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Feb 15, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 9826 · Topics: 354
First off;
Taurus will overpower lil Virgo like bull against ant. This will happen even though Taurus is a female. In this kind of relationship, the Taurus will force Virgo to do what they exactly excell in: earn money. But that's only this. They will earn money, because Taurus will force them to do Yeah that's true, Virgo's are nothing more than pussy whipped people. They will get scared off by Taurus at any moment they come into house, eat, phone or even breathe. Anytime they will find a corner to hide from the rest...Bang! Taurus is here! On top of them! Didn't expect that aren't you Mr.Asshole?
Even Taureans speech style will intimidate and disgust the Virgo. Yeah they get disgusted by that, but they are too afraid to leave the place.
The Taurean personality is the one that will take the gun and place russian rulette with you. More than that, they will shoot randomly on you and really have fun with this.
Taureans mouth is pretty filthy. Even the females. And the strange thig is, the more they are the more I like them. Personally I do find this very familiar with myself, but the strangest part is that I don't have any Taurus in my chart...hell...leave that alone...I don't even have earth planets in it.
Poor poor Virgos..very poor.
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Nov 08, 2006Comments: 37 · Posts: 4746 · Topics: 283
...just forgot to say; Taureans can be pretty tough stuff, but they also know when to be gentle, and as a rule, seem to mesh very well with most Pisceans.
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May 04, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 1078 · Topics: 68
Taureans can be pretty tough stuff, but they also know when to be gentle, and as a rule, seem to mesh very well with most Pisceans.
Ha ha ha ha.. now that's really funny. I dated a Taurus for three years and if I hadn't completely blocked those three years out b/c it was such a bad experience, I would probably be able to elaborate more. I think he even enjoyed seeing people cry, wtf. The people that they dislike the most in this life are themselves, and it is for that reason that they treat people so poorly and with such a lack of respect and consideration. Neeevvveerr again!