White Democrats are Pathetic

This topic was created in the Politics forum by AngryScorpio on Wednesday, January 21, 2009 and has 42 replies.
In the words of Rev. Joseph Lowery' after Obama's inaugural speech:
"We ask you to help us work for that day when black will not be asked to get in back, when brown can stick around...When yellow will be mellow, when the red man can get ahead, and when white will embrace what is right. That all those who do justice and love mercy say Amen."

How white liberals aren't offended by the remarks of this racist creep is beyond me. You helped vote in Obama and now him and his mentors are shoving their racist, anti-white propaganda down your throats and you're taking it. It's like you white people are saying to blacks "I'm so sorry that i'm white, i'm so sorry that my ancestors owned your ancestors over a hundred years ago, please forgive me for being white!"
Fucking Assholes. Where's your fucking dignity? Barack Obama is a hardcore racist, he proves this time and time again and knows he can get away with it because the mainstream media already has his back, and even the white's in the media won't suddenly turn their backs on Barack because it would make them look foolish for supporting the creep in the first place.
Also in Obama's speech he made a positive mention of his black father (who left him when he was a baby), yet he made no mention at all of his white mother (who raised him). The guy has a history of hanging out with "white hating" radicals while growing up embracing his black heritage and disregarding his white heritage. He even mentioned in his own book that he hung out with certain black people in power who told him not to trust "whitey" and Obama admitted in his book that he then held a hatred for the white race for a long time after that.
Obama as President basically just wants to fuck over white people and tell us that we're all bad human beings. He still has that hatred for white's deep down inside and he's now found his way into power so that he can now do something about it like he always wanted, and you fucking white idiots fell for his bullshit hook, line and sinker. Great Job, you naive idiots.
What really pisses me off more than anything are these white democrats who sit there at his speeches and hear this racist rhetoric and actually embrace it. I mean, he's insulting you because of the color of your skin, and you're agreeing with him, when you did nothing wrong?? I can't fucking stand people who have no integrity or no ability to stand up for themselves.
AAAAAAAAAAAAman, brother
"when white will embrace what is right"

I will agree with AS on this part .... that was a fucked up thing for Lowery to say, and a bunch of shit will surely follow in its aftermath.
We are aware of what it means.

That doesn't make it appropriate ... play on words that could be misconstrued as a racial slur is wrong, whether the roots of the saying can be identified or not, and a speaker should have the foresight to consider this as a possibility.

Shit is going to follow.
"We ask you to help us work for that day when black will not be asked to get in back"

And I think that above is equally as fucked up.

Help you work for the day when blacks aren't asked to sit in the back?
That day arrived already .. time to get with the program.
It is making a racist comment .... inferring that whites still make blacks go to the back and now help is needed and being asked to stop this atrocity.

Fucking racism .... it's disgusting.
Black people should be held equally accountible for making racial slurs against white people ... and Lowery did just that in this benediction.
"just as whites are learning to embrace whats right in regards to race relations."

Can I ask you a question?
Do you think that black people have full grasp, and embracement in regards to what is right in race relations .... while white people are learning this?
And he did make a racial slur. that doesn't mean I think he is racist necessarily ... but, his comment was.
The truth doesn't offend me, MsP ... however, it's not the truth for today .. it was the truth for yesteryears.
I'm white, and I never made a black person go to the back ... what he was praying about was history.

History is over ... it's time to get with the program, already.
You are astounded that people are still holding onto this .. yet, it's people like him who is still a soldier, still living it, and preaching it. How in the hell are people suppose to get past something that is still being instilled in their brains?
It was uncalled for ... again, shit will surely follow.
I'm not familiar with who this person is .... and I hope like hell he isn't going around preaching shit like this all the time because it's wrong to keep reiterating what was, and that it needs to be dealt with because then it is there as reminder to our children to keep this alive.
"The point is, blacks weren't the ones responsible for slavery, the massacre of Native Americans, and all the other atrocities in this country regarding race. And NO, that isn't to say every white person today, is responsible."

It doesn't matter today who was responsible for what happened hundreds of years ago ... what matters is what is happening today.
that is my point. I get the higher concept, MsP ... thing is, the higher concept is mute .. it's history.

Progress >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
tsk .... moot, not mute, lol
"You're making who was responsible the issue."

What the hell are you talking about? You're the one who said ..

"The point is, blacks weren't the ones responsible for ..."
I never said in any of my points, anything that resembled responsibility for something ..... I'm saying it doesn't matter, and that it was inappropriate for him to make this racial slur and that shit will surely follow for it.
Because I didn't hear the speech .... AS quoted that small portion, and in here I read it. If you'd like to put up a link, I'll listen to it, so that you won't have to go waah! waah!
*sigh* noone really ever wins these arguements Sad
Obama should bring up special holy water to remove the anti Christ stains from the office, hope he is not infected yet.
HELTER SKELTER!! huh angry?
Mahatma Gandhi: I object to violence because when it appears to do good, the good is only temporary; the evil it does is permanent.
Charles Manson: Hear, hear!
^ indeed
I think it's sad.
I'm sorry, I have to laugh at all of this. lol, people on here are WAY to sensitive about nationality/race/creed or whatever the case maybe. I refuse to argue the point because that makes me about as stupid as many who frequent the Politics Board, and I'm certainly no dummy.
People actually believe what they type on here ... hahaha ...
Thats the sad part about it really, no one can talk about this sort of thing without insults being thrown left and right OR someone being so "holy" as to actually believe that THEY (of all people in the world) really know what they are talking about.

