have a hard time to get over her she is in my mind the whole time for an year now. Whenever something bad happen to me i just think about her or open her fb just to look at her and i feel better. I never get attached to soemone this much even though i dont have her number and never went on a date. I feel im crazy and I've been denying my feelings but i think im in love with her. And i just feel stupid.
we were attracted immediately from the moment we met and she flirted back. I came back to her many times until she opened up to me and started to try to talk with me i know that she is extremely shy especially with me. Anyway i saw her flirting with a guy and playfully touching him and I ran away. At first she seemed shocked then she started to try to get my attention but not talking to me. Then i felt guilty went to her gave her a gift a cup for her new office she was defensive then she started to act sweeter than before staring at my eyes smiling. She even tried to use my cup in front of me like she was happy. I told her i would be back and told her the day and time then i didn't then i went to her but i didn't see her like she avoided me and she went on vacation. Then we both started to avoide each other and she kept having this looks when she see me at the street like she doesn't know what to do.. Then i found out that she is dating a guy but she tried two times to get my attention so i ignored her. After few months she followed me one day walked close to me when i sat down she looked down like she wanted to talk then she left. Then she did the same before my vacation she came to where i work acted busy sat and gave me her back doing papers then she suddnely stood up and looked at me across the room i looked away and she did the same. I don't understand whats going on with me and her i never been this confused woth a woman before i used to know if they want me or not but with us there is this stupid push and pull and i feel like im going crazy?
Im not sure if she has troubles with her sexuality but i do know she liked me but i don't understand her..
She is leaving work soon and I thought to go to her and give her my number and ask her to be freinds...
What would she think???
Can u help me understand her... And would she accept my freindship....
Signed Up:
Jun 10, 2016Comments: 215 · Posts: 1458 · Topics: 161
I think you should give her your number.. & most likely she'll be friends with you.. Pisces aren't very judgemental people... So I know for sure she'll be friends with you..
The flirting thing? I'm not sure if she was really flirting...maybe that was her way of being friendly???! ... Because you don't know if she's into women yet...
So we can't assume it's flirting yet & once you all become friends maybe you can open up about your sexuality.. & from there see how she feels about women/women relationships..
When you get the answer from that.. Then you'll really know if she was "flirting" & if she's "feeling" you.. Plus you'll know what to do with her next...
Also, how was she ignoring you? Bc what if she wasn't doing it on purpose.. What if your just taking it as ignoring and it was something else???
Thanks for answering...
I thought she is flirting because she was touchy with me and noticed that she wasnt the same with other women she liked her personal space lol. From the first minute she kept touching my arm and getting closer.. So i thought she might be bi..
What could be the reason why she act this way if she wasn't ignoring me?