Posted by caligula
yep, he's a leo.
on what has he flip flopped exactly? being born in america? being for white people after he was against them? enlighten me please.
Posted by westside
this is also the age of pisces (greed and corruption). coincidence?
i think not.
Posted by DAMEN VI
the closing of guantanamo bay (ITS STILL OPEN), signing the NDAA bill(he was against it at 1st), his claim to be against war, yet basically goes to war (illegally) with countries in Africa of all places(libya and somalia)
he wants to give the government too much control honestly, and for a man who speaks about "change" so much, he isn't doing a good job..unless he wants to change america for the worse.
Posted by caligula
you have got to be kidding right?
a flip flop means that he had one position initially and CHANGED that position at a later date.
clearly, you don't follow politics and therein lies the problem with the American voter...they're ill-educated with regard to the government, the laws, political events and politicians as whole.
OLITICS" data-url="">
believe it or not, there are some things that a president can't do unilaterally. had you been following politics at the time, which you were not, he was also trying to pass the health care law...a promise that he fulfilled. during that time, you had the rise of the "tea party" and the political climate was such that he did not have congressional support.
he also wasn't against the war. the notion that you'd actually state this further shows that you have no clue what you're talking about. it's sad because you probably voted for him didn't you?
he promised to end the war in iraq. he did. he also promised to escalate the war in afghanistan. he did. he never claimed to be ron paul. he never claimed that he would end ALL wars, nor engage in war if he deemed it necessary. i know, it's shocking. a democrat that isn't a tye-dyed, peace loving hippy??? how dare he?
ndaa, he initially stated that he would veto the bill. he now claims he did it for the defense allotments. he's allowed to change his mind.
as for allowing the government too much control, when, where, why and how? frankly, you were the government's bitch under the patriot act so what are you whining about?
also, the notion that a democrat would restrict government, wtf are you smokin?
Posted by caligula
you question my character because i choose to seek balance?...because i DARE to listen to views of people who are on the opposite ends of the spectrum?
i guess that would make me an independent would it not?
so what does that make you?...ahhhh...asshole.
Posted by DAMEN VI
just as well as everybody who voted for him..what we didn't know was his plan on bombing countries in africa..something i noticed you chose to not speak on..
and lol @ "he's allowed to change his mind"..isn't that what flip floppers do??
and the patriot act was signed a month after 9-11, by bush, and the people were against it, and when the bill was set to expire(feb 2010), guess what obama did? he extended it for another year..i guess he wanted it to stay around just long enough until he got that NDAA bill structured good enough to get passed,smh..that bill itself gives the government way too power..he may not act too much on it, but who's to say what the next pres will do with it?
like i said..obama's whole theme was based on change..and besides the healthcare bill (which was 1st introduced by bill clinton anyway)..he's just another typical president..all of'em are to expand
Posted by ellessque
as far as I'm concerned, he is NOT presidential material.
Posted by caligula
well, if the only reason you voted for him was because he's black, then you shouldn't be upset should you? you also can't justifiably argue that he doesn't support your agenda because as you said, that's not why you voted for him.
instead of whining, make history again. give him two terms. get off your "i've never voted before 2008" ass and give him four more years.
or maybe you should vote for romney because he's a fellow pisces? it's time for your to decide where your allegiance lies. we can only hope that your ties to chicken and biscuits outweighs your neptunian psychosis.
Posted by Chance11
Obama changed the world's perception of us after Bush...
Posted by ScorpioFishPosted by Chance11
Obama changed the world's perception of us after Bush...
You clearly don't travel much.
And even if you did, why should an educated, experienced person give a rat's ass about what spoiled Western European neo-Communist-anarchists think? Keep in mind those psychopathic assholes started two World Wars, dragged our Nation into them and murdered millions of people over them. I would say the USA has committed a trite pittance of "international crime" by comparison. Currently, the Western Euros are facing imminent economic collapse thanks to their socialist practices.
The former Communist countries (Slovakia, Romania and Poland especially) always have, and continue to embrace American ideas of political and economic freedom. This was especially evident when Bush was in office. I know, because I was there to see it up close and personal.
The Arab/Wahhabi/Salafist world will always hate the USA for supporting Israel, but you have only the Germans and the Democrat party to blame if you want to "get your hate on" toward Israel. It was President Truman who allowed displaced European Jews to settle into Israel after the Germans destroyed their to expand
Posted by DAMEN VI
and to caligula..i REALLY want you to listen to this (up to the 36m20sec mark)..its kinda long, but its nothing but TRUTH..
and if you still believe in obama after hearing this, then you are truly a fixed sign for real, lol
Posted by caligulanah, i don't have the attention span to watch a 36+ min video...on the internet...with lime green text.
overall, who cares about africa? atrocities exist worldwide and at the end of the day, it's survival of the fittest.
Posted by Chance11Posted by ScorpioFishPosted by Chance11
Obama changed the world's perception of us after Bush...
^^big words and small ideas..conjecture and inane rambling..good stuff
i guess i could have used 'improved' rather than 'changed' just to make things clearer..didn't think anyone would be so small minded to take it as a literal absolute when a basic understanding would suffice to negate any confusion..but please continue i would love to hear more off topic incoherency
Hey asshole, please don't let the facts get in the way of your to expand
Posted by caligula
nah, i don't have the attention span to watch a 36+ min video...on the internet...with lime green text.
overall, who cares about africa? atrocities exist worldwide and at the end of the day, it's survival of the fittest.
throughout history, western european philosophy has led to the extinction or "absorption" of many races/cultures/people/individuals, so rallying for africans would be akin to mourning mammoths.
don't get me wrong. i like mammoths...i watched ice age, but part of living in REALITY sir pisces is accepting that the world is fucked.
in the end, you regarded obama as the messiah...i didn't and that's why, i have absolutely no qualms about voting for him in 2012. he ain't my jesus. he's a politician and by virtue of that, i render unto ceasar what is ceasar's and render unto god burnt offerings.
Posted by caligulaPosted by DAMEN VI
and to caligula..i REALLY want you to listen to this (up to the 36m20sec mark)..its kinda long, but its nothing but TRUTH..
and if you still believe in obama after hearing this, then you are truly a fixed sign for real, lol
nah, i don't have the attention span to watch a 36+ min video...on the internet...with lime green text.
overall, who cares about africa? atrocities exist worldwide and at the end of the day, it's survival of the fittest.
throughout history, western european philosophy has led to the extinction or "absorption" of many races/cultures/people/individuals, so rallying for africans would be akin to mourning mammoths.
don't get me wrong. i like mammoths...i watched ice age, but part of living in REALITY sir pisces is accepting that the world is fucked.
in the end, you regarded obama as the messiah...i didn't and that's why, i have absolutely no qualms about voting for him in 2012. he ain't my jesus. he's a politician and by virtue of that, i render unto ceasar what is ceasar's and render unto god burnt to expand
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