So I came across something pretty scary the other day. We all know that both Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro are two of the most evil Dictators in the world today, so I decided to look at when they were born, and what did I find? They were both born under the sign "Leo"
Now I also found this little tidbit about the Negative Traits of a "Leo", it sounds frightening, yet familiar...
"You can become conceited and self-centered. You know how great you are and you don??t like it when other people usurp your position in the spotlight. From being a gracious leader, you can become an arrogant dictator who fails to consider the feelings or views of those around you. You hog the limelight but might fail to consider how much it would boost other people??s egos to give them a taste of success. You might sulk when your worth isn??t recognized immediately. You enjoy being in the public eye and will do anything for attention."
Uh Oh. Now I know that there aren't any other signs in the zodiac that have this specific negative trait, only those arrogant, power hungry Leo's.
So anyway, we all know that Barack Obama is also a "Leo", and we all know that he's slowly becoming a Dictator. He's been doing his best lately to eliminate his critics. He can't stand criticism and he always has his dogs (the mainstream media) attack his critics in a way to discredit them and demonize them. That is the act of a Dictator. That's exactly the same thing that Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro do.
George W. Bush never did this. He was the most "picked on" President in recent history. He took it on the chin and never attacked back. But Obama on the other hand wants so badly to protect the positive image that he and the mainstream media have brainwashed Americans with, and he doesn't want them to know the TRUTH about him until after everything has been destroyed.
The guy will soon become a Dictator. He will make sure that any voice that criticizes him or his politics will be gone after and shot down. Hell, he'll probably even manage to try and eliminate "Term Limits" like his other socialist buddy President Franklin D. Roosevelt, that way he can be President (Dictator) for as long as he wants.
Just remember...Barack Obama, Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro are ALL Leo's...
Signed Up:
Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 13612 · Topics: 756
My lady lover is also a Leo, what are you try to accomplish here?
This asshole motherfucker GWB should be in the international court of law ASAP for his actions and crime against the humanity and you want to clear his path..?
No super terrorist would ever dream of the destruction he brought in into America the way he did.
US predident??_LOL!
Signed Up:
Nov 08, 2006Comments: 37 · Posts: 4746 · Topics: 283
Some interesting points about the other leaders (GWB had Leo rising, btw); however, i believe Obama to be at the other end of the zodiac spectrum, and so far has shown highly positive "leoine" traits. He's sincere, warm-hearted, elegant and dignified, an excellent communicator, organizer, idealist. He's extremely serious and dedicated to his countries welfare and knows he is the "people's" servant first, as he himself has stated. I like how he openly shares his ideas, values and hopes for the future on a "daily" basis. He's not a elusive President in hiding either, as many leaders seem to assume once elected. Most importantly, he knows talk is cheap and it's what you actually "do and accomplish" that really matters. I can also see him growing with time, gaining more and more experience and wisdom. He assumes and accepts great responsibility from day one. I see him as a very concerned, vocal, sharing President. (in-short, his critics will not slow him either, he has other more important fish to fry. Just because a critic or pundant speaks does not in any way mean they are right. Nobody escapes life without critics.)
btw, great leaders also need equally great and "responsible" people behind them to further support, have faith and give more than a few months or years to get the country out of the hell-hole it finds itself in. Which at best will always be a work in-progress.. *anywayz, just my 2 sense.
Signed Up:
May 03, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 198 · Topics: 12
Just call it what it is for crying out loud....The Choosen One is a narcissist...he didn't actually think he would get elected but did because most american's who call themselves democrats don't know why they're democrats and don't know what it means. He's so far in over his head it's just downright sad - hopefully after a year or so of this lunacy he'll do us all a favor and resign.
Signed Up:
Mar 18, 2006Comments: 2 · Posts: 23862 · Topics: 499
LOL!!!!! @ Happy and Run! I love how people pass judgement left and right but THEY were in that position, they'd be screaming at the top of their lungs in a corner somewhere. He's the man for the job people, so put your pants back on and call it a day, it is what it is. Stop whining!!!! Bitching and moaning, for crying outside ways ...
