I'm the Libra. I'd like advice about my Aries Ex. I'm wondering if he's rebounding and expecting us to eventually get back together or what he's most likely doing.
Okay. We were friends for 4 years before we even dated. I always had this "trance" over him. Even when he had other girlfriends, He put me 1st. He was so persistent. When we started dating he was obsessed with me. He let everyone know I was his and he had a gf. made it very public. Everyone knew he wasn't this "relationship type" so saw me as the real thing. We went everywhere together. He is very good looking--always the most handsome of the group. He loved my charm and sweet demeanor and grace but also he loved the chase. We always had a good time together as friends so we based our relationship on the friend foundation. Right away we always fought. It was mostly his jealousy and me being the social butterfly at a party. So, I stopped going out and expected him to stop too and that's where we clashed. He doesn't like to be controlled and he allowed me to control him to make it work. But it would push him to Lie.
The passion never stopped and the sex was always amazing.but jealousy got really bad and He broke up with me bc he felt suffocated. I instantly started talking to someone from the past (as Aries was breaking up with me) and told him I loved him the same day, my Aries guy went thru my phone and saw it and freaked out in a rage and we didn't end on good terms.
A week later I found out I was pregnant. he begged for a chance for a family. we were off and on our whole pregnancy and when the baby was born he came around but I had then gotten fat and insecure and just couldn't let the fact go that he'd talk to other girls when we were "off". The whole two years we never had space or had time to get over anything so it was all built up. I broke up with him and moved out. He said if I left it was over but he couldn't let go.
Some (ugly) girl came around and I know for a fact he just used her for $ in the beginning but when I blocked his # and he saw someone bought me flowers for Valentine's Day--he started "dating her". I found out bc he didn't sign off fb on an old laptop and I read messages. He told her he loved her but in the same breath asked her to buy him a phone and help pay his rent. After a month of NC he begged me to spend family time before custody court bc he saw me and I lost all my weight and saw guys trying to date me. He didn't even mention he had a gf and tried hiding it. He was trying to get back together and tried kissing on me and I told him I knew about her and that I was dating someone too. He then got jealous and now throws her in my face.
Nobody even knows about her and he even asked me if He could take me on vacation---just us. He does nothing for her. Constantly trying to make excuses to speak to me. He never goes out with her--only has her pick him up at bar close. Is he just keeping her around to make me want him back? how do I get him to
..want me back?? Like I'm trying to ignore him and now he's trying to act like he's serious about her. He only acts that way to me tho like none of his friends acknowledge her....seriously. She's a Virgo and he said she's more of a women then me (which is a lie bc she was a one night stand to many of his friend) and looks matter to him and she's nothing compared to me. But that's not even the factor it's bc she lets him walk all over her like she's weak and he would never be with someone like that. He said she's not on his fb bc he wants to be private but I think he's just telling me that but really he's just usin her to make me jealous bc he's always like "u left me, u should of never moved out" line what's he really doing. I feel like when I ignored him that month that's when he was realizing she was just a rebound but when I told him I had a Bf now too--I think that pushed him away. Idk what to do to bc I feel like I pushed him towards wanting to be with her now out of trying to seem like he moved on.
I know he misses me. It's so obvious. But it's his pride. What do I do to make him want me back? Or do u think now he's going to really be with her?
My bday 10-2-90
His 04-07-90
Hers 08-24-88
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Sep 26, 2012Comments: 1648 · Posts: 8573 · Topics: 67
Just taking a step back from your own interaction with this guy... regardless of relationship history for a sec...
If a man treats another woman so poorly, the way he does her, I don't wanna know that man.
A gentleman doesn't put one woman on a pedestal simply by being a crap-hole to other women.
He respects women, and then elevates the woman he is with.