Rescuing Ex-Muslims Leaving Islam

This topic was created in the Politics forum by MrFirebird on Wednesday, June 29, 2016 and has 14 replies.

They call it a peaceful religion, yet, there is no peace.

IF there were peace, why then would some of them want to leave?

Something to think about.

I think they mean "peace" in another manner.

Posted by Moonbutter
I think they mean "peace" in another manner.
"They" being whom? The Sharia Law abiding Muslims? Or the governments and mainstream media

that defend the Sharia Law abiding Muslims?

And what manner would that be?

Politics cannot guarantee True Peace. No government can do that, let alone, all out lawlessness.

Posted by MrFirebird
Posted by Moonbutter
I think they mean "peace" in another manner.
"They" being whom? The Sharia Law abiding Muslims? Or the governments and mainstream media

that defend the Sharia Law abiding Muslims?

And what manner would that be?

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Muslims... Their idea of peace is more like a "peace of mind" from temptation, following Sharia laws, Hadith, etc. they say it as more of a "do what we say and you will have peace"
Posted by Moonbutter
Posted by MrFirebird
Posted by Moonbutter
I think they mean "peace" in another manner.
"They" being whom? The Sharia Law abiding Muslims? Or the governments and mainstream media

that defend the Sharia Law abiding Muslims?

And what manner would that be?

Muslims... Their idea of peace is more like a "peace of mind" from temptation, following Sharia laws, Hadith, etc. they say it as more of a "do what we say and you will have peace"
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However, there is what is called Jihad or "holy war".

Specifically, the "Greater Jihad" and the "Lesser Jihad"

The Greater Jihad is the internal war and struggle.

The Lesser Jihad is the external war that manifests itself in the terror attacks and

mechanized wars.

The ultimate expression of the lesser jihad is to die, fighting for Allah.

Posted by SomeSortOfMermaid
Posted by Moonbutter
Posted by MrFirebird
Posted by Moonbutter
I think they mean "peace" in another manner.
"They" being whom? The Sharia Law abiding Muslims? Or the governments and mainstream media

that defend the Sharia Law abiding Muslims?

And what manner would that be?

Muslims... Their idea of peace is more like a "peace of mind" from temptation, following Sharia laws, Hadith, etc. they say it as more of a "do what we say and you will have peace"
Lol, biased much?

No, I speak from experience... So you must be.

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Posted by MrFirebird
Posted by Moonbutter
Posted by MrFirebird
Posted by Moonbutter
I think they mean "peace" in another manner.
"They" being whom? The Sharia Law abiding Muslims? Or the governments and mainstream media

that defend the Sharia Law abiding Muslims?

And what manner would that be?

Muslims... Their idea of peace is more like a "peace of mind" from temptation, following Sharia laws, Hadith, etc. they say it as more of a "do what we say and you will have peace"
However, there is what is called Jihad or "holy war".

Specifically, the "Greater Jihad" and the "Lesser Jihad"

The Greater Jihad is the internal war and struggle.

The Lesser Jihad is the external war that manifests itself in the terror attacks and

mechanized wars.

The ultimate expression of the lesser jihad is to die, fighting for Allah.

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I am probably one of few that has "seen" the mind of a Muslim man who progressively became more extreme.
Posted by Moonbutter
Posted by MrFirebird
Posted by Moonbutter
Posted by MrFirebird
Posted by Moonbutter
I think they mean "peace" in another manner.
"They" being whom? The Sharia Law abiding Muslims? Or the governments and mainstream media

that defend the Sharia Law abiding Muslims?

And what manner would that be?

Muslims... Their idea of peace is more like a "peace of mind" from temptation, following Sharia laws, Hadith, etc. they say it as more of a "do what we say and you will have peace"
However, there is what is called Jihad or "holy war".

Specifically, the "Greater Jihad" and the "Lesser Jihad"

The Greater Jihad is the internal war and struggle.

The Lesser Jihad is the external war that manifests itself in the terror attacks and

mechanized wars.

The ultimate expression of the lesser jihad is to die, fighting for Allah.

I am probably one of few that has "seen" the mind of a Muslim man who progressively became more extreme.
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Was this a man with whom you were intimate, a relative, classmate, colleague or a friend?

You had seen his mind progressively become more extreme. How extreme?

Side note:

Suppose someone came up to you and said:

"do what we say and you will have peace"

You respond with: "What if I don't do what you say?"

What would their response be? "Then, you won't have peace!"?

In Islam there's the House of Peace and the House of War. The House of Peace is where Shariah is. Muhammed saw Jews, Christians, and Zoroastrians always at odds and created Islam, which he deemed the House of Peace, to reconcile with the House of War. When Muslims say Islam is a religion of Peace, it is deceptive because, how is this peace supposed to come about? Well the only way to reconcile the two houses is to convert, pay the Jizya and be under their theocratic rule, or you die. 3 options. That is the language in which they have been using to say "Religion of Peace" for so long even though that is not what someone thinks when they hear someone claim their religion is peaceful.. Especially today. It's like trying to stick the f word launched at gay people to its older meaning as a bundle of sticks when that expression of the word has fallen completely out of use.
Posted by SomeSortOfMermaid
Posted by Moonbutter
Posted by MrFirebird
Posted by Moonbutter
Posted by MrFirebird
Posted by Moonbutter
I think they mean "peace" in another manner.
"They" being whom? The Sharia Law abiding Muslims? Or the governments and mainstream media

that defend the Sharia Law abiding Muslims?

And what manner would that be?

Muslims... Their idea of peace is more like a "peace of mind" from temptation, following Sharia laws, Hadith, etc. they say it as more of a "do what we say and you will have peace"
However, there is what is called Jihad or "holy war".

Specifically, the "Greater Jihad" and the "Lesser Jihad"

The Greater Jihad is the internal war and struggle.

The Lesser Jihad is the external war that manifests itself in the terror attacks and

mechanized wars.

The ultimate expression of the lesser jihad is to die, fighting for Allah.

I am probably one of few that has "seen" the mind of a Muslim man who progressively became more extreme.
You base your whole opinion on one guy you've known.. That's actually funny.
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No you clearly just don't understand...I'm just saying I had intimate knowledge. I saw the inside of the whys and strong belief system. Few can say that I'm afraid. I will not go into details unless u want to PM me.
Posted by Moonbutter
Posted by SomeSortOfMermaid
Posted by Moonbutter
Posted by MrFirebird
Posted by Moonbutter
Posted by MrFirebird
Posted by Moonbutter
I think they mean "peace" in another manner.
"They" being whom? The Sharia Law abiding Muslims? Or the governments and mainstream media

that defend the Sharia Law abiding Muslims?

And what manner would that be?

Muslims... Their idea of peace is more like a "peace of mind" from temptation, following Sharia laws, Hadith, etc. they say it as more of a "do what we say and you will have peace"
However, there is what is called Jihad or "holy war".

Specifically, the "Greater Jihad" and the "Lesser Jihad"

The Greater Jihad is the internal war and struggle.

The Lesser Jihad is the external war that manifests itself in the terror attacks and

mechanized wars.

The ultimate expression of the lesser jihad is to die, fighting for Allah.

I am probably one of few that has "seen" the mind of a Muslim man who progressively became more extreme.
You base your whole opinion on one guy you've known.. That's actually funny.
No you clearly just don't understand...I'm just saying I had intimate knowledge. I saw the inside of the whys and strong belief system. Few can say that I'm afraid. I will not go into details unless u want to PM me.
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You're not the only one here, although my relationship with (more than one Muslim) wasn't intimate. But they did span close to 10 years. And we were afraid for one of the wives and their children (the other wasn't married).