The man is not dictator, but he's the law

The fact that you even mension resigning Run ... is funny ..., I'm sorry I usually don't strike someone else's opinion but resigning, really??? Whatever dude, you can't be serious LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Obama and 'resigning' is just like piss and cupcakes -- THEY DON'T GO TOGETHER.
Resigning ... the nerve of you. I turn my nose up a that comment
Anyway, as for Obama, what a great man he will be
I love a man who lays down the law!!!!!

LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT!!! He needs to be as sweet as pie to his wife and children but lay down the law with everyone else.
I wish he'd actually say it, in one of his news conferences I mean. He needs to say, "I AM THE LAW". That would give me gooses bumps

If you two have a problem with him as problem then you'd hate me as president, I'd be much worse. Across the front yard of the white house would read, "I AM THE LAW" Just in case people forget who I am. Signed Up:
Mar 18, 2006Comments: 2 · Posts: 23862 · Topics: 499
lol, I'm in a spirted mood this morning 
Maybe I should run for president in a few years hmmm.
If you all hate Obama then you wouldn't be able to take me. LOL!!!!! I'd put every single person on notice as to who runs this country. Signed Up:
May 03, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 198 · Topics: 12
The Law??? You say he's the law...really? I don't even know where to start with that one. The President is NOT the law...the Constitution to which he is to uphold, is "the law".
He's worse than a dictator, he's a marxist. I don't HATE Obama, I don't know him personally. I HATE his policies, I HATE what he's doing and what he's going to do to this country. Plain and simple. For the record...I'm not whining. I never whine; don't need to.
I stand by what I would be best if he did us all a lot of heartache.
Signed Up:
Mar 18, 2006Comments: 2 · Posts: 23862 · Topics: 499
The Law??? You say he's the law...really? I don't even know where to start with that one. The President is NOT the law...the Constitution to which he is to uphold, is "the law".
Things are not the way it use to be dude, no one pays attention to the 'constitution' unless its some type of legal drama going on. This is a good thing because the constitution is in a serious need of an update. Too much has changed since that was written, some of the stuff on that document I have to raise my eyebrow to it
like this: ._^
He's worse than a dictator, he's a marxist.
?????? Dude please! You and I have totally different opinions I see. The fact that it hasn't been 100 days yet and you think the man needs to "resign" (LMAO!!!!) is questionable. However, if thats your opinion, than its cool. Obama is just getting warmed up. I must admit, I would LOVE to be president one day. Obama has nothing on what I'd do ^_^.
I would not be as nice as he's being. No way -- lol, seeing as I'm a capricorn, I would get the job done and repeat, "I AM THE LAW" to anyone who doesn't like it 
If Obama taps into that Taurus moon of his, he'll be able to say too. He must channel that darm moon of his.
Anyway, Obama, in so many words, Obama doing just fine and any mistakes made, he can and will learn from them. And thats what he needs to do.
*cheers* Signed Up:
Mar 18, 2006Comments: 2 · Posts: 23862 · Topics: 499
But its refreshing to see an opposite opinion thats not mean-spirited
Its totally fine to be nit-picky but keeping it light is totally cool for a capricorn girl like me ^_^.
I don't mind. I think we can agree to disagree
But yes, I do completely.totally.absoluately.wholeheartedly disagree with you lol Signed Up:
May 03, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 198 · Topics: 12
Cappy: Agree then to disagree.
My little girl is a cappy...stubborn, hard headed smart little things you are. Doesn't mix too well with an Aries mom on most days - but she's taught me a lot.
"I love a man who lays down the law!!!!!"
cappy your an idiot. You were probably hitler in your past life... Wait that would give you too much credit... I wish you a jew being tortured and beheaded by radical Muslim in your next one! SMILE< applause...
Hey I have an idea! Why dont you go live in a country where you have no rights, you dont belong in America.
THE PEOPLE ARE SUPPOSED TO BE IN CHARGE OF THE GOVERNMENT NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND. hey I have an Idea, why dont you read the constitution of the united states of america you dumb broad? or just go watch the liberal media report about Paris Hilton and the latest trend and be happy.
