Tax in the U.S.

This topic was created in the Politics forum by 777 on Friday, September 21, 2018 and has 1 replies.
I think the way tax is calculated in the U.S. is designed to keep taxpayers confused and under constant disillusionment.

I dont see how a sticker price of $ 4999 can after taxes & fees, cost a total of $ 7500. The price of anything you buy should be calculated and be presented as the total price instead of a fucking math problem. I know they do sticker price in many other countries. Ive heard people online saying diff tax rate by state bullshit , blah blah excuses for the misrepresented costs. Its just a another mindfuck for people like the rest of the numerous incomprehensible laws that the average human could never understand.

How would you prefer your taxes, upfront or hidden behind a bunch of veils?