You guys sure do sleep a lot

This topic was created in the Pisces forum by missmorals on Saturday, January 5, 2008 and has 199 replies.
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All the pisces I know sleep sooooo much....what is up with that? guy is always sleeping....the other day he texts to say "morning baby..I have a confession to make" a bit concerned I replied "oh?" and he sent one back saying "I slept for 14 hours..just woke up and it feels great"
What the can anyone sleep so much?!!!
My brother is exactly the same..the house could be falling and he wouldn't realise..
Hahaha .. because we love to dream?

Usually, I sleep little/lightly ... however, if I fall alseep stoned then slumber is extremely heavy and it's hard to wake up.
Does he get high?
LOL..well you see I linked it to the dream thing as well...but surely you can dream at anytime..even if you are awake..I find myself on distant shores at times..whilst I am
Yes he is usually on a high when he has slept loads...he's also very affectionate when he has had his full 16 hour fix..gosh the guy can sleep for England!
Wish I could..I am too restless... I drift in and out of sleep...Light sleeper..
Sounds like you are well...doesn't sleeping too much make you groggy though?
If I sleep more than the needed amount..i.e. 8 back starts hurting and I get a fuzzy head feeling and thats it..bad mood for the rest of the day
I love sleeping! It's an escape. I'm also NOT a morning person. I just love being in bed in general. smile
I always lay in bed to read or watch movies, too.
Yep I love my sleep too lol, and I hate being woken up - unless it's for ahem, fun and frolics! Tongue
Also same as Sea Siren defo NOT a morning person!
I thought I slept a lot, but 14 hours is off the hook.
Well yes it is slightly crazy..I asked him once what he's up to and he replied "in holy matrimony with my bed"...
well I guess it keeps you off the streets Tongue
I guess being a Scorpio explains why I never remember my dreams.
Or perhaps why I don't dream. :o
"Scorpios are in majority insomniacs"
That's not me. I can easily pull an all-nighter and make up for it later. But I do enjoy my z's. I just never remember my dreams.
It's probably something boring and practical... like what I want to get done tomorrow or the next few months. LOL.
I've noticed that, too, Moro. They seem to have sleep disorders often, too. I used to make mine drink Sleepy Time tea and then rub his back so maybe he would sleep better. I felt bad for him. Not getting good sleep is terribly bad for health and stress levels.
SR: "like what I want to get done tomorrow or the next few months. LOL"
That is so true...The mind doesn't rest hence the lack of sleep...But I get enough sleep..and yes usually thinking about what lies ahead...I never remember dreams as well..
My ex-Pisces never could get out of bed before 10 am on the weekends. On the weekdays, she had this rhythm where she fine-tuned her get up routine to be exactly 7 minutes, all so she could stay in bed as long as possible.
Moro whats your strike me as a Gemini or Libra
Hi-5. We're awesome, aren't we?
"Then they rape you since you are too disconcerned about what gonna happen to you and want to sleep only."
We like our prey to fully experience it. Being asleep accomplishes nothing...
I don't remember dreams very often either, actually. On the rare occasion I do, I try to write them down. The ones I remember always turn out to be important in some way.
Some say if you go to sleep asking to remember your dreams, you will.
At weekends I get up really early...wish I could just lie there and do nothing but I can't...mind is buzzing and me need some any the gym it is..once I've got the adrenaline pumping then need to see what I can accomplish in the day...every day is a mission...But having said all that I can be the worlds worst procrastinator
"10 am on the weekends"
:o I rolled out at noon today. smile Actually, I don't get much sleep though the week. I'm a night owl, and have to get up early for work, so I usually average about 5 to six hours on weeknights. When the weekend rolls around I have to catch up.
We like to tenderize our raping you whilst asleep is tenderizing you Tongue
Outcast..I have this weird observation of you...correct me if I am wrong but mostly your English is perfect...but on the odd occasion that I have spoken to seems slightly askewed..are you doing it on purpose?
"Then they rape you since you are too disconcerned about what gonna happen to you and want to sleep only."
No they don't...they start teasing you to wake you up first. Winking
Outcast is a self-hater. He wishes he were Scorpio. He'd be happy even if he were Aries or Taurus.
Nuthin' wrong with being a Fish.
SS: "Some say if you go to sleep asking to remember your dreams, you will."
I will try that one tonight..I swear I don't dream...
My pisces friend says if she dreams of someone getting married, usually one of her friends get married...and that she had this dream the other day...returned after a year..and she thinks it could be me...Hmmmm
The very few times I remember my dream, it's a very anti-climactic one.
Hence, my dreams are boring overall. remind me of me when I was younger..always on the attack...but I have tamed that temper of mine...still escapes from time to time the little bastard..
