Anyone who have empty 4th house (no planet in 4th) but have a bad/not so good childhood?

This topic was created in the Relationships & Astrology forum by stayathomewife on Friday, May 20, 2022 and has 26 replies.
I was wondering, anyone here who have empty 4th house (no planet in 4th) but have a bad or not so good childhood? Or do you NEED a planet in 4th in order to have a bad childhood (planet like Pluto in 4th, etc..)?

I just can't figure out my husband Pluto.

His 5th house cusp in Scorpio, and he has domicile Scorpio Mars in there, Scorpio Saturn in there, and Scorpio Pluto, all 3 malefics landed in his 5th house, lol.

His Mars and Saturn degrees it for sure definately in 5th.

BUT the thing is his Pluto is 1 degree, so it like right there in 5th house but 1 degree from his 4th house.

He had a bad childhood, so it make more seen to for his Pluto to be in 4th, but it just not landed in 4th. I'm just baffled how can he has an empty 4th house but had a bad childhood. So weird. astrology wise.

5th house make sense too, he the most intense man ever. But I feel that since he had a bad childhood, there has to be a planet in his 4th.
and I was wondering, how can I change my avatar, I don't know how to change my avatar, can you teach me? tia!
Yes. Empty 4th here
Empty 4th in Cancer

I was anxious as a kid.

Pluto, Chiron and Saturn placed there can be challenges and Uranus an erratic childhood ...
Thank you for all the replies.

Sis ImperfectStorm, did you try Whole sign? Maybe Whole sign will shift a planet to 4th. You should compare your chart with Placidus vs. Whole sign and see which one you resonate more with.

btw sis, how do you add an avatar? mine is empty with a smile icon, I want to change it.
I only have north node in the 4th house. I don't know what that suppose to mean in childhood. All I know is I was a quiet shy kid that always used to get picked on and bullied by other kids. And it's really not any better as an adult neither. As an adult people like to test me just to see if I'm gone snap and throw a blow or two. I like to say my childhood was in between good and bad. Let's just say it's not easy being me.
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Posted by xxAjuxx

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You are always the sweetest 🤗 🌺

What are your astro placements?
Thank you xxAjuxx so so much.
Posted by Jumpin_Jupiter

I only have north node in the 4th house. I don't know what that suppose to mean in childhood. All I know is I was a quiet shy kid that always used to get picked on and bullied by other kids. And it's really not any better as an adult neither. As an adult people like to test me just to see if I'm gone snap and throw a blow or two. I like to say my childhood was in between good and bad. Let's just say it's not easy being me.
You need some fire in your chart to defend yourself against the bullies! It’s not cool nor fair they are after you. Don’t let that happen!!
can you help me,

[upload] >>> --- I got this part done.

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oh I got it, yah. Thank you so much.
Posted by borednbeautiful
Posted by Jumpin_Jupiter

I only have north node in the 4th house. I don't know what that suppose to mean in childhood. All I know is I was a quiet shy kid that always used to get picked on and bullied by other kids. And it's really not any better as an adult neither. As an adult people like to test me just to see if I'm gone snap and throw a blow or two. I like to say my childhood was in between good and bad. Let's just say it's not easy being me.

You need some fire in your chart to defend yourself against the bullies! It’s not cool nor fair they are after you. Don’t let that happen!!
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Nah no fire needed. In an argument I tend to throw my hands up in defeat and walk away leaving my victim standing there like a dummy arguing to him or herself. I don't want no fire (but thanks anyway) because I may just get violent and ready to grab my rifle. Or even worse I might be the one to get shot.
Posted by Jumpin_Jupiter
Posted by borednbeautiful
Posted by Jumpin_Jupiter

I only have north node in the 4th house. I don't know what that suppose to mean in childhood. All I know is I was a quiet shy kid that always used to get picked on and bullied by other kids. And it's really not any better as an adult neither. As an adult people like to test me just to see if I'm gone snap and throw a blow or two. I like to say my childhood was in between good and bad. Let's just say it's not easy being me.

You need some fire in your chart to defend yourself against the bullies! It’s not cool nor fair they are after you. Don’t let that happen!!

Nah no fire needed. In an argument I tend to throw my hands up in defeat and walk away leaving my victim standing there like a dummy arguing to him or herself. I don't want no fire (but thanks anyway) because I may just get violent and ready to grab my rifle. Or even worse I might be the one to get shot.
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That’s a good approach. Sometimes it’s truly not worth it. It’s best to ignore and let it go, sometimes.

