All men cheat?

This topic was created in the Relationships & Astrology forum by euphony on Wednesday, January 17, 2018 and has 48 replies.
No I don’t think this.

But was listening to a radio station this morning that talked about Hollywood news stating that The Chainsmoker’s Alex Pall (Taurus sun) cheated on his gf (I think a Cancer sun). She caught him on video after he swore up and down that he’d never cheat and would post pictures of them calling her “his world” and all that romantic stuff. Showing them happy and traveling around the world.

After he was caught he finally sort of admitted it by saying “Because all men do it, it’s not that bad” She said he “swore on his life he never touched” any women.

She said he never apologized either for his actions after admitting it.

Why would a man who made it seem like their relationship was beautiful and all that then say “all men cheat” after swearing up and down he wouldn’t? Also, why not apologize?

*Can we trust anyone? 😑

The social media life vs. real is such a joke.

Celebrities are not real people fyi.
Posted by UnicornSag
And apology would fix what exactly? He goes to do another woman, comes back to you and says sorry. That would change how you feel about it? Or the fact he did it? I don't think so. I don't need or expect an apology from someone who does that. And no, not all men cheat...
That’s true. I’d say boy bye, no apology needed! ✌🏻

Posted by sierra_
taurus loyalty such hype
Yeah. Why not just go play the field? If you have it like that where you can get multiple women, then just do it. Not pretend to lovvvveeeee her and be all romantic while you’re with other women.
Posted by Ellygant
He probably did love her, just himself more. In his world most men probably do cheat with pride as well, so his perspective, however lame, is probably accurate in context. Plus he was a total geek who used to talk a lot about getting rejected before being famous soooo.

I wouldn’t say celeb drama is reflective of men as a whole tho.

Kinda ironic, they happily splayed out their love online and then she happily splayed out her revenge porn using the same platform.
Loved her while he was sleeping with other women, grabbing their butts just like he grabbed hers? Wouldn’t call that love.
Posted by RooSagicorn
No not all men cheat. Not all women are faithful either.
I agree. What a lame excuse he used.
Posted by Leo188881
Interesting. I didn't think it was common and I thought most people were loyal. It isn't something I could ever do so I was perhaps naive in believing that.

I looked up the stats on infidelity here in Australia, because i was curious. 45% admit to cheating!!!!

It makes sense. With the internet, it is so easy to do in this day and age. I do not think it would have been so common for previous generations though. It comes down to your interpretation of cheating though. Is it sleeping with someone or is flirting online cheating too...

I’m loyal too.

45% Ugh! How sad.

That’s true though. Way easier now. Well he cheated. But that’s a question to ask one’s self though. What are you willing to put up with?
Posted by Supes
looks like he smothered her with affection so his loyalty would never be questioned
I agree. Make it seem all beautiful online and when she’s around so no one thinks anything.

Posted by Supes
I think most men cheat after 35 and the women cheat before 35
Possibly 🤷🏻‍♀️
Posted by sierra_
Posted by euphony
Posted by sierra_
taurus loyalty such hype
Yeah. Why not just go play the field? If you have it like that where you can get multiple women, then just do it. Not pretend to lovvvveeeee her and be all romantic while you’re with other women.
maybe he's committed..

to 2 relationships at the same time

tell them both i love yous and act all sweet
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You mean more than 2? He was letting out those I love yous and sweet, sweet moments.
Posted by queenaries_
Posted by Ellygant
He probably did love her, just himself more. In his world most men probably do cheat with pride as well, so his perspective, however lame, is probably accurate in context. Plus he was a total geek who used to talk a lot about getting rejected before being famous soooo.

I wouldn’t say celeb drama is reflective of men as a whole tho.

Kinda ironic, they happily splayed out their love online and then she happily splayed out her revenge porn using the same platform.
I’m sorry if you love someone you don’t cheat on them

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Not so apparently

I have heard plenty of men say they love their wives very much but have still have had a bit on the side


Great hey ?
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by queenaries_
Posted by Ellygant
He probably did love her, just himself more. In his world most men probably do cheat with pride as well, so his perspective, however lame, is probably accurate in context. Plus he was a total geek who used to talk a lot about getting rejected before being famous soooo.

I wouldn’t say celeb drama is reflective of men as a whole tho.

Kinda ironic, they happily splayed out their love online and then she happily splayed out her revenge porn using the same platform.
I’m sorry if you love someone you don’t cheat on them

Not so apparently

I have heard plenty of men say they love their wives very much but have still have had a bit on the side


Great hey ?
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Lol Oh those men.
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by queenaries_
Posted by Ellygant
He probably did love her, just himself more. In his world most men probably do cheat with pride as well, so his perspective, however lame, is probably accurate in context. Plus he was a total geek who used to talk a lot about getting rejected before being famous soooo.