Haffo/Outcast and I have had it out aaaaaaaages ago..somewhere..not really an argument..just a hearty debate..
"My pisces friend says if she dreams of someone getting married, usually one of her friends get married.."
I often dream that I am back in school and writing a date on my paper. I always write these down in my journal, and every time something significant happens on that date. Problem is, I never know if it's going to be a good thing or a bad thing. : /
I like to target certain individuals, that's for sure.
Haffo is always up for it. Seems to me.
Others whom I sense are very sensitive, I just leave them alone.
Even when I target people, I have a sense of how much they can handle... unless
The male crab, for instance. I knew his tolerance level was low, so I didn't him too hard.
Outcast I admire anyone learning another is not an easy task. I am trying to learn french at the moment...digging out the old Tricolore books from've heard Rosetta Stone language courses are gonna buy some....I want to allure the pisces with a few french
Cancers get on my tits,...always the fuckin victim..I hate victim mentality...well thats the few that I have come across..won't tar them all with the same brush
Cancer. Very emotional. Can handle it from females.
Won't tolerate that drama from a man, any sign. Hence, my only options are to ignore or to attack. Most of the time, i just ignore.
All water signs have emotional surges. We just deal with it differently.
Merci Madamoiselle Winking
Yes I am going to Paris in March hopefully...once my best friend gets her act together..Also going to Scotland to climb the mountains and do some thrill seeking activities..
SR, yeah I hear you. Cannot excuse weakness in a man of any sign. And most water signs are emotional but it really also depends on the houses and all other sun sign being in house 1 apparantly gives me more fire traits..Also depends on the individual..I've seen one scorpio girl who is the epitome of jealous and possessive..My god..can't handle that shit...I am possessive of someone I love..but not to the point of suffocating them...I mix it up..they'll never know
MM, if this Pisces boy fucks up, I will have words with him, because then you will hate all of us, like SR was in the beginning, and I shall be very PUT OUT! Tongue
LOL @ Outcast..I have still got that nobody can touch me attitude at times but I have never once given the impression the world owed me..well at least I didn't intentionally..Ah well.I just don't care enough to rise to the bait anymore..can't be bothered...but thank you for your wishes...he's my big baby and hope it lasts too..He is waaaaaaay too laid he needs some irrate partner to keep him in check Winking
Enjoy the trip to the moon smile
SS, you are just drawn to bad boys. Admit it. Winking
Capricorns are not for you. But if you must, it's my moon sign.
Hehe..don't worry I don't have enough energy on hating anyone..If I started hating due to broken relationships I would hate:
and now pisces no...shit happens..what can ya do
"SS, you are just drawn to bad boys. Admit it."
I freely admit it, but they are bad for ME!
"Capricorns are not for you. But if you must, it's my moon sign."
No wonder I get on well with you. smile
missmo has a clear headsmile
and with it comes the opportunity of cheking out others guys also,from those very signs which your ex's hadTongue
Oh no have a capricorn moon? does that make you earthy and routine? the aries guy I knew had a capricorn moon..he was devoid of any emotion..just could not connect emotionally with him at all..
LOL @ dare you invade my space Tongue
I haven't tried an Aquarian actually...
what brings you over here....
On the exterior, I seem very calm and placid. That's how I want them to perceive me....
I'm kind of ashamed of my rising sign.... I'm keeping that one private.
Is it CANCER? smile
I have too much water in me. I'm ashamed to admit that one of planets are in Pisces, the other in Cancer.
That plus the four Scorpio planets. Omigod, I'm gonna kill myself now.
I thought you were Scorpio rising? why are you ashamed of that..we kick ass..
LOL @ dare you invade my space
I haven't tried an Aquarian actually...
what brings you over here....

i didnt invade,i just walked in,it looked inviting.haahaa. you havent had an aquaman?which is why you still have a clear head i guessTongue
what brings me here? i am on the cusp of pisces,so i officially come on this board on i feel on saturday i am more of a fish than waterbearer
I am not Scorpion rising. :: sulking heavily ::
Besides if I were, I'd be as open as a read book since I'm Scorp deep down too.
I have nearly all in Scorpio..but I have venus in sagi which gives me aloof attitude towards lurve..and also taurus and also Leo midheaven..what significance they have I dunno..but they are there..People mistake me for a fire sign..but I am quite reserved believe it or not..Until I get to know you..muahahhaha
"I'm ashamed to admit that one of planets are in Pisces, the other in Cancer."
Which ones? smile Did you call mom to get your birth time?
I did call mom.
I'm just gonna tell you Pisces => Jupiter.
All that water probably explains why I feel super-intuitive all the time.
Seriously, I feel drenched from a rain storm.

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