Can someone help me - chart reading; forever alone

This topic was created in the Relationships & Astrology forum by Diddybop on Monday, December 26, 2016 and has 6 replies.
Holidays and birthdays are hard for me. I love them and I love to celebrate them with the people that I'm close to and care about. The problem is i don't really get celebrated back and as much as I know I shouldn't care, it hurts sometimes.

Today while everyone exchanged lavish gifts including many from me, I got $ 100 cash and a pair of unwrapped male sweatpants. My sister got diamond earrings and uggs from the same brother who gave me the $ 100 and the one who got me the sweats bought my 10 year old brother an iPhone 7. I got nothing from anyone else. Last year my mom and one of my brothers forgot to tell me happy bday. They called me and saw me, but didn't remember for days. It's hurtful.

They say they don't know what to get me. It feels like they don't know me. It feels like no one knows me. I'm just the big sis who's supposed to help and never needs or gets anything. It's almost like they're making a point.

But as much as this is a pity party and I am definitely feeling bad for myself, I also was hoping I can find some help. I dk if there's something in my chart that leads to this (I think my aqua moon is a big part ) but maybe there are things I can do to help my stars. It's not about gifts, I just want to be closer to my family. I want them to care about me like they care about each other and if there is something I can work on so that they can get to know me better and maybe love me better I think I'll feel happier in my adult life.

My chart:

(Sorry it's out of order)

Sun Taurus 27°08'

 Ascendant Leo 4°30'

Moon Aquarius 6°37'

II Leo 24°14'

MercuryGemini 10°05'

 III Virgo 18°35'

Venus Taurus 1°22'

 IV Libra 19°38'

Mars Gemini 28°22'

 V Scorpio 26°42'

Jupiter Aries 18°03'

 VI Capricorn 3°22'

Saturn Sagittarius 19°24'

 VII Aquarius 4°30'

Uranus Sagittarius 25°50'

 VIII Aquarius 24°14'

Neptune Capricorn 7°38'

IX Pisces 18°35'

Pluto Scorpio 8°03'

 Midheaven Aries 19°38'

Lilith Cancer 19°41'

 XI Taurus 26°42'

Asc node Aries

My immediate family is made up of 3 Aquarius, 2 Leo's, a Pisces, an Aries and a Scorpio.
Cried slept and ate and I feel a lot better. But I could still use some advice. Any chart reader care to help me out?
Sun in Taurus and Leo Rising, you really know and like to feast at home, but you get a little confused feelings, your aqua moon makes you have this family thinkings but they dont get your moon (Rising Opposites Moon).

Your midheaven is your solution, just organize any party or even christmas, simply call ppl out, you have the skills and Aries midheaven will awake them!

Next party, just do it! Even if they cant come, use your aqua skills, remote call or something!
Thanks! I am pretty sociable and I organize most of our events including Christmas. I guess I'm a big part of my family and they depend on me for a lot. I just feel like I get taken for granted and they don't really know me - just what I can do for them. I tried asking my aqua sister yesterday why does she think my fam treats me so diff and she felt bad but said she thinks everyone's just a little scared of me lol

How can I get closer to them?
You moon in aqua can make you not understand some feelings and doesnt like injustices. Make something to let or to put them preparing the parties with you, you have the organizacional skills
First, I want to give you a huge hug!

I like you always give more and people don't reciprocate.

But I can't stop the currency within me to give with all my heart, it's in my blood.

Expensive gifts are useless. It is the love and moral support that is given through out the year that matters.

This year my Pisces asked me what I wanted I said nothing. Nothing material could compare to the love he has given me, for it is everlasting.

He still got me my favorite perfume and some shoes I wanted. I'm like I told you nothing!

Try to communicate with them.

Speak your mind and from your heart.

Best of luck.