Global Peace Index 2010

This topic was created in the Politics forum by Qbone on Wednesday, August 18, 2010 and has 12 replies.
Top 10 Most Peaceful Countries

1. New Zealand
2. Iceland
3. Japan
4. Austria
5. Norway
6. Ireland, Republic of
7. Denmark
8. Luxembourg
9. Finland
10. Sweden
Top 10 Least Peaceful Countries
140. Congo, Democratic Republic of the
141. Chad
142. Georgia
143. Russian Federation
144. Israel
145. Pakistan
146. Sudan
147. Afghanistan
148. Somalia
149. Iraq

>The information provided above was from the link provided
Japan is peaceful, but don't think they're not plotting.....
*sigh* I so need to move.
Its all an act the fuckin Norway is always planing a war or planing to start a war. I heard they were going to invade Futuna soon
New Zealand HUM I may move there and see if I can stir up some shit
If you do, get me a paua shell, please and thank you. They're so lovely.
Sweden is crazy cheap. You can buy a 4-bed, 2 bath house there for like 50k usd!!!
The downside would be the winters and the isolation but if you like snow and periods of isolation, AWESOME!
I'd put on a hot kettle, bake bread and snuggle in front of a fire. Isolation sounds about all of amazing.
Then you should consider retiring to Sweden. Let me see if I can find this international real estate site. I swear if I had at least one person to tag along I would so totally go for it. However I do fear that one or both of us would reenact the shining. I'm not sure if I'd rather be jack or "tony" though.
LOL Nahhhh. I'd see that glint in your eye and think "My, what a FANTASTIC time to build a snowman."
*forgot to post the direct link.
Sorry to hijack your thread Q but it's not like you gave it legs.
The site is

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