I noticed that I'm not afraid of much... you could shoot a gun next to me and I wouldn't flinch... a loud noise might happen and I'll just turn without jumping. A fight could happen and I'll just sit there looking...intrigued but silent and unmoved.
Good or bad thing?
Do they turn you on or off if used together?
Are you ok if your partner uses it while you're away?
Would you date a woman or man who has no interests or individuality of their own.
I'm currently dating a guy who tells me "me too" everytime I share an interest of mine with him. He doesn't mention what his interests are. Even when I ask, he averts th
this tv show is not bad, i just started on the first couple of episodes,
he's a financial advisor and his wife is a stay at home mother/housewife,has two children.
and got caught up in trouble...
So I broke up with my ex girlfriend a year ago and we've been in contact on and off through the year . The last time we were on good terms and working stuff out I had to end it because I needed to make something of myself and become better ( I was in a re
I have mars/venus at 29 pisces 5th square neptune 2 cap and my moon at 29 gemini. Thoughts are appreciated
hello Leos, how are you with consequences? like... that of a big mistake, or getting carried away or getting too angry and hurting someone, or playing with someone's heart and then be busted, etc etc. most Leos I know aren't very good at facing consequenc
Youre all probably out there traveling or something actually fun. but if you happen across this thread go ahead and drop a line. I have never met even a double sag. I'm curious what your guys natal charts look like.
all sag's welcome of course (:
PS i
First and foremost, fellow Virgos, what are your moon, Venus, Mars and ascendant... then what signs have you found to have the best, and worst, relationships with?
For me: Virgo with Aries moon, Virgo Venus, Gemini mars and Scorpio ascendant.