Cancer woman here (Aries moon, Scorpio rising, Cancer Venus, Scorpio Mars, Gemini mercury)... Been going back and forth with a Cancer man for a few months (Virgo moon, Virgo rising, Gemini Venus, Gemini Mars, Leo Mercury). We met thru mutual friends / acquaintances a few months ago and hit it off immediately. Talked everyday and lots of chemistry and physical / sexual attraction. Things would heat up to a boiling point chemistry wise but then he would back off for a week or 2. I always gave him his space and wouldn’t chase ever. Then without a beat he’d be right back texting me everyday, saying he missed me etc. This back and forth went on for a couple months. During this time he’d just bought a new house and was moving while really busy at work. I finally told him I needed more consistency and no more hot and cold. He apologized profusely and claimed he was super busy / stressed w/ work + the move, said he’d do better. Seemed as though he genuinely cared. But, in the days after he became even more distant so I told him I needed to move on. He got pretty mad and said I wasn’t being patient or understanding, but basically told me to go.
Fast forward 3 months (1 week before Venus retrograde ended) he messages out of nowhere saying “I’m sorry, I was such a jerk, I hate I was like that.” To explain his hot and cold behavior he says “it was so good and we were on the same page so much it was scary”. And saying “nobody has ever made me feel like this, I swear”. And finally promising “we’ll figure this out, I promise. Makes too much sense”. But now after things heated up a bit, he’s gone cold again. Says he’s super busy w/ work and of course I just give him his space. He still reaches out casually every day / every other day and I try to be supportive and ask about his work projects etc. When we have plans, he tends to flake a lot (which is common of us cancers).
I can’t figure out if he’s really interested or truly busy? I’m not sure how to get out of the hot cold cycle? The Gemini Venus and Mars makes me a little nervous. He’s not a player, almost 40 and only a handful of long term relationships. Any advice on this pairing? Thank you!