I think backstabbing communist AAAholes like you should be banished to a communist country like the Republic of Cuba where you try to speak your mind.... then youll know what its like to have a man who lays down the law... I bet you would love and appreciate america and what it stands for then? But YOU wouldnt Put yourself in that position you are too self absorbed to understand there are problems out there bigger than you and your armani wearing president.
Please, Find the nearest constitution and read it, or get out of the US.... I am sure I can get enough people to chip in on a plane ticket to republic of cuba for you where you love the man who lays down the law.
cappy, girls like you make the rest of us girls look dumb. I dont appreciate it. seriously take it to the chatsite where they talk about the latest fashion trend and whos treetrunking who in america then you might look smart. lol.
Signed Up:
Jul 30, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 6247 · Topics: 51
don't most politicians have dictatorship tendencies? kind of a prerequisite to stick by your policies through thick and thin...
Yea, but that's in theory and still a dream... mmmm.... dreamland....
Zen I dont see you posting your personal opinions anywhere, at least cappy and I have the balls to post an opinion. What Do you Believe in my friend???
Yea, people suck and they always will, i wish we were all something better, yada yada yada, but we were a whole hell of alot better off without obama and the scumsucking leaches we "elected"
Yea, but that's in theory and still a dream... mmmm.... dreamland...."
do you belive in nothingness?hmm, I guess its your right through freedom of speech and religion. Aint that a female dog its your right cause you live in america..... WHAT IS YOUR POINT?
"stupid people are never happy, lets female dog cause other people are female doging" was that your point cause thats how it came across????
Signed Up:
Jul 30, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 6247 · Topics: 51
Zen I dont see you posting your personal opinions anywhere, at least cappy and I have the balls to post an opinion. What Do you Believe in my friend???
oh zen has no balls, let's get that out of the way for future reference.
what zen believes in is reserved for when they can actually make a difference or real contribution, till then, let's talk about angeleyes and her wealth of wisdom instead, shall we?
so erm, hi... is angeleyes a scorpio? got you some mars influence that causes the militant doctrinairism?
"oh zen has no balls, let's get that out of the way for future reference.
what zen believes in is reserved for when they can actually make a difference or real contribution, till then, let's talk about angeleyes and her wealth of wisdom instead, shall we?"
Im still waiting...drummroll please, lol. What was the Point you are trying to make zen, you havent one. At least cappy and I do different as they might be. What is your contribution? please enlighten me enlightened one.
Still you have no balls and still you have no point.
"""got you some mars influence that causes the militant doctrinairism?"""
me believing in the constitution this country was founded on makes me militant? If so then so be it.
Signed Up:
Jul 30, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 6247 · Topics: 51
good for you!
thanks for proving my point, next time do it sooner.
Signed Up:
Mar 18, 2006Comments: 2 · Posts: 23862 · Topics: 499
Posted by angeleyes
"I love a man who lays down the law!!!!!"
cappy your an idiot. You were probably hitler in your past life... Wait that would give you too much credit... I wish you a jew being tortured and beheaded by radical Muslim in your next one! SMILE
WHOA! I was mostly kidding, but if you insist on being an ass ...
First: where in the HELL do you get off calling me an idoit for stating my opinion? The nerve of you
Second: Who in the blue hell are you? Did you come from the black sea or what? I mean lol, you are totally NOT familiar but you seem to know me, hmmmm.
Look AngelFace, I have a right to my opinion just like you do. If you don't like, then don't read it. If you want to read it anyway, then just deal with my words, I'm not changing them just because to suit you.
Oh, and I rather be self-absorbed than some know-it-all who actually believes all that she states. Give me a break with that 'liberal media' bullshit honey, its getting boring for heaven's sake! Can't you all come up with another excuse? lol, I mean seriously, the media gets blamed for everything. If there was no media and there were people who believed differently, then what? I guess ther're just bad seeds right? hahaha, whatever.