Don’t ever wrestle with a pig, because the pig will enjoy it and you’ll just get dirty!
Yup! Empty 4th house and bad childhood. I don't know what that means though.
Posted by borednbeautiful
Posted by xxAjuxx

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You are always the sweetest 🤗 🌺

What are your astro placements?
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aaaaaah ~

I just do my best to

be as helpful as I can ~_~

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Posted by stayathomewife

Thank you xxAjuxx so so much.

you are very very welcome, @stayathomewife 🙏✨


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Posted by stayathomewife

Thank you for all the replies.

Sis ImperfectStorm, did you try Whole sign? Maybe Whole sign will shift a planet to 4th. You should compare your chart with Placidus vs. Whole sign and see which one you resonate more with.

btw sis, how do you add an avatar? mine is empty with a smile icon, I want to change it.
Was gonna suggest this. When I switched to whole signs, ny entire chart described me to a T. Also my transits became alot more accurate. Used it for a few others and they agreed with my intrepetations.

The 5th house also can represent childhood as it represents kids and how a person may have been treated as a child. And overload there can definitely explain child abuse. I think issues can be there with emoty houses its just not a focus. Like my 12th house virgo, my issue will always be wanting to be perfect but I dont focus on it. Taurus in the 8th, I definitely have a hard time letting go of ppl. Especially death. But its not a heavy focus.
Posted by Libra4rmTX
Posted by stayathomewife

Thank you for all the replies.

Sis ImperfectStorm, did you try Whole sign? Maybe Whole sign will shift a planet to 4th. You should compare your chart with Placidus vs. Whole sign and see which one you resonate more with.

btw sis, how do you add an avatar? mine is empty with a smile icon, I want to change it.

Was gonna suggest this. When I switched to whole signs, ny entire chart described me to a T. Also my transits became alot more accurate. Used it for a few others and they agreed with my intrepetations.

The 5th house also can represent childhood as it represents kids and how a person may have been treated as a child. And overload there can definitely explain child abuse. I think issues can be there with emoty houses its just not a focus. Like my 12th house virgo, my issue will always be wanting to be perfect but I dont focus on it. Taurus in the 8th, I definitely have a hard time letting go of ppl. Especially death. But its not a heavy focus.
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How do you get whole signs on
Posted by Jan12girl
Posted by Jumpin_Jupiter

I only have north node in the 4th house. I don't know what that suppose to mean in childhood. All I know is I was a quiet shy kid that always used to get picked on and bullied by other kids. And it's really not any better as an adult neither. As an adult people like to test me just to see if I'm gone snap and throw a blow or two. I like to say my childhood was in between good and bad. Let's just say it's not easy being me.

I had come across bullies too as a child . So many people tried to make me feel bad about myself when I was a kid. I somehow had something inside me to know I am somewhere ahead of many and that confidence proved right in the long run.

I understood one thing, no one has any thing against some one. They are doing their own things , trying to feel good about themselves by showing others down (someone who lets them ). It always comes down to what you let affect you and how you let it affect you .

Also with time I understood that one who maintains a confident aura and don’t show that they have the power to hamper your peace then you alway come out winner
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Yeah let them feel good about themselves. If that's what it takes for people to feel good about themselves that's fine. But the minute I walk up on or to them they slowly back away. People know what time it is when dealing with me. All people is is mouth. So I'm good.
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by Libra4rmTX
Posted by stayathomewife

Thank you for all the replies.

Sis ImperfectStorm, did you try Whole sign? Maybe Whole sign will shift a planet to 4th. You should compare your chart with Placidus vs. Whole sign and see which one you resonate more with.

btw sis, how do you add an avatar? mine is empty with a smile icon, I want to change it.

Was gonna suggest this. When I switched to whole signs, ny entire chart described me to a T. Also my transits became alot more accurate. Used it for a few others and they agreed with my intrepetations.

The 5th house also can represent childhood as it represents kids and how a person may have been treated as a child. And overload there can definitely explain child abuse. I think issues can be there with emoty houses its just not a focus. Like my 12th house virgo, my issue will always be wanting to be perfect but I dont focus on it. Taurus in the 8th, I definitely have a hard time letting go of ppl. Especially death. But its not a heavy focus.

How do you get whole signs on
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Kinda complicated lol did you get as far as extended chart selection?
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by Libra4rmTX
Posted by stayathomewife

Thank you for all the replies.

Sis ImperfectStorm, did you try Whole sign? Maybe Whole sign will shift a planet to 4th. You should compare your chart with Placidus vs. Whole sign and see which one you resonate more with.

btw sis, how do you add an avatar? mine is empty with a smile icon, I want to change it.

