Aqua pulling at my heart strings.

This topic was created in the Relationships & Astrology forum by idek on Sunday, February 23, 2014 and has 4 replies.
I've tried and succeeded in getting the attention of an Aqua. From what I hear, that isn't a hard thing to do, but I would just like your opinions on where I stand with him?
For reference, I am a sun in Libra (cusp of virgo) with a moon in Cap
I'm pretty sure he's a moon in Scorp. From his general birthdate and the descriptions I've read, that's pretty much him to a T.
We met over six months ago - we worked in the same store. He was very interested and made conversation pretty much every time we worked together. Eventually, I moved away, but I am out there pretty frequently. He's a friend of family that I hang out with out there. The first night we hung out, he was very... affectionate, but in an awkward way. He tickled my knees and was playing with my hair but said that "I put my hair on his hand." (We were drunk, so maybe that gave him a bit of incentive? Idk.) He was always very happy to see me - his eyes would light up and he would grin really big. Every time I was in the store, I would notice out of the corner of my eye that he would stare at me over and over again (several other people told me he would do this when I was looking, as well,) like he was trying to take his eye off me but couldn't. I'm kind of shy I guess, so I never really initiate the conversation. I feel that if he wants to talk to me, he will.
Anyways, previously mentioned family members and I were going to go to a concert that I knew he'd enjoy, so I told them to invite him, I paid for the tickets and everything. It ended up being a pretty eventful day - we got stuck in the city twice and things kept breaking. After all of it, on the drive home, he seemed to be really excited. We talked about pretty much everything. When we made it back to his house, he thanked me, told me he really appreciated it and that he had an amazing time. After that, I saw him once more and I'm not really sure what happened, but he acted like he wanted to talk to me and then he... didn't. After that he started ignoring me, which I was expecting because of all that I've read. I guess I didn't expect to be as hurt by it as I was? He would literally see me in a room and seemed to avoid me instead of his usual, "Hey that's my friend let me speak to her!" thing he had going on. I was also told that while he was ignoring me, he did say that he really liked me thought I was cool to a mutual friend.
Either way, this past week, I was in town again. I was walking with Cousin and we walked by his house while he just so happened to be outside and he got up and was yelling at us to say hello. She waved, I didn't. Unfortunately, I lock up a lot when I'm around him, especially lately. :/ Also, I don't think he'd have made a big deal about it if I wasn't there as him and her are really only acquaintances and don't get along super well. A couple days later, however, I went to the store when he was leaving. He said goodbye to everyone in general but stood there and pointed at me with a grin on his face until I acknowledged him. He basically forced me to say goodbye to him, which I did with a smile.
So he isn't ignoring me anymore. That's always a plus, right? Like I said, I'm just not really sure where I stand and my fear of rejection makes me scared to ask anything of him. (For example, his number, if he wants to hang out, if he likes me, etc.) I guess I'm just wondering if I passed some sort of test now that he's making it a point to get my attention again? To you Aqua's, does it seem like he's a little into me and it could go somewhere, or is this light-up-when-I-see-her-all-smiles-then-ignore-and-then-turn-tables-again just a typical aquarius with friendships type of thing? I'm clearly really into him, and I feel like he knows that. I can, however, just settle with being good friends if that's what this is. I really just don't want to waste my time on something that seems to be getting somewhere, but really isn't.
This seems like a normal aqua thing to me.
I dont think you should be scared. I think you should follow your heart and put yourself out there.
I've ignored people / friends for days just because Im all caught up in my own things.
I've also read that Aquas dont have a type, untill they see them, which I can completely relate to as an Aqua...
I think the way he looks at you, lighting up, cheek to cheek should tell you that he may think of you as more than friends!
smile Hope this helps!!!!!!
Just be patient. My ex fianc? just met me and he immediately asked me out we were together for two years but we went our separate ways. He would act super inlove then shut me out. Not purposely though.