the debates

This topic was created in the Politics forum by Cancan26 on Tuesday, September 27, 2016 and has 49 replies.
who is watching the debates? what do you think? lets try to keep it classy k Big Grin ....
Lester Holt lost control but it sure is entertaining.
Posted by Deedee86
Lester Holt lost control but it sure is entertaining.
lol he is a TERRIBLE moderator ...but your right least it is entertaining
Omg, the topic of race and the Donald didn't even respond correctly and blamed Obama?? WTF?
@Cancan, poor Lester lol.
Posted by Scorpioluver
Omg, the topic of race and the Donald didn't even respond correctly and blamed Obama?? WTF?
I know ...that what I just said ...come on bro...

he might as well said ...THANKS OBAMA
Posted by Scorpioluver
@Cancan, poor Lester lol.
lol Im over here shouting like I'm watching a boxing match Big Grin
Posted by Cancan26
Posted by Scorpioluver
Omg, the topic of race and the Donald didn't even respond correctly and blamed Obama?? WTF?
I know ...that what I just said ...come on bro...

he might as well said ...THANKS OBAMA
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Exactly didn't even respond to the freaking question. Especially now when it's happening daily( never thought I'd see this). Little kids being killed and unarmed men but stop and frisk will stop this? He didn't ask about crime but race.
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Posted by Arielle83
I'm listening to it on radio in my work ute.

Trump sounds "normal".

Hillary sounds bitter.

It's different with video, Arielle. He sounds like his normal self but she is irritated by him. Imo so is Lester.

Posted by Cancan26
Posted by Scorpioluver
@Cancan, poor Lester lol.
lol Im over here shouting like I'm watching a boxing match Big Grin
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Yes ma'am, I agree

Posted by Scorpioluver
Posted by Cancan26
Posted by Scorpioluver
Omg, the topic of race and the Donald didn't even respond correctly and blamed Obama?? WTF?
I know ...that what I just said ...come on bro...

he might as well said ...THANKS OBAMA
Exactly didn't even respond to the freaking question. Especially now when it's happening daily( never thought I'd see this). Little kids being killed and unarmed men but stop and frisk will stop this? He didn't ask about crime but race.
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mr trump, how would you bridge the racial divide ....

the black community is hell ...and full of bad people and some of them are immigrants

the police endorse me ....

Hilary seems to be holding her own. Donald seems a I mean, even the smirk on Hilary's face is very telling of whos winning.
Hillary is such a condescending shrew. It doesn't matter what she says, it is her tone. She is such a bitter bitch.

But someone should have given Trump a sudafed. His sniffling into the mic is distracting. Maybe he caught her pneumonia.
Posted by Deedee86
. Maybe he caught her pneumonia.
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could be could be not Big Grin
I have absolutely no problem with a president being condescending or a bitch. Why does the president need to be pleasant?
Posted by Librasaurusrex
I have absolutely no problem with a president being condescending or a bitch. Why does the president need to be pleasant?

It wouldn't matter if she was president or the store cashier, I just dislike the woman.

I love how she keeps mentioning fact checkers. We all know how loose she is with facts.

lester can't even say ....a FREAKING FACT ....with out your boy trippin out ...
Let's bring back all of the original primary candidates. They can compete in challenges to win immunity and we can vote one off the island each week. Last one standing wins presidency, a cover on Time magazine and a $ 10000 Covergirl contract.
Posted by Deedee86
Let's bring back all of the original primary candidates. They can compete in challenges to win immunity and we can vote one off the island each week. Last one standing wins presidency, a cover on Time magazine and a $ 10000 Covergirl contract.
your killing me tonight ...

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She is enjoying this. Clearly having fun.

Your Scorpio/Libra Cusp Sun is showing Secretary Clinton. Winking
Hm, I'm almost certain Hilary will win. Donald's tantrums are not doing him any favors.

Hilary is poised.

The problem with people who claim to "know how to win" is that they often don't know how to handle failure. I mean, imagine Donald failing, vs Hilary.
Posted by cheekyfaerie
Posted by Deedee86
Hillary is such a condescending shrew. It doesn't matter what she says, it is her tone. She is such a bitter bitch.

But someone should have given Trump a sudafed. His sniffling into the mic is distracting. Maybe he caught her pneumonia.
My money's on coke.
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Do you Twitter? ?
Posted by Librasaurusrex
Posted by cheekyfaerie
Posted by Deedee86
Hillary is such a condescending shrew. It doesn't matter what she says, it is her tone. She is such a bitter bitch.

