With a Chart like:
Sun maybe in Scorpio (or Libra)
Moon in Pisces
Mercury and Uranus in Scorpio
Mars and Jupiter in Cancer
Does this mean this guy is highly emotional? So far he acts very laid back. I notice him criticize his brother for falling in love too fast and acting needy. So I don't really know. I'm an emotional person but I don't wear my heart on my sleeve. I don't mind being with someone who is open with their emotions and feelings. Maybe I can learn a thing or two on how to be more open from him. But what I really want to know if a guy has a lot of water influence does he need constant assurance from his lover? Does he like someone a bit more "clingy"? I know I've been giving him a lot of space because I'm afraid of becoming too overbearing but I don't want to give him too much space that he thinks I'm not interested.
Thank you everyone for your input and insight!!! I really like this guy so any info is very much appreciated.
Thank you WinterBorn for the info...The stuff on Scorpio/Pisces and Libra/Pisces combo is interesting...so far from what I can observe, he doesn't act overly dramatic nor does he exaggerate problems...he's very laid back...he's also not standoffish and aloof...
I do notice that he's very observant which I initially attributed to his Scorpio side and he's very sociable which I thought was more Libra-ish.
DwellingOnMove you have to tell me more about moon in Pisces... I too hate things ringing all the time. I like peace and quite so not all Virgos are as noisy as your sister. What you said was funny because the guy whom I'm completely infatuated with brought up that I was quiet on our first date.
irishlibra___I don't have a lot of water in my chart but there are plenty of times when I can get emotional...I just don't show it. So I don't think I mind being with someone emotional.
"you were quiet? so you were shy. or you were analysing the situation."
Actually both... I guess it's a Virgo thing to analyze and over-analyze anything that's new to us. But there was one time when he asked me to hang out with his friends and at that time I declined the invitation. I had to explain to him that I was shy especially meeting a whole bunch of people at the same time. I hope he didn't think I was a snob for declining because I truly did want to meet his friends.
"In my experience when Virgo women sells this attitude people buy it as "elegant" and "classy". Point is most of people are attracted to whom who does not show enough of her/himself"
Actually it wasn't my intention to sell anything...I think it's more like over-analyzing the situation because I was like "will his friends like me?", "if they don't, will that affect his view on me?", etc...
"I think in the dating phase you will be attractive enough. He will not give up on you. Problem is always the time after getting closer."
As a person with moon in Pisces, what qualities do you look for in a mate? I just want my guy to know that he feels adored by me... I don't want him to have any doubts.
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Jun 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 542 · Topics: 62
I know someone with moon/mars/pluto in scorpio, sun/venus/lilith in pisces
I think that's it (I don't know his ascendent)
Also his sun is very much on the aries cusp.
Still it's a lot of water. And he is so secretive and reserved. Everyone says he's really serious and holds back a lot.