I wouldn’t say celeb drama is reflective of men as a whole tho.

Kinda ironic, they happily splayed out their love online and then she happily splayed out her revenge porn using the same platform.
I’m sorry if you love someone you don’t cheat on them

Not so apparently

I have heard plenty of men say they love their wives very much but have still have had a bit on the side


Great hey ?
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“They'll look you in the eyes and tell you they love you. Then destroy you without a second thought."
Posted by euphony
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by queenaries_
Posted by Ellygant
He probably did love her, just himself more. In his world most men probably do cheat with pride as well, so his perspective, however lame, is probably accurate in context. Plus he was a total geek who used to talk a lot about getting rejected before being famous soooo.

I wouldn’t say celeb drama is reflective of men as a whole tho.

Kinda ironic, they happily splayed out their love online and then she happily splayed out her revenge porn using the same platform.
I’m sorry if you love someone you don’t cheat on them

Not so apparently

I have heard plenty of men say they love their wives very much but have still have had a bit on the side


Great hey ?
Lol Oh those men.
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Yes those......yada, yada, yada.......

Words, words, words

Posted by euphony
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by queenaries_
Posted by Ellygant
He probably did love her, just himself more. In his world most men probably do cheat with pride as well, so his perspective, however lame, is probably accurate in context. Plus he was a total geek who used to talk a lot about getting rejected before being famous soooo.

I wouldn’t say celeb drama is reflective of men as a whole tho.

Kinda ironic, they happily splayed out their love online and then she happily splayed out her revenge porn using the same platform.
I’m sorry if you love someone you don’t cheat on them

Not so apparently

I have heard plenty of men say they love their wives very much but have still have had a bit on the side


Great hey ?
“They'll look you in the eyes and tell you they love you. Then destroy you without a second thought."
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...only if you allow them to

I wouldn't
Posted by queenaries_
Posted by Ellygant
He probably did love her, just himself more. In his world most men probably do cheat with pride as well, so his perspective, however lame, is probably accurate in context. Plus he was a total geek who used to talk a lot about getting rejected before being famous soooo.

I wouldn’t say celeb drama is reflective of men as a whole tho.

Kinda ironic, they happily splayed out their love online and then she happily splayed out her revenge porn using the same platform.
I’m sorry if you love someone you don’t cheat on them

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The truth! there's no justification for emotional or physical cheating imo.

Posted by queenaries_
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by queenaries_
Posted by Ellygant
He probably did love her, just himself more. In his world most men probably do cheat with pride as well, so his perspective, however lame, is probably accurate in context. Plus he was a total geek who used to talk a lot about getting rejected before being famous soooo.

I wouldn’t say celeb drama is reflective of men as a whole tho.

Kinda ironic, they happily splayed out their love online and then she happily splayed out her revenge porn using the same platform.
I’m sorry if you love someone you don’t cheat on them

Not so apparently

I have heard plenty of men say they love their wives very much but have still have had a bit on the side


Great hey ?
Saying and do are two different things

Someone can say they love their body but then go and stick a finger down their throat

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I was being contrary.....sadly I've heard too many of those laughable stories over the years

They convince themselves to justify the bit on the side


I think physical monogamy is a choice, and it is not inherent for humans to be faithful.

At my core, I holy dislike cheating, and do not condone it. However, the logical side of me steps in, and realizes that our DNA probably has traits within it, that are hyper focused on procreation. This, is the reason that cheating occurs. But people are solely responsible for their actions, so inherent or not, they still have a choice.

As for sex and love. That's a whole different argument. Love is not needed for sex, and vice versa at a core level as well. It is a choice people make as well, to only physically have sex, when in love. But love is, and never will be needed, to fulfill physical desires. A person can love someone, and physically sleep with someone else, and that doesn't mean they don't love the other person. It just means they are incapable of making choices that don't hurt the person they agreed to have a monogamous relationship with. They lack self control, and will power to choose the right thing.
1. Never believe social media portrayal of a relationship or anything for that matter. Social media was made for narcissist and people with poor self-esteem looking for validation/approval from randoms. Just like filtered pics don't look like you, relationship pics don't make your relationship functional either.

2. Celebs are a joke. Don't take their life seriously.

3. Both genders cheat. This guy is just using a traditional excuse. 2018 is gonna give him a call soon.

4. Cheating is all about opportunity for the weak-willed.

I'm as loyal as they come, but if a better deal shows up, the only reason I'd decline is because I have one hell of a discipline. Without it, I'm going for it in a heartbeat.
Posted by aquarius09
1. Never believe social media portrayal of a relationship or anything for that matter. Social media was made for narcissist and people with poor self-esteem looking for validation/approval from randoms. Just like filtered pics don't look like you, relationship pics don't make your relationship functional either.