But someone should have given Trump a sudafed. His sniffling into the mic is distracting. Maybe he caught her pneumonia.
My money's on coke.
Do you Twitter? ?
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Haven't been on in awhile. I forgot my password

What a mockery of the election process. This entire run has been a joke.
And Trump would have failed my Honors speech class. It's a shame presidential candidates aren't held to as high a standard as college students
Posted by cheekyfaerie
Posted by Librasaurusrex
Posted by cheekyfaerie
Posted by Deedee86
Hillary is such a condescending shrew. It doesn't matter what she says, it is her tone. She is such a bitter bitch.

But someone should have given Trump a sudafed. His sniffling into the mic is distracting. Maybe he caught her pneumonia.
My money's on coke.
Do you Twitter? ?
Not if I can help it. Big Grin

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Twitter supports your coke theory is why I asked.
Posted by exo

LOL I love you!!
Posted by cheekyfaerie
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?@ cheeky too funny!

Poor Lester Holt, dealing with this Ass! I can't!
The only thing I'm upset at Clinton about is not hammering Trump on the fact that no President in history has had to show their birth certificate and shouldn't have to
Hillary Clinton is a lying sack of shit, and anyone who votes for her has no moral compass.

I hope that Trump hammers her about her collective incompetence on Benghazi in round 2 on October 9.
Posted by AnOdeToNoOne
Hillary Clinton is a lying sack of shit, and anyone who votes for her has no moral compass.

I hope that Trump hammers her about her collective incompetence on Benghazi in round 2 on October 9.
I'm voting for her ....

I have a moral compass ...

.... smile

Posted by beautifulsoul74
The only thing I'm upset at Clinton about is not hammering Trump on the fact that no President in history has had to show their birth certificate and shouldn't have to

The entire birther issue bugs me BUT I can't believe that Hillary is bringing it up. Her campaign put that idea out there. Trump ran with it but they started it. They were both in the wrong!

Posted by beautifulsoul74
The only thing I'm upset at Clinton about is not hammering Trump on the fact that no President in history has had to show their birth certificate and shouldn't have to
Well they do, actually. But not publically..

It was very messy.
Posted by Cancan26
Posted by AnOdeToNoOne
Hillary Clinton is a lying sack of shit, and anyone who votes for her has no moral compass.

I hope that Trump hammers her about her collective incompetence on Benghazi in round 2 on October 9.
I'm voting for her ....

I have a moral compass ...

.... smile

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I hate her with a passion BUT I respect your vote. ? She is so disliked in my area. There are anti Hillary signs everywhere. My favorite was a handmade yard sign "liar liar pantsuit on fire"

Keep in mind she was our senator.

My guy didn't even make it to the NY primary but I defaulted to Trump. I voted for her once and learned my lesson.

from what little i heard on the radio, just an exchange about nuclear weapons and iran, hillary sounded more polished.
Next debate should be moderated by Jerry Springer
Posted by Deedee86

I hate her with a passion BUT I respect your vote. ? She is so disliked in my area. There are anti Hillary signs everywhere. My favorite was a handmade yard sign "liar liar pantsuit on fire"

Keep in mind she was our senator.

My guy didn't even make it to the NY primary but I defaulted to Trump. I voted for her once and learned my lesson.

I get the impression everyone outside of NYC but in New York state is kind of republican is this accurate?

Posted by littlenanobyte
Not watching it... how is the gemini vs scorpio dynamic?

Both are full of shit but Donald Trump should triumph in this arena, if we are talking astrologically, right?

Too bad he's a full fledged moron and Hillary is socially incompetent and so transparently EVIL.
She trolled him so hard and he took each and every little worm bait. Hook, line , sinker. He rambled a lot.
Posted by rabidtalker
Posted by Deedee86

I hate her with a passion BUT I respect your vote. ? She is so disliked in my area. There are anti Hillary signs everywhere. My favorite was a handmade yard sign "liar liar pantsuit on fire"

Keep in mind she was our senator.

My guy didn't even make it to the NY primary but I defaulted to Trump. I voted for her once and learned my lesson.

I get the impression everyone outside of NYC but in New York state is kind of republican is this accurate?

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I would say moderate right.

It is not as religious as the Midwest or south so the driving issues are different.

This area is fiscally conservative but socially liberal. I don't care who anyone marries as long as I don't have to pay for it.

Posted by Deedee86
I would say moderate right.

It is not as religious as the Midwest or south so the driving issues are different.

Fair enough, thank you for the response Big Grin

Posted by rabidtalker
Posted by Deedee86
I would say moderate right.

It is not as religious as the Midwest or south so the driving issues are different.

Fair enough, thank you for the response Big Grin

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You're welcome.

I think the main reason why most of NY leans right is because we get screwed economically by the NYC politicians. Our taxes are ridiculously high but services are practically non existent. The senate and governer pander to NYC voters because that is who gets them elected.

