Lies, again??

This topic was created in the Politics forum by Qbone on Tuesday, May 3, 2011 and has 37 replies.

Winston Churchill rightly explained that
Lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on." He said it perhaps before television. For sure before 24-hour cable TV and modern technology instantly communicating globally.??

It applies to Obama's latest lie, announced at 11:35PM EDT on bin Laden, saying:

"Tonight, I can report to the American people and to the world that the United States has conducted an operation that killed Osama bin Laden, the leader of al Qaeda, and a terrorist who's responsible for the murder of thousands of innocent men, women, and children."

Did he mention that who is responsible for the death of millions of innocent people in war on terror, property damage and displacing people in huge crowd..??

Fucking Americans??_
Justice is about bringing people to trial for crimes they have committed, not targeted assassinations.
What is behind this show..?? only god knows.
Osama bin Laden's Useful Death
By Paul Craig Roberts
In a propaganda piece reeking of US Triumphalism, two alleged journalists, Adam Goldman and Chris Brummitt, of the Associated Press or, rather, of the White House Ministry of Truth, write, or copy off a White House or CIA press release that "Osama bin Laden, the terror mastermind killed by Navy SEALs in an intense firefight, was hunted down based on information first gleaned years ago (emphasis added) from detainees at secret CIA prison sites in Eastern Europe, officials disclosed Monday."

How many Americans will notice that the first paragraph of the "report" justifies CIA prisons and torture? Without secret prisons and torture "the terror mastermind" would still be running free, despite having died from renal failure in 2001.

How many Americans will have the wits to wonder why the "terror mastermind" who defeated not merely the CIA and the FBI, but all 16 US intelligence agencies along with Israel's Mossad and the intelligence services of NATO, who defeated NORAD, the National Security Council, the Pentagon and Joint Chiefs of Staff, the US Air Force, and Air Traffic Control, who caused security procedures to fail four times in US airports in one hour on the same day, who caused the state-of-the-art Pentagon air defenses to fail, and who managed to fly three airliners into three buildings with pilots who did not know how to fly has not pulled off any other attack in almost ten years? Do Americans really believe that a government's security system that can so totally fail when confronted with a few Saudi Arabians with box cutters can renew itself to perfection overnight?
How many Americans will notice the resurrection of the long missing bin Laden as "terror mastermind" after his displacement by Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the Guantanamo prisoner who confessed to being the "mastermind of 9/11" after being water-boarded 183 times?

Americans are too busy celebrating to think, a capability that seems to have been taken out of their education.

Americans are so enthralled over the death of bin Laden that they do not wonder why information gleamed years ago would take so long to locate a person who was allegedly living in a million-dollar building equipped with all the latest communication equipment next to the Pakistani Military Academy. Allegedly, the "most wanted criminal" was not moving from hide-out to hide-out in desolate mountains, but ensconced in luxury quarters in broad daylight. Nevertheless, despite his obvious location, it took the CIA years to find him after claiming to have gained information of his whereabouts out of captives in secret prisons. This is the image of the CIA as the new Keystone Cops.

In an immediate follow-up to the announcement that the Navy SEALs and CIA mercenaries acted in an exemplary fashion following the rules of engagement while a cowardly bin Laden hid behind a woman shield when the gunfire erupted, we have from the pressitutes that "U.S. officials conceded the risk of renewed attack. The terrorists almost certainly will attempt to avenge bin Laden's death, CIA Director Leon Panetta wrote in a memo. . . . Within a few hours, the Department of Homeland Security warned that bin Laden's death was likely to provide motivation for attacks from 'homegrown violent extremists'."

John Brennan, White House counter-terrorism adviser, told reporters that "it was inconceivable that the terrorist fugitive didn't have support in Pakistan where his hideout had been custom built six years ago in a city with a heavy military presence."

So the claimed murder of bin Laden by the US in a sovereign foreign country with which the US is not at war, a crime under international law, has set up three more self-serving possibilities:

Terrorists will avenge bin Laden's death, says the CIA, setting up another false flag attack to keep the profits flowing into the military/security complex and the power flowing into the unaccountable CIA. Homeland Security can extend the domestic police state, abuse of travelers, and arrests of war protestors. And Pakistan is under the gun of invasion and takeover (for India, of course) for shielding bin Laden.