I will admit that the self-rightiousness is amazing un-the-less smile I am under the impression that most you the people that have replied know don't know anything LOL! After reading, thats my conclusion really. Theres only two people here who maybe on to something, but I may have to question the educational background of anyone else.
hahahaha, I'm sorry, just the stuff I've read makes me wonder ... is the government really wasting time education here or what?
Just a thought ^_^. Who knows, you are can be merely entertaining yourselves, so using tons of foolishness is a good way, I suppose.
I like to entertain myself to, but with different things Tongue

So carrying-on my citzens, cappysweetie's watching smile
funny i feel the same way when i read your garbage posts......and now this acting like u and your opinions are better and u are above all these people here on this board expressing thier opinions.......i would expect no less from one of the fakest people on dxp.
"So carrying-on my citzens, cappysweetie's watching"
i think u are having an identity crisis and illusions of grandure......okay pres. cappybama Winking
People actually believe what they type on here ... hahaha ...
Thats the sad part about it really, no one can talk about this sort of thing without insults being thrown left and right OR someone being so "holy" as to actually believe that THEY (of all people in the world) really know what they are talking about.
Right, CappySweetie ... only carry it further into realizing it's an actuality, rather than just on the surface to laugh at because it seems so ludicrious.
A change of this magnitude within an already torn country ... will tear the people, rather than mend them .. because the injury hasn't completely healed yet.
I've been telling people this for a while, only to get laughed at like I don't know what I'm talking about ..... and here now, you can recognize it being present in people, the holier than thou attitude is present in you, as well .. you can see it here, but it goes no deeper than just the initial thought that your eyes see it.
People are changing with this change ... can you see how the change is ACTUALLY unfolding ... or can you only acknowldege it being present without any real substance to laugh at?
I know I say this all the time, but, this is a really great website.

You guys are fabulous. Rock on.
i think u are having an identity crisis and illusions of grandure......okay pres. cappybama

Thats what I mean cj7, finally you understand who The Great One is Winking
*Takes a bow*
Thank you, thank you, you are far too kind, but oh so very right LOL!
Oh and about being fake, let me make something clear.
Haven't I told you time and time again that its not good to refer to yourself through me cj7. Seriously dude, its not good for the head. I try to tell, but you no listen.
Mental, I tell you Mental!
"I know I say this all the time, but, this is a really great website.

You guys are fabulous. Rock on."
stop that before you make me spit out my drink.
u are fake ...loser.
and im not the only person who has called u fake either so if the shoe fits i'll throw it smile
well being a fake bitch obviously never goes out of style Winking
and for all the people that want to ignorantly lump people into categories i will state ONCE more that i will support obama now that he is our president, i hope he does help the country.....and that doesnt mean he shouldnt be criticised either......my problem since the start of the whole election experience has mostly been with propaganda machine idiots that are called crappysweetie and agauaqjiparekjlsdfoldingjhuejoints. i am an independant and they look as stupid to me as hardcore republicans do. i understand the social aspects of the democratic party and they are needed but so are the business aspects of the republican party.......without money ...u cant help anyone. i dont believe in big government(which is where we are headed). my problem is with rude jackasses like them that instigate arguements between people and stir up unnecessary fights over the issues of the election. treating politics like you are trash talking the superbowl is kinda immature and the things they have said to people are pretty fuckin bad (which usually got the response they wanted). they have managed to turn people against each other who dont even know what the others stand for besides the fact that the must hate obama if cappy and aqui are calling them racists and shit...(u go girl...tell them off, go obama) even if clinton won the nomination she would have easily beat mccain as would have almost any other democrat....so to me obama getting elected was no surprise or big deal, i think he was one of the least qualified to get the nomination. i wont go ape shit when the first hispanic american is elected president or the first asian american president either, history is made everyday. im tired of hearing "i would have never thought id see it in my lifetime" .....really?? ....really?? in a hundred or so years we have gone from horse drawn buggies to scooping ice off of mars and burning it in an easybake and transmitting all that data accross the universe...... i am not as excited as some because its not that big of a surprise to me. the world is changing constantly....its not like black people have never ruled shit......just not the ones in america.lol i do understand the pride and emotions that obama brings up for african americans and it is rightly so. my issue is when people label u a racist or ignorant country fuck just because u didnt vote for obama ( i didnt vote for mccain either Winking ) its seems if u dont swoon for obama and get all freaky excited then they
have all kinds of labels to put on u that explain to them and i guess to others why u arent in love with obama and think he's better than sliced bread. i have said mean stuff on here but it was pretty much in response to direct attacks from them, unfortunately my mars in aries gets the best of me and i have to fire back, that i take responsiblity for. Sad i wont feel bad for having a all encompassing approach that stays the course and doesnt jump on bandwagons....id rather walk thank u. all the racial stuff that has been stirred up on this board is almost unbelievable........
i think im done on the politics board, ihave been on dxp since 2002 and have seen flare ups and arguements for sure but this stuff is just too much.
u talkin to me? are fucking kidding?
people are people to me.....u want to keep going with this shit??
people want thier heritage...and want to be known for it....
see, this is where im called a racist and i call her a stupid fat whore....theres really no need for it
i didnt get excited over bush, clinton, bush, either so the fact that they are white black red or yellow really isnt figuring into the equation.....and thats racist?? aaa okay...
thank god..... smile sorry for calling u a stupid fat whore Sad
i was trying to hurt ya cuz i was hurt that i thought u were saying that to me Sad
*sigh* Sad