Posted by Deivil_Reloaded
Hmmm...let's see: he didn't dissolve the patriot act, he hasn't got a plan to get out quick the soldiers from iraq, + 30000 more troops to afganistan, he doesn't have a technocrat in the team(they are all wallstreet corporate ass kissers), he wants another plan to inject a few hundred trillion dollars into the banks(why don't they buy the mortgages from the banks and let the people to stay in the houses for low rent with contract. That would be a good anti crisis measure cuz the people got the house and the bank get's the money, it's peoples money anyway, since "death and taxes").
Obama is not a dictator, he's just a puppet. We have world wide bank dictatorship. I was born under the hardest communist regime in Europe, an I know how it works.20 years ago we made a revolution to overthrow the communist party, and since then we had a very "liberal" society.Truth is nothing changed, as I only have the freedom to chose what I BUY. They have the power to make you do whatever they want(see the patriot act). But they don't use it...YET!
Couldn't agree more!!Signed Up:
Mar 18, 2006Comments: 2 · Posts: 23862 · Topics: 499
Posted by angeleyes
cappy, girls like you make the rest of us girls look dumb. I dont appreciate it. seriously take it to the chatsite where they talk about the latest fashion trend and whos treetrunking who in america then you might look smart. lol.
The fact that you think I make you all the other "girls" (LOL!!! nice) look dumb is irrelvant, I don't care what you do or don't appreciate HAHAHA!!!
LOL @ this girl, who are you again?
LOL! The fact that you think fashion is unimportant is laughable to say the least. Your phrase above me shows that you have alot to say but alot to learn as well.
Grow alittle more before you start questioning my intelligence. Maybe then you won't take yourself too seriously.
Signed Up:
Mar 18, 2006Comments: 2 · Posts: 23862 · Topics: 499
We have world wide bank dictatorship.
EXACTLY. I couldn't agree more
Where are you from Deivil? Signed Up:
Mar 18, 2006Comments: 2 · Posts: 23862 · Topics: 499
lol, I think I was done with AngelFace before I started but I just had to give my opinion on all that sillness, the nerve of her.
I do have one more thing to say, just because I feel like saying:
hahaha, I love DK, he's great 
"lol, I think I was done with AngelFace (nice spin on the name!) before I started but I just had to give my opinion on all that sillness, the nerve of her."
Laugh it off sweetheart thats right, thats what a person who was hung with her own words would do....
I dont think many people on this post care about your opinion on my response to your ignorance and donkeyness and maybe they dont care about my post either. I was responding to you, not for other people, but for my satisfaction....of course your going to disagree with me calling you an idiot. I wouldnt expect less But still your an idiot. And maybe you dont make all the other girls look dumb, lord knows there are alot of girls out there that are alot more dumb than you. I Should have Said You make girls with common sense and decent morals, look dumb. Thanks for catching that error of mine, I owe you one ;P Have a good day sweetcheeks, why dont you go enjoy a fashion show or something... better yet, why dont you stick around the politics posts and read all the opinions carefully, you might learn something.
"I AM THE LAW!!!!!"
One more thing... God forbid an ignorant person like you ever become "the law"...(oh wait, I forgot Obama was in office for a second, I utterly Dislike that man!) As I said early why dont you go check out a communist country and dare to speak out, then you might appreciate what America and the constitution are really about.
Maybey I shouldnt have responded to you, I dont even think YOU get what you are saying. So I may have made another mistake, thanks again for pointing that out, your not an idiot, your just ignorant and I should just pity you instead of calling you names.
I agree with the part about Obama just being a puppet, but he is still a very big problem... He is ready and willing to 'lay down the law' for the corrupt government he is working for. He is the public soothsayer, alot of people buy in to his smooth words and "cures for america" He is a very, very good speaker with very, very bad intentions or rather he is ready and willing to carry out the bad intentions of the people that are giving him the payout.
I would much rather live in a government and society like we (america) had in the 50s and 60s, with a conservative view.When the people were in charge of the government instead of the other way around... Yes, there were still problems in the 50s 60s and 70s with corrupt government, but not like we have today it has reached a whole new point and the pots about to boil over.
Signed Up:
Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 13612 · Topics: 756
You stupid delude Americans..