2. Celebs are a joke. Don't take their life seriously.

3. Both genders cheat. This guy is just using a traditional excuse. 2018 is gonna give him a call soon.

4. Cheating is all about opportunity for the weak-willed.

I'm as loyal as they come, but if a better deal shows up, the only reason I'd decline is because I have one hell of a discipline. Without it, I'm going for it in a heartbeat.
1. Completely agree with you on that one.

2. Their relationship actually reminds me of a real life couple minus the “famous” title. Couple happens to be a Taurus male and Cancer female. Only reason I brought it up. She went crazy on social media too!

3 and 4. Agree with that too!

So you’d leave the person you’re with or just cheat with whoever has the “better deal?” I’m assuming since you said you’re loyal that you’d break up first. But just wondering.

Posted by nikkistar
I think physical monogamy is a choice, and it is not inherent for humans to be faithful.

At my core, I holy dislike cheating, and do not condone it. However, the logical side of me steps in, and realizes that our DNA probably has traits within it, that are hyper focused on procreation. This, is the reason that cheating occurs. But people are solely responsible for their actions, so inherent or not, they still have a choice.

As for sex and love. That's a whole different argument. Love is not needed for sex, and vice versa at a core level as well. It is a choice people make as well, to only physically have sex, when in love. But love is, and never will be needed, to fulfill physical desires. A person can love someone, and physically sleep with someone else, and that doesn't mean they don't love the other person. It just means they are incapable of making choices that don't hurt the person they agreed to have a monogamous relationship with. They lack self control, and will power to choose the right thing.
And sadly lead the people they choose to “love” down this road of believing they can be monogamous, when they actually cannot.
Posted by euphony
Posted by aquarius09
1. Never believe social media portrayal of a relationship or anything for that matter. Social media was made for narcissist and people with poor self-esteem looking for validation/approval from randoms. Just like filtered pics don't look like you, relationship pics don't make your relationship functional either.

2. Celebs are a joke. Don't take their life seriously.

3. Both genders cheat. This guy is just using a traditional excuse. 2018 is gonna give him a call soon.

4. Cheating is all about opportunity for the weak-willed.

I'm as loyal as they come, but if a better deal shows up, the only reason I'd decline is because I have one hell of a discipline. Without it, I'm going for it in a heartbeat.
1. Completely agree with you on that one.

2. Their relationship actually reminds me of a real life couple minus the “famous” title. Couple happens to be a Taurus male and Cancer female. Only reason I brought it up. She went crazy on social media too!

3 and 4. Agree with that too!

So you’d leave the person you’re with or just cheat with whoever has the “better deal?” I’m assuming since you said you’re loyal that you’d break up first. But just wondering.

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I'm saying I would cheat if I lacked discipline and integrity. But, since I don't, I won't cheat. Integrity and honour are of paramount importance to me. I measure myself and others with these two traits.

Also, I'm not a coward, a trait every cheater possesses, so I don't need to sneak around. I'll just leave my partner if the deal is really that sweet. However, I also don't see that happening because I don't do placeholder relationships. I get in a relationship if a solid connection, which can't be trumped is there. Otherwise, I'm very happy being single...I know shocking for most people because they don't know how to be alone.

Im waiting for lishabethur comments about celebs who don't cheat on their partner.
Posted by Taniwha
What the fuck is the point in being a rock star if you've got a girl at home monitoring your every move. Fuck that, if she's worth your time she would be right by your side all tour.
Because they want the woman at home to love them, to be there when they get home and also have the side women on the tour.

Looks like this guy wanted to play in both worlds and not mix them?
Posted by xXxBitcheroniiiXxX
Of course not all men cheat.

Just 99.974589% do.
Haha Alicia

I never got cheated on, so there is still hope

Posted by euphony
No I don’t think this.

But was listening to a radio station this morning that talked about Hollywood news stating that The Chainsmoker’s Alex Pall (Taurus sun) cheated on his gf (I think a Cancer sun). She caught him on video after he swore up and down that he’d never cheat and would post pictures of them calling her “his world” and all that romantic stuff. Showing them happy and traveling around the world.

After he was caught he finally sort of admitted it by saying “Because all men do it, it’s not that bad” She said he “swore on his life he never touched” any women.

She said he never apologized either for his actions after admitting it.