The Israel Lobby's representatives in the US Congress quickly fell in with the agenda. Senator Carl Levin, Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, declared that the Pakistani Army and intelligence agency "have a lot of questions to answer, given the location, the length of time and the apparent fact that this was actually this facility was actually build for bin Laden, and its closeness to the central location of the Pakistani army."

The two reporters question nothing in the government's propaganda. Instead, the reporters join in the celebration. Nevertheless they let slip that "officials were weighing the release of at least one photo taken of bin Laden's body as part of what Brennan called an effort to make sure 'nobody has any basis to try and deny the death.'"

As the Guardian and European newspapers have revealed, the photo of the dead bin Laden is a fake. As the alleged body has been dumped into the ocean, nothing remains but the word of the US government, which lied about Iraqi weapons of mass destruction and al Qaeda connections, about yellowcake, about Iranian nukes, and, according to thousands of experts, about 9/11. Suddenly the government is telling us the truth about bin Laden's death? If you believe that, I have a bridge in Brooklyn that I'll let you have for a good price.

My initial interpretation of the faked bin Laden death was that Obama needed closure of the Afghan war and occupation in order to deal with the US budget deficit. Subsequent statements from Obama regime officials suggest that the agenda might be to give Americans a piece of war victory in order to boost their lagging enthusiasm. The military/security complex will become richer and more powerful, and Americans will be rewarded with vicarious pleasure in victory over enemies.

Copyright ?? 2011 Paul Craig Roberts
One thing that stood out to me was the Navy Seal's statement that the wife of Osama was shot in the leg when she "lunged" at them, and then he quickly shot Osama in the head as he was a threat because he was resistant...but how was he (a threat that is) without a weapon in his hand?
Are Navy Seals not highly trained to engage and "deal with" persons who are a threat...especially ones with weapons?
Initially it was stated that the objective was to go in and bring him out alive, but now he is dead because he was a threat? How? If it was a "kill mission" from the start, then why not just say that? (rhetorical)
Just a thought.
this...and one of note dies or not "accidentally"
Well I don??t know about it; don??t even want to know about it

But IF and WHEN a nuke attack goes up in US soil don??t blame it on the ???imaginary terrorist groups like the previous one??, blame it on US administration and CIA.
They have already stated ??? the imaginary terrorist group?? that they will unleash nuke war if bin laden is dead ???again the imaginary character??.
Osama bin Laden's Second Death
By Paul Craig Roberts
This morning's headline has the odor of a staged event. The smell reeks from the triumphalist news reports loaded with exaggerations, from celebrants waving flags and chanting "USA USA." Could something else be going on?

If today were April 1 and not May 2, we could dismiss as an April fool's joke this morning's headline that Osama bin Laden was killed in a firefight in Pakistan and quickly buried at sea. As it is, we must take it as more evidence that the US government has unlimited belief in the gullibility of Americans.

Think about it. What are the chances that a person allegedly suffering from kidney disease and requiring dialysis and, in addition, afflicted with diabetes and low blood pressure, survived in mountain hideaways for a decade? If bin Laden was able to acquire dialysis equipment and medical care that his condition required, would not the shipment of dialysis equipment point to his location? Why did it take ten years to find him?

Consider also the claims, repeated by a triumphalist US media celebrating bin Laden's death, that "bin Laden used his millions to bankroll terrorist training camps in Sudan, the Philippines, and Afghanistan, sending 'holy warriors' to foment revolution and fight with fundamentalist Muslim forces across North Africa, in Chechnya, Tajikistan and Bosnia."

That's a lot of activity for mere millions to bankroll (perhaps the US should have put him in charge of the Pentagon), but the main question is: how was bin Laden able to move his money about? What banking system was helping him? The US government succeeds in seizing the assets of people and of entire countries, Libya being the most recent. Why not bin Laden's? Was he carrying around with him $ 100 million dollars in gold coins and sending emissaries to distribute payments to his far-flung operations?

This morning's headline has the odor of a staged event. The smell reeks from the triumphalist news reports loaded with exaggerations, from celebrants waving flags and chanting "USA USA." Could something else be going on?

No doubt President Obama is in desperate need of a victory. He committed the fool's error of restarting the war in Afghanistan, and now after a decade of fighting the US faces stalemate, if not defeat. The wars of the Bush/Obama regimes have bankrupted the US, leaving huge deficits and a declining dollar in their wake. And re-election time is approaching.