Before you hang Obama, hang the mother fuckers GWB first??_!
What you are experience NOW is the tsunami of GWB??_ not the Obama..!
Signed Up:
Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 13612 · Topics: 756
Like I said it before??_ numerous times??_.
How stupid you can be to tolerate of 8years of GWB regime and be silent about it, but can not tolerate of simple 90 days of Obama ..??
You all are STUPID??_.!
"You stupid delude Americans..
"""Before you hang Obama, hang the mother fuckers GWB first??_!
What you are experience NOW is the tsunami of GWB??_ not the Obama..!
so, gwb is still in office? hmmm, I dont think so. Obama is far beyond the problem bush was.... Bush was a fly in the ointment, Obama is a wasp about to sting america and the world in the ass repeatedly. You may think that it doesnt really affect you since you live in Norway but it will(hey i rhymed
)... With the inflation and printing of american dollars like its candy, its going to get you and the rest of the world too. Its already started. why dont you look up what inflation in america will do to the world, maybe you wouldnt be so inclined to kiss obamas ass... with all the extra bail out packages and spending obama is doing, it wont take long for america and the rest of the world fall apart.
Bush had half the spending obama did in 20 times the amount of time, yet bush was considered a dumb donkey for spending too much.
Obama is spending us all into huge debts that we will Never be able to repay, hes going to cause hyper inflation and americas going to be the first to fall, but we will drag most of the world down with us. And alot of people still think obamas the greatest thing since sliced bread because he is a good speaker and has alot of charisma....Just because hes a good speaker doesnt mean he has good intentions. People like you should do a little REAL reading on Obama and his cabinet, before you blame bush for everything. sure, its not all Obama, hes getting some kind of payout (whether it be popularity or money, or even his life) to carry out all of the things hes doing... Its the US govnt. as a whole right now. I dont believe things will change till theres a civil war in america.
Signed Up:
Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 13612 · Topics: 756
Really babe...
You are drunk again..??? (Check backs your pervious posts asshole).
What are you experiencing NOW is the consequence of GWB policies??_ nothing more nothing less.
Did he belong to GOP??_? Ooops??_ ohh my..!
Signed Up:
Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 13612 · Topics: 756
Obama is spending us all into huge debts
As far as I know it was 10,5 trillions in GWB time.. are you going to held Obama for that..??
Signed Up:
Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 13612 · Topics: 756
You silly americans need to wake up..
If not..?
That??s the funny part??_
"What are you experiencing NOW is the consequence of GWB policies??_ nothing more nothing less.
Did he belong to GOP??_? Ooops??_ ohh my..!"""
Belive what youd like you havent much of a brain so theres no point in trying to explain to you. "its all bush" blah blah blah. Thats pretty much all you have to say. next time you respond make it intelligent, oh yah, your a rambling idiot, i forgot, disregard.
I wont be responding to your future posts, I just realize what you say has no affect good or bad, its just harm no foul right Boner.
one more thing, if your 48 and still dont have any sense, i am sorry for you. I took you to be about 16.
Signed Up:
Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 13612 · Topics: 756
You drunk again
May I talk to nico (boy fucker) of yours..??
"As far as I know it was 10,5 trillions in GWB time.. are you going to held Obama for that..??"
this is for everyone, not boner...
Obama has spent that amount and more and hes been in office for 3 months. bush was in office for 8 years.
Which is better? 10.5 trillion in 3 months or 10.5 trillion in 8 years? can someone, besides boner please tell me who the drunk one is?
Nico doesnt feel the need to speak with you, he thinks your an idot, I thought id try but now I know why everyone just ignors you.
Signed Up:
Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 13612 · Topics: 756
And one more thing to add
Sorry babe, you are an idiot... try someone else at your age and your cave man philosophies!
Signed Up:
Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 13612 · Topics: 756
You are not up to my standards you ugly bitch (don??t even try)??_??_
Now... may I talk to NICO about this dispute..??
Signed Up:
Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 13612 · Topics: 756
Americans don't give a flying f*** what you're opinion is queerbones.go f*** your dog again and stay out of our business
You mean Americans likes you..?