Why would a man who made it seem like their relationship was beautiful and all that then say “all men cheat” after swearing up and down he wouldn’t? Also, why not apologize?

*Can we trust anyone? 😑

The social media life vs. real is such a joke.

This bothers me. Thats my thought Sad
No. I believe cheating has little to do with sex in most cases, you have the choice to have sex with 1 or +1, to be in an open/traditional relationship or single. If people still chose to betray it points out other issues than lust.
Posted by HippieGem
Posted by euphony
No I don’t think this.

But was listening to a radio station this morning that talked about Hollywood news stating that The Chainsmoker’s Alex Pall (Taurus sun) cheated on his gf (I think a Cancer sun). She caught him on video after he swore up and down that he’d never cheat and would post pictures of them calling her “his world” and all that romantic stuff. Showing them happy and traveling around the world.

After he was caught he finally sort of admitted it by saying “Because all men do it, it’s not that bad” She said he “swore on his life he never touched” any women.

She said he never apologized either for his actions after admitting it.

Why would a man who made it seem like their relationship was beautiful and all that then say “all men cheat” after swearing up and down he wouldn’t? Also, why not apologize?

*Can we trust anyone? 😑

The social media life vs. real is such a joke.

This bothers me. Thats my thought Sad
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Me too!
Posted by UnicornSag
And apology would fix what exactly? He goes to do another woman, comes back to you and says sorry. That would change how you feel about it? Or the fact he did it? I don't think so. I don't need or expect an apology from someone who does that. And no, not all men cheat...
He could always say ‘honey it’s not what it seems’...they do even they caught on the top of the other woman...

Posted by Gemitati
Posted by UnicornSag
And apology would fix what exactly? He goes to do another woman, comes back to you and says sorry. That would change how you feel about it? Or the fact he did it? I don't think so. I don't need or expect an apology from someone who does that. And no, not all men cheat...
He could always say ‘honey it’s not what it seems’...they do even they caught on the top of the other woman...

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Posted by xXxBitcheroniiiXxX
Of course not all men cheat.

Just 99.974589% do.
User Submitted Image disappointed in you Daisy

I have never cheated cause I am just a good reliable person. Could I cheat if I wanted though and do I think about other women when in a relationship? On a daily basis but that's not the point!!

The point is this is not about regular men it's about celebrities. It is IMPOSSIBLE for a male Rock Star, famous athlete, actor etc. not to cheat. The women are literally hunting and throwing themselves at them in the hotels, bars, concerts etc. You can say no to a delicious piece of cake once or twice if you are on a diet but the more people offer it to you the more likely it is you will cheat on your diet sooner or later. If I were a Rock Star I would never get married in the first place.

With that being said I think it's save to say that's it's not the Rock star's fault that he cheats it's those damn hot groupie women who don't even know whether they are compatible at all (you know venus and that stuff), cause they are evil minded! Angry
Posted by edgelord
Posted by TheSag
Posted by xXxBitcheroniiiXxX
Of course not all men cheat.

Just 99.974589% do.
User Submitted Image disappointed in you Daisy

I have never cheated cause I am just a good reliable person. Could I cheat if I wanted though and do I think about other women when in a relationship? On a daily basis but that's not the point!!

The point is this is not about regular men it's about celebrities. It is IMPOSSIBLE for a male Rock Star, famous athlete, actor etc. not to cheat. The women are literally hunting and throwing themselves at them in the hotels, bars, concerts etc. You can say no to a delicious piece of cake once or twice if you are on a diet but the more people offer it to you the more likely it is you will cheat on your diet sooner or later. If I were a Rock Star I would never get married in the first place.

With that being said I think it's save to say that's it's not the Rock star's fault that he cheats it's those damn hot groupie women who don't even know whether they are compatible at all (you know venus and that stuff), cause they are evil minded! Angry
So... you’re a slut?

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What? Why would I be a slut???? Am I a famous Rock Star???? Angry
Posted by edgelord
Posted by TheSag
Posted by edgelord
Posted by TheSag
Posted by xXxBitcheroniiiXxX
Of course not all men cheat.

Just 99.974589% do.
User Submitted Image disappointed in you Daisy

I have never cheated cause I am just a good reliable person. Could I cheat if I wanted though and do I think about other women when in a relationship? On a daily basis but that's not the point!!

The point is this is not about regular men it's about celebrities. It is IMPOSSIBLE for a male Rock Star, famous athlete, actor etc. not to cheat. The women are literally hunting and throwing themselves at them in the hotels, bars, concerts etc. You can say no to a delicious piece of cake once or twice if you are on a diet but the more people offer it to you the more likely it is you will cheat on your diet sooner or later. If I were a Rock Star I would never get married in the first place.

