So this Virguy I like sent me a really drunk message that rambled about nothing a lot but contained the words you're am
I enjoy it so far. I has been throwing me off every now and then, and boring me with a certain charater (Martin). But o
Do you guys believe in Soulmates?. I really feel that my EX aries and I are twin souls/twin flames. I don't really know
Hello, my name is Cristy & I have been with my virgo 4 years. He was a truck driver. he went home & got caught drinking
i thought it was hilarious Avatar... with Babies from The Midnight Show
we were musing on another post about how times they have changed and i wanted to give a shout out to the cartoon heroes
I hate feeling this way. It hurts too much :(
Do you feel superior (not dominant over) to other signs? As if you're a senior in high school looking down at freshman?
I'm just looking into cyber space to see if by some slim chance anyone on here has had any issues with them? My sister