The Americans likes you going to suffer most, God am I going to laugh my ass off when the days come.
Soon.. don??t worry??_..!
Signed Up:
Nov 06, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2221 · Topics: 14
Is there something I can help you with Qbone?
Signed Up:
Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
".. no one pays attention to the 'constitution' unless its some type of legal drama going on."
Did an American actually say that ^^^^^^
Let's hope it wasn't anybody with pull.
I read a t-shirt the other day and this reminds me of how powerful of a message this saying was on the t-shirt ....
'Don't underestimate the power of stupid people in large numbers'
Qbone sounds like your typical bitter Liberal.
Ever notice how Liberals are far more angry and rude than Conservatives? With their fucking Anti-American attitudes.
I may be an angry and rude Conservative, but your Rudeness and Anger outdoes mine and you're over twice my age. Grow up and act your age, you stupid cunt.
So do I have this right? Qbone only likes Obama because his plan is to destroy America? Clearly Qbone hates America and Americans and loves Obama, so obviously the only conclusion you can get from that is that even HE is aware that Obama wants to fuck up America and shit all over the constitution and turn us into a Socialist/Fascist Country. If Obama were so damn great for America and making the country better, Qbone would hate him.
Signed Up:
Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 13612 · Topics: 756
You??ve already said that shit before tell me something new.
You are bitter at anyone that are not in you verification list you don??t like Obama fine by me you don??t like my ideologies fine by me you don??t like me in person fine by again.
But again Nazis were like that too.
Signed Up:
Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 13612 · Topics: 756
Just a reminder...!
Signed Up:
Mar 18, 2006Comments: 2 · Posts: 23862 · Topics: 499
lol, that was an interesting to read LOL! Amazing. I actually agree with one of the users but thats my secret. This user is actually right on the money and this uses very few words to express.
Very good 
Signed Up:
Mar 18, 2006Comments: 2 · Posts: 23862 · Topics: 499
Posted by Deivil_Reloaded
Thank you capy. 
You're very welcomeSigned Up:
Mar 18, 2006Comments: 2 · Posts: 23862 · Topics: 499
machiavelli bull ... what an intelligent young woman you are 
Posted by machiavelli bull
Aha and recession in the States is coz fighting wars costs money.So this is were all the money went.
Okay let us say your foot is hurting you but you were too busy to have it checked out. Suddenly I come up and step on your foot making it hurt even more, your conclusion? Gee, Nassau must have been stepping on my foot the whole time.
Well MB, cause and effect may in fact be the first step in diagnosis, but it is far less reliable than long term research.
My conclusion?, your hasty diagnosis amounts to political malpractice, and therefore my suggestion is to research more if you wish your 'treatments' to be effective.
By the way, I was in Italy in the late eighties when bread was about 1500 lira a loaf, and I do not recall your country being involved in any kind of military campaign, either domestic or abroad at the time.
Recession was caused in this country by a succession of bad leaders, each of whom did their part to sell off America to the highest bidders they could find, for the express purpose of lining their own pockets.
They sold our jobs, and then our markets. They compounded this error by printing money like show bills, and expanding the already absurdly large bureaucracy into an ever deepening money pit. An entity, by the way whose primary function seems to be to overtax the American people in a desperate attempt to cover its abhorrent spending habits, its neo-socialist agenda and its inherit system of nepotism.
As for Italy's views of George and the United States? Well I got to tell you, while I am a huge Ferrari fan, and have a keen appreciation for Italian art, both renaissance classical and modern commercial, I have never really cared much what the citizens of Europe thought about my homeland.
Seriously, Italy got nothing from WWI so you flipped to the 'other side' in the second world war, and then halfway you flopped back. Flip, Flop, which ever way the winds blow, Italian politics in a nutshell.
So perhaps you will forgive me if I don't take your 'opinion' on America as anything more than idle conversation, with all the weight and insight of a Pizza Hut take out menu.Signed Up:
Jan 18, 2005Comments: 3 · Posts: 15387 · Topics: 830
fucken socialist