With that being said I think it's save to say that's it's not the Rock star's fault that he cheats it's those damn hot groupie women who don't even know whether they are compatible at all (you know venus and that stuff), cause they are evil minded! Angry
So... you’re a slut?

What? Why would I be a slut???? Am I a famous Rock Star???? Angry

Aren’t you a Sagittarius man?

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Posted by edgelord
Posted by TheSag
Posted by xXxBitcheroniiiXxX
Of course not all men cheat.

Just 99.974589% do.
User Submitted Image disappointed in you Daisy

I have never cheated cause I am just a good reliable person. Could I cheat if I wanted though and do I think about other women when in a relationship? On a daily basis but that's not the point!!

The point is this is not about regular men it's about celebrities. It is IMPOSSIBLE for a male Rock Star, famous athlete, actor etc. not to cheat. The women are literally hunting and throwing themselves at them in the hotels, bars, concerts etc. You can say no to a delicious piece of cake once or twice if you are on a diet but the more people offer it to you the more likely it is you will cheat on your diet sooner or later. If I were a Rock Star I would never get married in the first place.

With that being said I think it's save to say that's it's not the Rock star's fault that he cheats it's those damn hot groupie women who don't even know whether they are compatible at all (you know venus and that stuff), cause they are evil minded! Angry
So... you’re a slut?

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GTFO! That’s what my mom asked me after I’ve met Cancer...👀

Posted by Fortuna
You’re getting your source from a station that talks about Hollywood “news” claiming all men cheat.


It’s just for entertainment. They’re hooking on to people who love drama and of course they come up with cheap “bait.” Hollywood is not a reliable news source.
No they didn’t claim it. Actually they were saying NOT all men cheat.

The Taurus dude told his gf that “all men do it so it’s not that bad” that he did it to her. That’s what he told her as his excuse for it.

Lol 🤓
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by edgelord
Posted by TheSag
Posted by xXxBitcheroniiiXxX
Of course not all men cheat.

Just 99.974589% do.
User Submitted Image disappointed in you Daisy

I have never cheated cause I am just a good reliable person. Could I cheat if I wanted though and do I think about other women when in a relationship? On a daily basis but that's not the point!!

The point is this is not about regular men it's about celebrities. It is IMPOSSIBLE for a male Rock Star, famous athlete, actor etc. not to cheat. The women are literally hunting and throwing themselves at them in the hotels, bars, concerts etc. You can say no to a delicious piece of cake once or twice if you are on a diet but the more people offer it to you the more likely it is you will cheat on your diet sooner or later. If I were a Rock Star I would never get married in the first place.

With that being said I think it's save to say that's it's not the Rock star's fault that he cheats it's those damn hot groupie women who don't even know whether they are compatible at all (you know venus and that stuff), cause they are evil minded! Angry
So... you’re a slut?

GTFO! That’s what my mom asked me after I’ve met Cancer...👀

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Cancer? Aren't you almost legally exchangng emotions with a Scorpio?

Posted by Gemitati
Posted by UnicornSag
And apology would fix what exactly? He goes to do another woman, comes back to you and says sorry. That would change how you feel about it? Or the fact he did it? I don't think so. I don't need or expect an apology from someone who does that. And no, not all men cheat...
He could always say ‘honey it’s not what it seems’...they do even they caught on the top of the other woman...

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....followed by

"it didn't mean anything"

Posted by edgelord
Posted by TheSag
Posted by edgelord
Posted by TheSag
Posted by edgelord
Posted by TheSag
Posted by xXxBitcheroniiiXxX
Of course not all men cheat.

Just 99.974589% do.
User Submitted Image disappointed in you Daisy

I have never cheated cause I am just a good reliable person. Could I cheat if I wanted though and do I think about other women when in a relationship? On a daily basis but that's not the point!!

The point is this is not about regular men it's about celebrities. It is IMPOSSIBLE for a male Rock Star, famous athlete, actor etc. not to cheat. The women are literally hunting and throwing themselves at them in the hotels, bars, concerts etc. You can say no to a delicious piece of cake once or twice if you are on a diet but the more people offer it to you the more likely it is you will cheat on your diet sooner or later. If I were a Rock Star I would never get married in the first place.

With that being said I think it's save to say that's it's not the Rock star's fault that he cheats it's those damn hot groupie women who don't even know whether they are compatible at all (you know venus and that stuff), cause they are evil minded! Angry
So... you’re a slut?

What? Why would I be a slut???? Am I a famous Rock Star???? Angry

Aren’t you a Sagittarius man?

Sag man = slag status

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You are a Sag racist!

