Back with My First Love (Gemini)

This topic was created in the Relationships & Astrology forum by LalasReturn on Monday, February 11, 2019 and has 16 replies.
Hello guys,

I don't know if you remember me but I'm a Scorpio sun, Cancer rising girl who has had a very hectic love life.

I'm sure some of you remember my crazy drama stories with my Scorpio sun, Scorp Rising ex.

Yeah. I cut him off. He still is texting me though. Claiming I've abandoned him or that I'm depriving him of sex, when he is 100% free to go elsewhere ???.

ANYWAY, I also often used to talk about my first love who is a Gemini . Here is is chart.

Ok so. We were together from when I was 17-21. So 4 years. He was 21 when we met.

During our last year together, I moved and I think he never recovered from that even though it was to study. He's bipolar and with each visit, I saw him dive into a constant depressed, distant state.

I felt so guilty. But my education is important.

He eventually dumped me at one of my worst lows.

Terrible. I felt dead for a year. I had to struggle to breathe, eat. I couldn't see any other guy. Theere thought of having another man's hands on me disgusted me to the core.

I tried to chase after him but after a while, he changed everything, his number, his email, his Skype. EVERYTHING.

Our parents grew up together and have the same mutual friends as mine so I would often get updates on his well-being and they would always say that he was OK...BUT after much convincing, we met up. He plays the guitar so he came to a jam with my friends and I.

He was still his hot self but SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO shy. Like mentally ill shy. He only wanted to talk to me. Followed me everywhere. Told me yet again how sorry he felt about how he behaved as a bf before (in the messages he kept saying it).

I saw him again yesterday, this time with his sister and her bf and they told me that he's become socially awkward because he doesn't go out. She said he hadn't been out for years. I feel sooo guilty.

She even said it's amazing that I've managed to get him to go out. His dad likes me now (funny because he wasn't too nice to me before).

So I guess it's official. We're back together. His family sees us as together and so does he.

I never ever stopped loving him tbh. He said he never stopped loving me. But he's so different now. I know his sis says that I should be patient and not worry. He has it in him.

There's yet another sex...he hasn't even made a move on me or tried to. We just kiss like pre pubescent teens.

Anyone with experience with bi polar people on meds here ?

His chart :

User Submitted Image

My chart:

User Submitted Image

Posted by HeartofTopazz

Hi again
Hello 😊😘
What app is that chart from?
Posted by saggurl88

What app is that chart from?
Posted by LalasReturn

Posted by saggurl88

What app is that chart from?
click to expand
Thanks 😁
Some meds lowers or even kills the sex drive. Especially some anti-depressants.

I'm not sure what sort of input you want from us?
Posted by Ram416

Some meds lowers or even kills the sex drive. Especially some anti-depressants.

I'm not sure what sort of input you want from us?

Maybe i just need support I guess.

He does tons of sports. I thought that increased sex drive.
Posted by LalasReturn

Posted by Ram416

Some meds lowers or even kills the sex drive. Especially some anti-depressants.

I'm not sure what sort of input you want from us?

Maybe i just need support I guess.

He does tons of sports. I thought that increased sex drive.
click to expand
Nah. Especially not when you're on meds.

What medication is he taking?
Posted by Ram416

Posted by LalasReturn

Posted by Ram416

Some meds lowers or even kills the sex drive. Especially some anti-depressants.

I'm not sure what sort of input you want from us?

Maybe i just need support I guess.

He does tons of sports. I thought that increased sex drive.
Nah. Especially not when you're on meds.

What medication is he taking?
click to expand
I don't know. He won't tell me. Maybe his sister will.
Dang girl you hit the jackpot right there, keep him lol
how interesting, are his cancer planets opposing one of his cappys? I would like to see a aspects list of his chart, and you got a lotta scorpio there, do you have saturn aspects in the synastry? oh that's karmic ya know, you might want to check the composite too.

P.S: scratch that last part, I just saw that his pluto is close to your stellum, and that uranus is doing something for sure, sad his mercury is in taurus, your stellum wont play with that, both your venus should allow you to live together nicely is you both avoid arguments, and respect each other different viewpoints.
Posted by Endless

how interesting, are his cancer planets opposing one of his cappys? I would like to see a aspects list of his chart, and you got a lotta scorpio there, do you have saturn aspects in the synastry? oh that's karmic ya know, you might want to check the composite too.

P.S: scratch that last part, I just saw that his pluto is close to your stellum, and that uranus is doing something for sure, sad his mercury is in taurus, your stellum wont play with that, both your venus should allow you to live together nicely is you both avoid arguments, and respect each other different viewpoints.
Ooooh i looove in depth analysis like this. Thank you sooo much.

We respect each other. He treats me like I'm his queen.

I don't quite understand stellums etc.

We don't argue. Well. He's just sooo stubborn, he's quite jealous too. He doesn't like men talking to me even if it's platonic. I agree it's rude. They should address him.

Our love is beautiful. I just hope he's gonna f*** me soon ! 😂😂

Posted by pisceanloves

Dang girl you hit the jackpot right there, keep him lol
Haha in what way ? 😊
Posted by pisceanloves

Dang girl you hit the jackpot right there, keep him lol

Oh. Were you being sarcastic ?
False alarm, he's fully functioning 😏😛😈


I guess he just wanted to take his time.
Posted by LethalFantasia

Posted by Ram416

Some meds lowers or even kills the sex drive. Especially some anti-depressants.

I'm not sure what sort of input you want from us?

This is so true! I've always been like a super sexual person but when I was trying different anti-depressants for a few months to see what "fits" my sex drive was extremely effected during the process. Like it even caused a change in the sensations down there too. It was so weird.

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Don't worry, that's not TMI 😚😊

Thanks for your input.

OH NO !! That must be terrible.

I got like 0 sex drive when i was on the pill. I tried multiple pills and they all made me losey libido.

But yeah i hope you're better now.

My bf is better 😊 I'm so happy.