Cancers and Virgos really dont go great together?

This topic was created in the Relationships & Astrology forum by YellowBird on Thursday, May 15, 2008 and has 3 replies.
ok well i recently developed this intrest in astrology. i think some of it is true, but i feel like some of it isn't so right. i've read a few things about cancer and virgo relationships that has brought my sence of insecurity down to a level where i feel that the relationship i have with her will most definatly be moer than fine, but i happen to stumble upon some of a few blogs and comments about how they really aren't so great for one another. people say that virgos jugde alot, i find myself "critisizing" at times, but i understand that no one is perfect, and im so far from it myslef, but i am not here to jugde. you see i am here to understand. i need to understand why people think so? how might our relation come crumbling? wat might cause this beautiful relation that my love and i share to come crushing down? please let me know y you think so. lol. i feel like this relatinship will work out great, and yes there will be bumps along the way but we will work hard to get through it together. and since i am know learning of my not being sensitive enough, i will be sure to keep in mind that yes, my cancer is sensitive and needs to feel secure and just as nutured as she makes me feel. my name is ariana, im 17 years old and i am a virgo girl in love with a cancer girl.
yellowbird i am a cancer male with a virgo female. we have a great relationship although like you said we have our share of bumps in the road. any relationship regardless of signs takes hard work and both have to be willing to put forth the effort or it will fail. this speaks true for any relationship. you have to take astrology with a grain of salt since everyone is different and people come from all types of backgrounds. yes virgos can be cold and good at not showing emotions while cancers can be insecure and very emotional but looking at the big picture can they understand and accept each other? that is the question and the challenge that is faced by all couples. also, i have read that cancer and virgo can have a great relationship as long as the virgo doesn't criticize a lot and if the cancer can take things not so personally. i think things might be different in your case since you both are females and you both can understand each others needs. yall can communicate on the same level where a male and female have totally different communication style s. anyway, i probably rambled on but this is my two
"can have a great relationship as long as the virgo doesn't criticize a lot and if the cancer can take things not so personally."

Agree with the above statement .. this is probably the main reason why astrology sites say this pairing isn't compatible. The problem that arises is inherent behavioural traits the each don't even realize is present .. or more accurately, they don't comprehend how this effects the other person, for intentions are on a different course .. so perception is altered, individually.
Since you are the Virgo ... I will address what I mean from your standpoint, so you can understand how this relates to your situation. If you say something to your girl that is directional, it's because you see a more productive or beneficial way of doing something. Your intentions are NOT to be critical of her, rather, assist her into becoming all she can be. This would come from a place in you that is driven by your desire to nuture her through providing an avenue in which you can help her with intentions of making her life easier for her ..... however, because she is Cancer, her inclinations will be to view this (something you said) as being demeaning, or critical, or insensitive to her feelings because a Cancer doesn't really NEED a person to direct them when they are having an issue, they aren't looking for answers to help solve the equation (which the Virgo will mistake is their desire) .... they are only looking for a shoulder to cry on, for someone to share or embrace these emotions with them, rather than guide them. They don't need guidance, they just need an understanding that they are emotional beings.
I'm not saying that Virgos are too cold-hearted to "share" in emotional torment .. only that Virgos have a NEED to fix this problem to stop the emotional injury. So, it's just a matter of Virgo and Cancer being so different in how they process emotional needs.
However, I also agree with the below ...
"you both are females and you both can understand each others needs. yall can communicate on the same level .. "

In your situation ... the descriptions you read in here won't necessarily be accurate, for they are based around male/female compatibilities. Most of us talk from a straight-slant on how we are relating romantically with a sun sign ... and I don't think it's a far-stretch to say that most astrological sites are describing pairings from an opposing gender point of view.