I have not even had any sex this whole damn year. I demand an apology!! Angry
Posted by Fortuna
Posted by euphony
Posted by Fortuna
You’re getting your source from a station that talks about Hollywood “news” claiming all men cheat.


It’s just for entertainment. They’re hooking on to people who love drama and of course they come up with cheap “bait.” Hollywood is not a reliable news source.
No they didn’t claim it. Actually they were saying NOT all men cheat.

The Taurus dude told his gf that “all men do it so it’s not that bad” that he did it to her. That’s what he told her as his excuse for it.

Lol 🤓
Okay, I honestly didn’t read past “Hollywood,” lol

But still, the radio station baited you into listening by featuring cheap Hollywood entertainment.

Maybe it’s because I don’t live in Hollywood or any place that prizes that kind of thing, but I am so far removed from that culture that I think it’s ridiculous.

I don’t believe reality TV or any of that. Or reality radio stations, where they set up phone calls and make up things to entertain people. A lot of people believe that it’s true, it’s not.

I’ll let you continue with your fun though and yeah, not all men cheat. smile
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Yeah figured you didn’t read it.

Most people either love hearing about Hollywood drama (his Cancer gf posted the video surveillance on her instagram or one of those about making sure people knew he cheated, the dude even grabbed the girl he cheated with the same exact way he grabbed his gf in a picture of them looking all happy) or hate it and go with their feelings on it in general. Which is what some comments were when they saw he was a famous guy. Understandable. I only heard it because it was a rough morning and I forgot my phone to Bluetooth my music in my car. Morning shows was it on the way to work! 😂

But then I just read a thread about a guy (Taurus) that wants to cheat on his wife but the one who wrote it said she told him off and said to go back to his wife! Lol

So yeah it happens in Hollywood a lot and they may not be “real” to us, but let’s be honest it happens in real life too.

Not just Taurus men, I know a Leo dude that cheats on his Aqua wife with an Aries woman, but to the rest of his little world they all think he’s an amazing husband. Like all how cute are those pictures, even though you were with the Aries just this last weekend? 😑

Posted by edgelord
Posted by TheSag
Posted by edgelord
Posted by TheSag
Posted by edgelord
Posted by TheSag
Posted by edgelord
Posted by TheSag
Posted by xXxBitcheroniiiXxX
Of course not all men cheat.

Just 99.974589% do.
User Submitted Image disappointed in you Daisy

I have never cheated cause I am just a good reliable person. Could I cheat if I wanted though and do I think about other women when in a relationship? On a daily basis but that's not the point!!

The point is this is not about regular men it's about celebrities. It is IMPOSSIBLE for a male Rock Star, famous athlete, actor etc. not to cheat. The women are literally hunting and throwing themselves at them in the hotels, bars, concerts etc. You can say no to a delicious piece of cake once or twice if you are on a diet but the more people offer it to you the more likely it is you will cheat on your diet sooner or later. If I were a Rock Star I would never get married in the first place.

With that being said I think it's save to say that's it's not the Rock star's fault that he cheats it's those damn hot groupie women who don't even know whether they are compatible at all (you know venus and that stuff), cause they are evil minded! Angry
So... you’re a slut?

What? Why would I be a slut???? Am I a famous Rock Star???? Angry

Aren’t you a Sagittarius man?

Sag man = slag status

You are a Sag racist!

I have not even had any sex this whole damn year. I demand an apology!! Angry
I apologize that sag men are such whorebags
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that's good enough for me.

Apology accepted!

Posted by Supes
I think most men cheat after 35 and the women cheat before 35
Posted by TheSag
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by edgelord
Posted by TheSag
Posted by xXxBitcheroniiiXxX
Of course not all men cheat.

Just 99.974589% do.
User Submitted Image disappointed in you Daisy

I have never cheated cause I am just a good reliable person. Could I cheat if I wanted though and do I think about other women when in a relationship? On a daily basis but that's not the point!!

The point is this is not about regular men it's about celebrities. It is IMPOSSIBLE for a male Rock Star, famous athlete, actor etc. not to cheat. The women are literally hunting and throwing themselves at them in the hotels, bars, concerts etc. You can say no to a delicious piece of cake once or twice if you are on a diet but the more people offer it to you the more likely it is you will cheat on your diet sooner or later. If I were a Rock Star I would never get married in the first place.

With that being said I think it's save to say that's it's not the Rock star's fault that he cheats it's those damn hot groupie women who don't even know whether they are compatible at all (you know venus and that stuff), cause they are evil minded! Angry
So... you’re a slut?

