2006 and has 17 replies.
I 'd like to know is it just me or most pisces are dramatic and insecure emotionally?
Pisces also seem to absorb others feelings. If you aren't up to par they know it and want to "talk about it", YUK. Anyway, I think sensing things and reacting to them goes hand in hand. Pisces seem to worry about what others think, even though others don't pay their bills. Everyone can't be happy all the time.
"I 'd like to know is it just me or most pisces are dramatic and insecure emotionally?"
I was...Now I'm nothing more than a daredevil.
Similar notions, to what haffi said.I not afraid per se.I'll invest and anything, but once, they take things for granted, I have a little method, I like to call going cold turkey.And after that I dont'; feel for the girl anymore, problem solved ! =)
Ahh....so i am not alone....well i am becoming a cold turkey...see what happens. hard to know with a bull who cant commuicate well!
I am trying to be light and chilled....doing things getting busy with school....looking after no.1 i.e me! but find it hard as i am not selfish....but hey one day someone will value a pisces girl they way she needs to be valued.
any tips on how to go become cold turkey?
It is drama season.
I think its an age thing - the older you get the less ou care
You spend an inordinate amount of time concerning yourself with our flaws. If we make you so unhappy why bother with us? Just because your Pisces didn't fulfill your unrealistic ideals doesn't make us all selfish. Considering your previous posts from the past you think altruism is a waste of time and money anyway, so, whose problems are we suppose concern ourselves with then? People need to face up to their own problems in their own way, we just don't feel the need to interfere. Even if we chose to help, the problem still lies with the individual concerned, not us.
Who is really playing the victim here and wrapped up in their own problems?
YourstrulyTaurus is correct. We do have a tendency to absord other's feelings, so we can't overextend ourselves sometimes or we'll end up exhausted and no good to anyone.
I do believe this was a post, targeted at PISCES...I don't know how Brahn come into this.
fishworry, in terms of going cold turkey..just cut off all contact for about 4-5 days, no talking, no texting.Its necessary to make the mutuable fish quality come into play, and get used to the concept of not haaving that person around
"I do believe this was a post, targeted at PISCES...I don't know how Brahn come into this."

It's the only place where he ACTUALLY gets any attention from Pisceans. :-)
Thank you Evo Fish...i will start working on it.
I will disagree with branh0913 as i am in no way selfish....i would go out of my way to help friends and family i care for. and my other half would agree....
I am dramatic...coz i think i have hard time expressing what i truly want....must be due to having number 8...but its frustrating coz i think i have high expectation or i expect to recieve as much as i give but emotionally i have yet to find someone who would understand me like that...even as a mate.
being pisces i feel.....i give too much importance to my love life...infact i feel that my life revolves around my love. if relationship is good....everything in my life is good....and if its bad then nothing is right. My man means a lot to me and i like being loved n be able to love.
I also think i get quite intense or i am not at all into it....there nothing in between.
I fail to understand....i am 24, smart, good looking, rich, got everything going....but my man wont let me love him....i want to be open n not scared to love....dont like games....why cant it be simple?
Is this too much to ask??
Fishworry----dramatic they can be, for better or worse. But pisceans are often HYSTRIONIC---THAT IS, HYSTERICAL, both literally and figuratively. Every Piscean, in its way, seeks fusion with the divine. Think of it as a desire to remain permanently in the GARDEN OF EDEN where there's no sin, no pain, no ugliness, no responsibility, blah, blah, blah. Of course there is no REAL PLACE like this, except in dreams and imagination and myth but pisces will, one way or another, create this space in the mind's eye by wearing the famed rose colored glasses. Pisces WANTS TO FLOAT IN MOMMY'S WOMB WHERE THEY CAN REMAIN UN-BORN AND SAFE FROM THE HOSTILITY OF THE REAL WORLD. And when reality reminds them that this denial is not going to work in the real, objective world, they FREAK OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Positive fish find a way to make this craving for bliss work in the real world. These are you artists, writers, occultists, painters, photopgraphers, etc who get that even the artistic must pay the rent and brush their teeth. The negative fish group is dimly aware that "they don't belong here", try to fit in the harsher side of life and fail miserably. They do this because they don't love what they do and they're "pretending" Being a "pretender" is never fun. This is why our sign is said to hold "saints" and "sinners" with no in-betweens. Pisces is like the ocean. Complete, undifferentiated potential, swirling around, now peaceful, then violent and agitated. The choice?? Being capable of all and knowing it without smugness and arrogance or being lost at sea, so over-talented and able, that you choose nothing!!! Pisces isn't weakness unless it's great gift is not used: We get to do what the other signs don't. We GET TO CREATE OURSELVES from scratch, in accordance with our own designs. The other "stronger" signs just take for granted WHO they are based on parenting and so forth. For many pisceans, weak parenting, that is an influence which neither encourages nor discourages anthing (too casual)this can be turned to awesome benefit. Be empowered fishy, not confused.
I also notice here some suggestion that pisces people, though often said to be caring, sensitive and feeling types, are more concerned about THEIR OWN feelings than those of others. As a fish myself I think this one of negative pisces worst faults and in fact of water signs in general, especially cancer. WATER SIGNS ARE OFTEN SAID TO BE SENSITVE BUT THEY'RE MOSTLY SENSITIVE TO THEIR OWN FEELINGS. I know many pisces people who SHOW NO interest in your problems UNLESS there's some guarantee you'll care of them or take responsibilty for them in some way. Often one never hears from a fish unless they WANT OR NEED something. Many fish are social retards. Actually, I find that fire sign people are the most genuinely sensitive toward others.
I love all the critique of pisces. I feel like I can get caught up in feeling like a victim and it is the thing that brings me my greatest woe. To feel unaccepted and uncared is the worst thing i can imagine. I know i cant always see this and i think i like to find ears in the world to unfurl myself to because i sense there is something i am not very good at being aware of..... myself. i think that is why pisces are said to be selfless.

I dont fully agree....If I care for you I will move mountains to make you happy.....and if I am you friends then you can count on me. This is how people see me.
This is not just about being pisces or water sign....I think to survive in this world you have to look after yourself to an extent....so yes i am sensitive to my feeling and I would never try and hurt anyone...but when i see that person doesnt care or even takes interest in me then whats the point....if its all give give....nothings comes back!!!
I agree with M Ldy I will swim away when I have had enough....I give many chances but after a while its enough...I dont like being used!!! no one does....
And once I am away they come looking and apologising...saying cant be without you. whats that all about? suddenly you care.....ha! I believe ya.
All i am saying is we might be dramatic and emotional.....at least we show we have a heart...air n earth would never even show they feel!
Once again, why are we even entertaining branhn's presence...you continute to obsreve us IN depth alright brahn.With all your opinions on us, you should write an astrology book bout us, seeing as how your the expert lol
I think is all about fear.
Fear of rejection
Fear of not being what people expect
Fear of conflict
Fear of being alone
Fear to make a mistake
Fear to take a chance
and on and on...

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