US health care

This topic was created in the Politics forum by *saribro* on Tuesday, June 9, 2009 and has 56 replies.
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How many of you are fed up with it and want a reformed healthcare system. I don't live in US by the way.
If you don??t live in AmeriKUH then what the hell you care..??
I care because they should have free healthcare like us in Europe do
Should..?? who the hell are you to decide..?
Q, I am not into fruitless debate
Me neither...
Hey, they are Americans aren??t they.. Damn scared of ???blacks?? and ???socialism??, what do you expect from the retards..??
Again??_ what do you expect from the RETARDS..??
We don't expect much of you at all qbone........
The dynamics of our healthcare system is NOT the problem. The problem is the cost of healthcare due to subsidizing FREE healthcare for ILLEGAL ALIENS.
We don't need to revamp the healthcare system, we need to require proof of LEGAL residency to obtain government aid, like medicare and welfare, in order to bring the cost of healthcare down. Changing healthcare to a government owned program won't work [look at the "wonders" that's done for the other U.S. industries now owned by the government....]. We'll just give EVERYONE shitty healthcare, including the illegals. If we stopped giving free healthcare to people who don't have a legal right to what TAX PAYING CITIZENS/RESIDENTS are paying for premiums and deductibles would go down and more people would be able to afford healthcare, and there would be more resources available for those who can't. But apparently the U.S. considers it discriminatory to require someone to prove they are here legally in order to obtain aid that is supposed to go to TAX PAYERS when they are unable to get healthcare. So now there's no aid left for the people who are paying for it.
How about you qbone? Do you want to send your money over here to pay for the illegal mammas and their fifty some odd babies? Because quite frankly I'm sick of doing it.
Yea as usual someone is to be blamed. In this case the immigrants..!
Even the goddamn word you using it to describe the immigrants is RACIST. What is ALIEN?
-In popular cultures, life forms--especially intelligent life forms, that are of extraterrestrial origin, i.e. not coming from the Earth--are referred to collectively as aliens, or sometimes visitors.
The alien, also called the xenomorph, is a fictional parasitoid extraterrestrial species that is the primary antagonist of the Alien film series. ...
And so on..

I agree with x the british health care sucks its great if you have a cold or something minor if you need care for or an operation its stand in line and die.

In Norway someimes.........!....
Fuck it . never happened before and not going to happen in the
lets just hope its not me or you Boner
Lets just hope you shut the hell up an let it go..
Time to more whiskey??_ (I??ll be back) like he says??_
I never hope and never wish??_. That??s the way the life is??_ full of surprises!
Back to the babe x or something ??_ or whatever..!
I have tons of info that tell you that you are wrong, just let me know about it so I will happily flood this stupid site with it in no more than a sec
O.K. fuck head I hope its you JT works a little voodoo on the Q boner trying to get the bone to never rise again. Ha Ha Ha
Voodoo not working on me, how about some logic..?
moron....illiegal alien is not a racist term - and I did not say "immigrants" I have no problem what so ever with LEGAL immigrants. Idiot.
Moron; in term you are illegal too.

Ever ask the Native Americans the permission to live in their soil..?? So shut the fuck up!
I AM Native American dipshit. My grandmother was full blooded Native American.
You run your mouth an awful lot for someone who has no idea what they're talking about. And it's truly amazing that you can spew such hatred for Americans [that you don't even know] and then sit there and accuse others of being racist or the like.
Get your head out of your ass and learn something before you start drooling jibberish.
oh and the rest of my family that is NOT "Native American" started here with a Polish general who was INVITED here during the American Revolution to train the rebel cavalry, and my father's side who came here legally hundreds of years ago, and was welcomed by the Native Americans - clearly your tiny brain couldn't retain the history of European settlement here in America along with all the hatred that is clearly your priority as far as divvying out mental capacity.
and there was no established government among Native Americans; no government, no laws, no illegal residency. That is no longer the case. And if my family had been "illegal" back then there was no government aid to steal from tax paying citizens.
Xangel I am begianing to like the way you think its time someone bitched slaped Q Boner
Well I'd be standing in line to die as it is if I needed surgery. I'd rather take my chances with the nationalized system where theres at least a chance that someone would see me. Plus theres no way to measure the amount of expensive procedures that wouldn't be needed if everyone could afford to have regular check ups.
As far as americans being retards... you can thank Reagan and the Bushes for that. They gutted our public schools in the 80s and again in the 2000s... they know smart people don't vote repubican.
Again moron..!
Ever asked the Native Americans the permission to live in their soil..??
Never asked what are you or where the hell are you coming from..?
If your fucking FISH head was as big as your mouth we could have something called dialogue.
Q boner you are begining to rant and rave calm down we may need to give you a time out
right, I'm the moron.... you clearly have no idea what dialogue is considering I'm the only one forming complete thoughts here and yours are limited to unsubstantiated insults....
The fact that I'm native american has everything to do with what you said because I hardly think that a native american needs to ask permission of other native americans to be on their own land.... if you truly believe I need permission then here goes: I'll ask myself for permission......waiting....permission granted.
You really feel threatened by me don't you?....don't answer that, the response would come from the same place everything else does: your ass, which coincidentally doubles as your brain.
Answer the simple question is that too much to ask without calling names and insulting..?
Ever asked the Native Americans permission to live in their soil..??
Yes or No.. simple as that.
And hun. I don??t feel threatened what so ever.
so.....since you're wrong.... you're just going to keep asking the same question over and over and ignore the answer that I already gave? Okay.........
You're trying to deflect the fact that you are wrong [about all of this] by posing a ridiculous and imaterial question and repeating it over and over until I give up and let you think you've made some kind of prolific point here.... okay - believe what you want, You're not worth it. I prefer to hold conversations with people who can string together an entire coherent thought. Not people who don't know what's going on and start talking jibberish to distract everyone.
Listen lady...
Instead of bitching around try to answer the question asked..?
And people ask me why I hate fishes??_lol
he may be a homosexual Norway guy I never would have thought that. OH well back to goat milking.
Shut the fuck up JT:::!!! How many times do I have to say..?
Your last waning..!
Q boner come and get me you fuckin checkin shit punk
I am on the net I see Chers doughter is getting a dicktoeckumme becoming a kind of man will Obama cover her under your new med deal?
Come and get you..? nahh you are nothing to get I??ll do it other way you piece of shit! Just wait and see
My bad and my apology I don??t follow people, replied to angelfish and I thought she was a FISH!
However she still have to answer the question asked fish or not.
sick sick little man go hide in your cave everyone know you getting women to answer you on the net is your answer to sex
Lol what the fuck are you bitching about..?
by by going to canterbury for the weekend
I??ll be out for Kongsberg jazz festival..lots of ladies.. Lots of whiskies...