GTFO! That’s what my mom asked me after I’ve met Cancer...👀

Cancer? Aren't you almost legally exchangng emotions with a Scorpio?

click to expand
You’ve missed later development...lmao

It’s Cancer now.
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by TheSag
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by edgelord
Posted by TheSag
Posted by xXxBitcheroniiiXxX
Of course not all men cheat.

Just 99.974589% do.
User Submitted Image disappointed in you Daisy

I have never cheated cause I am just a good reliable person. Could I cheat if I wanted though and do I think about other women when in a relationship? On a daily basis but that's not the point!!

The point is this is not about regular men it's about celebrities. It is IMPOSSIBLE for a male Rock Star, famous athlete, actor etc. not to cheat. The women are literally hunting and throwing themselves at them in the hotels, bars, concerts etc. You can say no to a delicious piece of cake once or twice if you are on a diet but the more people offer it to you the more likely it is you will cheat on your diet sooner or later. If I were a Rock Star I would never get married in the first place.

With that being said I think it's save to say that's it's not the Rock star's fault that he cheats it's those damn hot groupie women who don't even know whether they are compatible at all (you know venus and that stuff), cause they are evil minded! Angry
So... you’re a slut?

GTFO! That’s what my mom asked me after I’ve met Cancer...👀

Cancer? Aren't you almost legally exchangng emotions with a Scorpio?

You’ve missed later development...lmao

It’s Cancer now.
click to expand
What??? And you didn't give that poor Scorpio any chance at all?

You are such a Sag gemitati Sad
Posted by TheSag
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by TheSag
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by edgelord
Posted by TheSag
Posted by xXxBitcheroniiiXxX
Of course not all men cheat.

Just 99.974589% do.
User Submitted Image disappointed in you Daisy

I have never cheated cause I am just a good reliable person. Could I cheat if I wanted though and do I think about other women when in a relationship? On a daily basis but that's not the point!!

The point is this is not about regular men it's about celebrities. It is IMPOSSIBLE for a male Rock Star, famous athlete, actor etc. not to cheat. The women are literally hunting and throwing themselves at them in the hotels, bars, concerts etc. You can say no to a delicious piece of cake once or twice if you are on a diet but the more people offer it to you the more likely it is you will cheat on your diet sooner or later. If I were a Rock Star I would never get married in the first place.

With that being said I think it's save to say that's it's not the Rock star's fault that he cheats it's those damn hot groupie women who don't even know whether they are compatible at all (you know venus and that stuff), cause they are evil minded! Angry
So... you’re a slut?

GTFO! That’s what my mom asked me after I’ve met Cancer...👀

Cancer? Aren't you almost legally exchangng emotions with a Scorpio?

You’ve missed later development...lmao

It’s Cancer now.
What??? And you didn't give that poor Scorpio any chance at all?

You are such a Sag gemitati Sad
click to expand
He is always welcome divorced and with a rock begging me on his knees!

I am ain’t a spring chicken though I am feeling like 21 now!

Sag??? Why Sag???
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by TheSag
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by TheSag
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by edgelord
Posted by TheSag
Posted by xXxBitcheroniiiXxX
Of course not all men cheat.

Just 99.974589% do.
User Submitted Image disappointed in you Daisy

I have never cheated cause I am just a good reliable person. Could I cheat if I wanted though and do I think about other women when in a relationship? On a daily basis but that's not the point!!

The point is this is not about regular men it's about celebrities. It is IMPOSSIBLE for a male Rock Star, famous athlete, actor etc. not to cheat. The women are literally hunting and throwing themselves at them in the hotels, bars, concerts etc. You can say no to a delicious piece of cake once or twice if you are on a diet but the more people offer it to you the more likely it is you will cheat on your diet sooner or later. If I were a Rock Star I would never get married in the first place.

With that being said I think it's save to say that's it's not the Rock star's fault that he cheats it's those damn hot groupie women who don't even know whether they are compatible at all (you know venus and that stuff), cause they are evil minded! Angry
So... you’re a slut?

GTFO! That’s what my mom asked me after I’ve met Cancer...👀

Cancer? Aren't you almost legally exchangng emotions with a Scorpio?

You’ve missed later development...lmao

It’s Cancer now.
What??? And you didn't give that poor Scorpio any chance at all?

You are such a Sag gemitati Sad
He is always welcome divorced and with a rock begging me on his knees!

I am ain’t a spring chicken though I am feeling like 21 now!

Sag??? Why Sag???
click to expand
I am so happy for you Gemitati!

You should always go for real love, no matter how long it takes. smile

Sag is just what that jealous @edgelord considers to be a good person, don't mind smile
Posted by edgelord
Posted by TheSag
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by TheSag
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by TheSag
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by edgelord
Posted by TheSag
Posted by xXxBitcheroniiiXxX
Of course not all men cheat.