My property taxes on the house I live in are over $ 6000 yearly plus a 9% sales tax and an 18% (aprox) income tax. My town doesn't have a police department, the fire department is strictly volunteer and underfunded, there is no public water or sewer, I hire out my own trash pick up, there is no animal control, the DPW barely plows the snow and if a deer or other animal dies in the road it is left there for the cultures and coyotes. Nobody picks it up. All that tax money pays for the crooked politicians.

I am planning on moving in a few years.

Posted by Deedee86
Posted by Cancan26
Posted by AnOdeToNoOne
Hillary Clinton is a lying sack of shit, and anyone who votes for her has no moral compass.

I hope that Trump hammers her about her collective incompetence on Benghazi in round 2 on October 9.
I'm voting for her ....

I have a moral compass ...

.... smile

I hate her with a passion BUT I respect your vote.

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thank you ...I respect your vote really did keep it classy tonight ...thanks ..I know things can get salty when people talk about politics

Posted by Cancan26
Posted by AnOdeToNoOne
Hillary Clinton is a lying sack of shit, and anyone who votes for her has no moral compass.

I hope that Trump hammers her about her collective incompetence on Benghazi in round 2 on October 9.
I'm voting for her ....

I have a moral compass ...

.... smile

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Benghazi, 33,000 deleted classified emails, The Clinton Foundation "Pay for Play" taking millions of $ $ $ from Foreign nations as Saudi Arabia, who actually treat women worse than cattle, selling 20% of the nation's Uranium assets to Russia, Supporting a complete insane deal with Iran that allows them to build nukes and removing sanctions, handing over millions to Iran for hostages, actively encouraging thousands of illegals to enter the Southern border and relocating them in States without those respective States consent, some of which are criminals and have murdered innocent Americans, actively bringing in thousands of Syrian refugees who can not be properly vetted and undoubtedly contain many young men associated with ISIS or other terrorists associations, FOUNDING and FUNDING ISIS then covering it up, utterly making the Middle East a complete War Zone, Lying about actively killing ISIS while it's Putin and Russia who are actually going after ISIS, lying to our Vets about improving their health care and their cost of medical care, turning a blind eye to historically numbers of Veterans committing suicide because of this administrations and HC's lack of showing our Veterans the respect and care they earn and deserve, promoting a Racial Agenda that is being financed by Globalist George Soros RE: Black Lives Matter, which is based on a false narrative, it's all about pushing race riots to destroy the cities of the US, in collusion with the current administration to spend MORE $ $ $ $ during his term than ALL PREVIOUS Presidents combined, push a agenda of division white vs black, gay vs. straight, those who pay taxes vs those who don't etc, etc. etc.....

Have you ever researched the cities in the US that have insane amounts of violence and murders??? If not, I can help you. it's starts with Chicago, over 4,000 murders, BLACK ON BLACK crime since Obama took office, Detroit, half the size it once was because of the crime and NO JOBS....all gone overseas and Mexico thanks to Hillary's Husband who signed into law NAFTA. Baltimore, LA, Philly, Newark, NYC......What do all those cities have in common? Glad you asked.

They are ALL RUN BY LIBERAL DEMOCRATS and Have been for YEARS!!

And that's just a start.....

Yea, you have a moral compass alright....hate to tell you but your compass is broken.

Racial Agenda that is being financed by Globalist George Soros RE: Black Lives Matter

I'm also confused on this statement mostly cause its not really true ....???

soros funded Open Society Foundations (OSF), a progressive-liberal grantmaking network he founded (as the Open Society Institute) in 1993 to fund civil society groups around the world---

$ 1.5 billion on democratic development in the countries of Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union;

$ 677 million for public health issues such as HIV and AIDS, TB, palliative care, harm reduction, and patients’ rights;

$ 205 million to fight discrimination and advance the rights of Roma communities in Europe;

$ 2.6 billion to defend human rights, particularly the rights of women, ethnic, racial, and religious minorities, and often marginalized groups such as drug users, sex workers, and LGBTQ communities;

$ 2 billion for education projects ranging from preschool to higher education reform;

$ 1.4 billion to promote reform in the United States on issues such as criminal justice, drugs, palliative care, education, immigration, equal rights, and democratic governance.

some groups that OSF where ALREADY funding participate with black lives soros doesn't fund black lives matterLaughing staph

and this last thing ...I'm NOT gonna give my vote to somebody ...

who calls women pigs

who has been sued twice for racial discrimination

who thinks black people are lazy .

I won't give him my vote ....

and if you can give him your VOTE knowing that he is a BIGOT your moral compass is BROKEN

Second debate. The "oh crap, I see prison bars" reaction:

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What are the Americans thinking, who are they going to vote for? I saw the debate last night... Is Hilary slipping?