The various lies and deceptions, such as "weapons of mass destruction," of the last several administrations had terrible consequences for the US and the world. But not all deceptions are the same. Remember, the entire reason for invading Afghanistan in the first place was to get bin Laden. Now that President Obama has declared bin Laden to have been shot in the head by US special forces operating in an independent country and buried at sea, there is no reason for continuing the war.

Perhaps the precipitous decline in the US dollar in foreign exchange markets has forced some real budget reductions, which can only come from stopping the open-ended wars. Until the decline of the dollar reached the breaking point, Osama bin Laden, who many experts believe to have been dead for years, was a useful bogyman to use to feed the profits of the US military/security complex.

And this...
What could they be watching here?
Surely a mock invasion of the compound could not invoke such expressions...especially the ones on Obama/Hillary?
Afterall, movies make us cry, laugh, etc. all the time. Perhaps James Cameron was in the room directing.
And I'm NOT being sarcastic. Just wondering WTF is going on.
Wag the dog, I am guessing that you were too young to watch and understand the movie at that time.
Get it.
Oh, looks interesting. I'll check it out. Thanks.
On the evening of May 1, 2011, President Barack Obama declared that the CIA, on his personal order, successfully killed Al-Qaeda ???mastermind?? Osama bin Laden. In a conveniently scheduled Sunday evening telecast, Obama shamelessly wielded tired lies and 9/11 propaganda, while congratulating himself and the CIA. In classic lying George W. Bush fashion, Obama announced ???mission accomplished??.
Obama has pronounced Osama bin Laden to be dead. But according to historical facts and extensive documented evidence, he may never have been alive in the way that the official propaganda has portrayed him. Or alive at all.
Osama bin Laden has been a CIA asset in reality, and a propaganda boogeyman in official fiction.
The official Osama bin Laden narrative, along with ???Islamic terrorism?? and Al-Qaeda, is a CIA military-intelligence fabrication designed to provide a pretext for an eternal global war agenda, and to provide an ongoing propaganda pretext for the ???war on terrorism??.
The ???Militant Islamic Network??, including bin Laden himself, has been, since the Cold War a intelligence network that has been ???run?? on behalf of Anglo-American interests.
The attack of 9/11 was a false flag operation, planned and carried out by Anglo-American intelligence assets, blamed on ???Al-Qaeda??, despite no credible supporting evidence.
On the other hand, evidence abounds concerning the manipulation of terror assets, including bin Laden, by the CIA. This milieu was thoroughly examined by Mike Ruppert in Crossing the Rubicon, in which he concluded:
???Given the degree of documented intelligence penetration of al Qaeda; the fact that Osama bin Laden had been a CIA asset during the first Afghan conflict against the Soviets; the fact that a number of the so-called hijackers and/or al Qaeda members had been trained in CIA training camps in Chechnya; had fought in CIA/US-sponsored guerrilla conflicts (e.g. in Kosovo with the KLA in 2000), or had received military training at US installations; given all that, it is reasonable to assume that one or more top al Qaeda officials were in fact double or triple agents??_??
Based upon what is known about successful intelligence penetrations for years prior to the attacks of 9/11, Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda could not have sneezed without the CIA or the NSA knowing about it.??
The assertion that bin Laden??s whereabouts have been unknown, that he could have eluded detection for a decade (including the ???he??s hiding in caves along the Afghanistan/Pakistan border?? and other such fables) was debunked years ago. According to a November 2003 Reuters report, bin Laden was received kidney dialysis in a US military hospital in Dubai two months before the 9/11 attacks, and again on September 10, 2001, according to Pakistani intelligence. These and other reports support the conclusion that Osama bin Laden was not only a CIA asset (one whose whereabouts were more than known), but one who was deathly ill. Other reports over the years suggest that the ???mastermind?? may have certainly died at some point, even while his image continued to be used incessantly to keep the ???war on terrorism?? alive.
President Obama??s lying before the cameras was as shameless as the clumsiness of the mainstream corporate media dance surrounding it. At the same time Obama stated in his speech that the killing of bin Laden had taken place ???tonight?? in a mountain hideout in Pakistan, various reporters on competing networks, citing multiple sources, contradicted Obama, stating that bin Laden was killed a week ago in a firefight near Islamabad, and that bin Laden??s body had been tested for DNA ever since. This conflict alone raises enough doubt to throw this new official story into the question. In the coming days, there will undoubtedly be more holes revealed