Just 99.974589% do.
User Submitted Image disappointed in you Daisy

I have never cheated cause I am just a good reliable person. Could I cheat if I wanted though and do I think about other women when in a relationship? On a daily basis but that's not the point!!

The point is this is not about regular men it's about celebrities. It is IMPOSSIBLE for a male Rock Star, famous athlete, actor etc. not to cheat. The women are literally hunting and throwing themselves at them in the hotels, bars, concerts etc. You can say no to a delicious piece of cake once or twice if you are on a diet but the more people offer it to you the more likely it is you will cheat on your diet sooner or later. If I were a Rock Star I would never get married in the first place.

With that being said I think it's save to say that's it's not the Rock star's fault that he cheats it's those damn hot groupie women who don't even know whether they are compatible at all (you know venus and that stuff), cause they are evil minded! Angry
So... you’re a slut?

GTFO! That’s what my mom asked me after I’ve met Cancer...👀

Cancer? Aren't you almost legally exchangng emotions with a Scorpio?

You’ve missed later development...lmao

It’s Cancer now.
What??? And you didn't give that poor Scorpio any chance at all?

You are such a Sag gemitati Sad
He is always welcome divorced and with a rock begging me on his knees!

I am ain’t a spring chicken though I am feeling like 21 now!

Sag??? Why Sag???
I am so happy for you Gemitati!

You should always go for real love, no matter how long it takes. smile

Sag is just what that jealous @edgelord considers to be a good person, don't mind smile
Are you offering to give Gemitati some dick? I thought you were saving yourself?
click to expand
What d..dic...stop using such words. Angry

Don't listen to her Jesus, she doesn't know any better. smile
Posted by edgelord
Posted by TheSag
Posted by edgelord
Posted by TheSag
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by TheSag
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by TheSag
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by edgelord
Posted by TheSag
Posted by xXxBitcheroniiiXxX
Of course not all men cheat.

Just 99.974589% do.
User Submitted Image disappointed in you Daisy

I have never cheated cause I am just a good reliable person. Could I cheat if I wanted though and do I think about other women when in a relationship? On a daily basis but that's not the point!!

The point is this is not about regular men it's about celebrities. It is IMPOSSIBLE for a male Rock Star, famous athlete, actor etc. not to cheat. The women are literally hunting and throwing themselves at them in the hotels, bars, concerts etc. You can say no to a delicious piece of cake once or twice if you are on a diet but the more people offer it to you the more likely it is you will cheat on your diet sooner or later. If I were a Rock Star I would never get married in the first place.

With that being said I think it's save to say that's it's not the Rock star's fault that he cheats it's those damn hot groupie women who don't even know whether they are compatible at all (you know venus and that stuff), cause they are evil minded! Angry
So... you’re a slut?

GTFO! That’s what my mom asked me after I’ve met Cancer...👀

Cancer? Aren't you almost legally exchangng emotions with a Scorpio?

You’ve missed later development...lmao

It’s Cancer now.
What??? And you didn't give that poor Scorpio any chance at all?

You are such a Sag gemitati Sad
He is always welcome divorced and with a rock begging me on his knees!

I am ain’t a spring chicken though I am feeling like 21 now!

Sag??? Why Sag???
I am so happy for you Gemitati!

You should always go for real love, no matter how long it takes. smile

Sag is just what that jealous @edgelord considers to be a good person, don't mind smile
Are you offering to give Gemitati some dick? I thought you were saving yourself?
What d..dic...stop using such words. Angry

Don't listen to her Jesus, she doesn't know any better. smile

Between you and @hellosaggy there will be no more young virgins anywhere here or across the pond 🙌🏼

click to expand

Did someone say virgin?!!👀👀👀

I believe it was Chris Rock who said, "A man is only as faithful as his opportunities." This doesn't imply that all mean cheat. The message he was sending out is that women shouldn't expect their men to remain faithful if other gorgeous women are constantly throwing themselves at them.

It doesn't excuse the behavior, and the expectation isn't unreasonable when they make a promise to you that they won't cheat. However, no matter what he tells you, his dick is telling him to fvck big-busted Gloria in accounting who always comes to work in heels and a short skirt. Men are just programmed to fvck every fertile young hottie in sight. Self control is how monogamy is sustained.

Celebrities, professional athletes and the like are on a whole different level. It is much harder to keep up that self control when off-the-charts women are constantly wanting to have sex with you. The mystery to me is why they allow themselves to be in monogamous relationships in the first place.