Was gonna suggest this. When I switched to whole signs, ny entire chart described me to a T. Also my transits became alot more accurate. Used it for a few others and they agreed with my intrepetations.

The 5th house also can represent childhood as it represents kids and how a person may have been treated as a child. And overload there can definitely explain child abuse. I think issues can be there with emoty houses its just not a focus. Like my 12th house virgo, my issue will always be wanting to be perfect but I dont focus on it. Taurus in the 8th, I definitely have a hard time letting go of ppl. Especially death. But its not a heavy focus.

How do you get whole signs on
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Whats his rising
Posted by Libra4rmTX
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by Libra4rmTX
Posted by stayathomewife

Thank you for all the replies.

Sis ImperfectStorm, did you try Whole sign? Maybe Whole sign will shift a planet to 4th. You should compare your chart with Placidus vs. Whole sign and see which one you resonate more with.

btw sis, how do you add an avatar? mine is empty with a smile icon, I want to change it.

Was gonna suggest this. When I switched to whole signs, ny entire chart described me to a T. Also my transits became alot more accurate. Used it for a few others and they agreed with my intrepetations.

The 5th house also can represent childhood as it represents kids and how a person may have been treated as a child. And overload there can definitely explain child abuse. I think issues can be there with emoty houses its just not a focus. Like my 12th house virgo, my issue will always be wanting to be perfect but I dont focus on it. Taurus in the 8th, I definitely have a hard time letting go of ppl. Especially death. But its not a heavy focus.

How do you get whole signs on

Whats his rising
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Mine is Aries
Posted by Libra4rmTX
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by Libra4rmTX
Posted by stayathomewife

Thank you for all the replies.

Sis ImperfectStorm, did you try Whole sign? Maybe Whole sign will shift a planet to 4th. You should compare your chart with Placidus vs. Whole sign and see which one you resonate more with.

btw sis, how do you add an avatar? mine is empty with a smile icon, I want to change it.

Was gonna suggest this. When I switched to whole signs, ny entire chart described me to a T. Also my transits became alot more accurate. Used it for a few others and they agreed with my intrepetations.

The 5th house also can represent childhood as it represents kids and how a person may have been treated as a child. And overload there can definitely explain child abuse. I think issues can be there with emoty houses its just not a focus. Like my 12th house virgo, my issue will always be wanting to be perfect but I dont focus on it. Taurus in the 8th, I definitely have a hard time letting go of ppl. Especially death. But its not a heavy focus.

How do you get whole signs on

Kinda complicated lol did you get as far as extended chart selection?
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Yes, i use a lot
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by Libra4rmTX
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by Libra4rmTX
Posted by stayathomewife

Thank you for all the replies.

Sis ImperfectStorm, did you try Whole sign? Maybe Whole sign will shift a planet to 4th. You should compare your chart with Placidus vs. Whole sign and see which one you resonate more with.

btw sis, how do you add an avatar? mine is empty with a smile icon, I want to change it.

Was gonna suggest this. When I switched to whole signs, ny entire chart described me to a T. Also my transits became alot more accurate. Used it for a few others and they agreed with my intrepetations.

The 5th house also can represent childhood as it represents kids and how a person may have been treated as a child. And overload there can definitely explain child abuse. I think issues can be there with emoty houses its just not a focus. Like my 12th house virgo, my issue will always be wanting to be perfect but I dont focus on it. Taurus in the 8th, I definitely have a hard time letting go of ppl. Especially death. But its not a heavy focus.

How do you get whole signs on

Kinda complicated lol did you get as far as extended chart selection?


Yes, i use a lot
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Its under the house system drop down box
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by Libra4rmTX
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by Libra4rmTX
Posted by stayathomewife

Thank you for all the replies.

Sis ImperfectStorm, did you try Whole sign? Maybe Whole sign will shift a planet to 4th. You should compare your chart with Placidus vs. Whole sign and see which one you resonate more with.

btw sis, how do you add an avatar? mine is empty with a smile icon, I want to change it.

Was gonna suggest this. When I switched to whole signs, ny entire chart described me to a T. Also my transits became alot more accurate. Used it for a few others and they agreed with my intrepetations.

The 5th house also can represent childhood as it represents kids and how a person may have been treated as a child. And overload there can definitely explain child abuse. I think issues can be there with emoty houses its just not a focus. Like my 12th house virgo, my issue will always be wanting to be perfect but I dont focus on it. Taurus in the 8th, I definitely have a hard time letting go of ppl. Especially death. But its not a heavy focus.

How do you get whole signs on

Whats his rising

Mine is Aries
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Ohh ok so its for your chart?