Seasoned observers have said for years that Osama bin Laden---the mythic figure--- would elude capture as long as the Anglo-American elites needed to continue the current course of war in the Middle East and Central Asia. He would never be captured, absolutely never be put on trial, and would not be ???killed?? unless political expediency demanded it. The elites, for various reasons, have chosen this hour to end this tired and overused trump card.
The ???successful kill?? of bin Laden comes at a convenient time. Obama??s popularity has plummeted. His political opponents are threatening to unseat him in 2012. The continued US presence in the Middle East and support for the ???war on terrorism?? is fragile, weakened by popular protests, and ambivalence among Americans.
The ???war on terrorism?? narrative, the continuing world war done in its name, will never end. It is clear, however, that some change in course is in the works; at the very least, a tactical shift.
In the meantime, Barack Obama can now claim to have ???finished the job?? in Afghanistan, just as he promised to do when elected, and declare himself to be a champion anti-terrorist, a ???take-charge?? military leader and bastion of justice who has avenged 9/11. Obama will ride this hard for his re-election campaign.
In response to Obama??s victory speech, crowds (of unknown origin) gathered outside the White House chanting ???U.S.A.??. Whether this spectacle was staged or genuine is not known. What is known is that the vast majority of the American public remains oblivious to the fact that their own government, Bush/Cheney and Obama administrations alike, have never stopped lying to them about 9/11, the ???war on terrorism??, or Osama bin Laden.
On this night, Obama repeated The Big Lie, the biggest one of all.
Is O.B. dead
I think not story doesn't hold up
why dump him in the water
who gives a shit if he is put to rest in a humane way
They got him hold up some where
so they can spend time working him over.
Hopeing to get more out of him.
Then they can kill him and do away with the body.
I always thought you had him one of your back bedrooms Q
I am still wondering why they dump his body to the ocean right after they shot him. Abbottabad is the place he was killed 100 kilometres north of Islamabad and there are no oceans around.
Why they were so hasty to get rid of his body in that way..??
"Why they were so hasty to get rid of his body in that way..??"
Because they didn't kill Osama. They killed make belive Osama. The real one is dead long ago. Killing fake Osama, means more new violence are brewing. And new boogyman is average American Citizen. You will see how they gonna treat "homwgrown terrorists" now. Fema camps anyone? Forced workforce anyone? Sterilization anyone?
You people haven't seen anything yet.
I don't think they dumped it. he is ither alive or on a slab somewhere.
Im not entirely convinced that he's dead. I cant put my finger/paw on it but something just doesnt sound right !!!
Posted by MaskedVigilante
"Why they were so hasty to get rid of his body in that way..??"
Because they didn't kill Osama. They killed make belive Osama. The real one is dead long ago. Killing fake Osama, means more new violence are brewing. And new boogyman is average American Citizen. You will see how they gonna treat "homwgrown terrorists" now. Fema camps anyone? Forced workforce anyone? Sterilization anyone?
You people haven't seen anything yet.

Finally! Someone who knows what's up!! Let's not even get into the brand new FEMA camps. Google American concentration camps. Also, the Patriot act states that under a terror attack the U.S. constitution will be suspended and the country will be under Military dictatorship. But, nobody cares. When you hear a knock at your door, don't be surprised if the people in uniform are speaking Mandarin. Just sayin.
wow...what a bunch of loons you people are
Takes one to know one. Winking
Geronimoooooooooooo! Couldn't help myself. Back to your regularly scheduled programming.
@ MrQBone :not much connected with the topic but...
have my condolences in the memory of all that will not meet again the Sun in Norway
may they rest in peace!
Hope the truth about this will be revealed
I am sure Q will find a connection with M5 and CIA
quo vadis?

Off topic but thanks for your support..
Posted by james tate
I am sure Q will find a connection with M5 and CIA

It is always about CIA and MI6??_. Poetically you call it MI5
Get real babe-??_.
your right nutter I missed the 1.
its time you woke up to the fact that every religion has its group of nutters
If we could round them all up put them in a room and let them kill each outher off the world would be a better place
It??s about the time you woke up JT...
Religion is the main tool for those agencies, why would they get rid of them..? Thats not going to happen not this generations.. not a hundreds of generations later.