Sooo.... I always seem to fall for Leo's, they are just so much fun to me! Always enjoying life and have great strength, but I always get hurt. Any who, I'm January 29th and my Leo is July 28th almost exactly 6 months apart. The first time I met him I melted, I had such a deep feeling about this man. He has a good soul, loves adventure and is so handsome. To make a long story short, I was renting a room in his house. I'm 22 he is 26.... We slowly started falling for each other, like hard (as much as he tries to forget this) and I moved out so we could start dating officially. 3 months go by and poof, breaks up with me OUT OF NO WHERE. I've been a little wild, and he's very conservative and mature but this break up brought me so much clarity about my life and what I want and the type of man I want to attract. Any ways. Was just curious people's response on the pairing of AQUARIUS FEMALE AND LEO MALE. Can it work?! Can we make it work?! I don't know I'm not sure about anything any more or what I want or what he wants. Btw his ex (his only ex) who he dated for a little over a year is a libra -_-