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Mar 12, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 132 · Topics: 13
I just recently met a Piceses (oops on spelling) man and I've noticed a couple of things about him that sorta bother me.
#1. He called me Sunday asking if I were free and if so could we hook up?....I forgot all about him but he did give me a call back after two hours asking if we were still on....I told him yes and suggested that we meet at a place close to my home. I exlained to him that I would need to go home and change clothes but that wouldnt take very long. We get off the phone, but he calls me right back asking if my friend-girl was with me so that he could bring his guy friend along and we would double-date. The only problem with that is we did that the night before....not to mention prior to him calling me back to inquire about my friend-girls whereabouts, he made a statement that the day would be mine...anything I say, anything I want its all me...right??? WRONG.
#2. So after I explain to him that I didnt want to do another group date, I prefer to get to know him and not his buddy...I told him that it might be best for them two to just hang out this night. He agreed and we hung up the phone...but what happend to all that game bout the day being about me??
#3. After suffering from a painful back ache yesterday, I called off for the first part of the day. He randomly calls me to apologize for the mishap the day before and he explains to me that he would love to see me one on one. Great! I told him that I might have the whole day off and if so I would text him or call him.
#4. I sent him a text regarding us hooking up sometime that day. (He seemed soo interested in us spending time I just knew I could count on him coming through) It took him two hours to respond...and when I didnt answer him right away he sends me a text saying " so you must be busy or somthing"....I was...I responded about 25minutes later and asked if we were still on?
#5. He replies..."just give me a call when you want to see me"...Now Im thinking WTF in my head but I just responded with a "Should we just make plans or just play it by ear?"....he quickly responds...lets play it by ear...
Soooo, Im confused as to how in the hell does he sound so convinced one minute then the next minute he's not sure what he wants to do. I know for sure that he's not used to dealing with an Aqua repsonse to his text was " Lets shoot for next week or after that"...hey I've got family coming in town for the Im going to be busy.
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Jan 31, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 173 · Topics: 10
Pisces tend to be wishy-washy or just flat out flakes
....I flake out alot on people :-\
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Mar 12, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 132 · Topics: 13
Hey, thanks for the replies! Well...I did believe that this guy was interested in me however, his flakyness does need to be addressed. Im just not to sure if I should question him about it or not. Will I sound too much like a B!tch?? It really sounds like he's used to dating women who are alot younger than him and I, and maybe they believe everything that they hear. I for one kinda loose interest in a man after he builds me up only to break me down. Im cant call me at 12pm saying that the day is mine then by 3:30 your not sure, you just want to play it by ear. Not sexy...but me Im very sexy and dont have a problem finding other men...whether they are wishy washy or strictly dependable.....NEXT!
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Oct 18, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 2502 · Topics: 29
"No way, that is a huge pet peeve of mine.."flakyness"
I am consistent and follow through all the time. If say I am coming
I a there"
Starfish, my love, you have to come to grips with the fact that you are a uniquely different type of Pisces. I know, you hate the fact that people tend to generalize and stereotype all Pisces based on well... the stereotype of Pisces.
And it's annoying to you (like me). But there are so many Pisces that do meet that criteria. I think you'll be facing this uphill battle indefinitely.
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Oct 18, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 2502 · Topics: 29
Ah Starfish, you cannot escape the two overall aspects of Pisces that is inherent to your being despite the tough shell: heightened sensitivity and overall caring for others
For without this, I would guess you to be a Sag.
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Feb 19, 2005Comments: 1 · Posts: 4444 · Topics: 44
"I am consistent and follow through all the time. If say I am coming
I a there, If I say I am gonna call I call..IF I can't I am gonna let you know
I can't. And trust me if I don't put forth any effort to do those things I don't like you and thats my way in letting you know so."
DITTO! There's nothing I hate more than unreliable people.
SC with all the confusion, it sounds like to me he may have somehow gotten the idea that you don't really want to hang with him. If I get that vibe from someone and become unsure about how they feel, I leave the ball in their court...and disappear. You said you were getting annoyed with him, and I bet he intuitively picked up on that, and interpreted it as you're not into him.
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Mar 14, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 1083 · Topics: 56
Pisces tend to be wishy-washy or just flat out flakes
....I flake out alot on people :-\
I have this quality too, though I'm not pisces...
but my friends know its no where near personal...