Hello all,
In trying find some information on this intriguing man I met, I stumbled across this site which sort of terrified me! Needless to say...I am new to this board, and just met my first Cap Man!
My story: I'm a 32-year-old Cancer, met the 27-year-old Cap on a serious online site, emailed for over a month before we met in person. When we did (just a week ago), instant and amazing connection, which he has admitted to. Spent hours together. Next day, lots of messages. Then asked me out again, to which I said yes, and another amazing date for hours and hours. No physical contact whatsoever, not even hand holding. He asked me out again, to which I said no...it has been a week, and he constantly e-mails and seems to want to talk all the time. See! Just now, he's on a business trip, on a Friday night, and he's telling me he is going to have dinner with his colleagues?! Do you all come on this strong? Is showering women with attention a normal trait?
For now, I have the upper hand...and I weary on how to proceed. I feel like he is the guy I have been waiting for, and would hate to lose him. These boards kind of freaked me out.
And yes, I am a Cancer, but a very rational and reserved one. I am very independent and lead a busy life.
I'd really, really appreciate any input...thanks a million in advance!
Signed Up:
Mar 11, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 967 · Topics: 41
Keep being who you are. if he doesn't like it....screw him.
Signed Up:
Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
I'm not sure I understand the benefit of having an upper-hand, as its's relative to having a respectful and decent relationship .. this would suggest some sort of power or control, rather than a desire for equal compatibility.
I agree with P-Angel. Also, I would like to know why you turned him down when he asked you out again? Was it a way to "gain control"
I am so weary of the whole cap thing..they are so terrified of rejection that i hope that you haven't hurt his feelings by turning him down. why did you do that? now he might turn cold on you..
Thanks everyone! I said no because I had plans already, and I told him so. he asked me out again, and we had another fabulous night. Plus, he has asked me to go away with him for the weekend in three weeks' time.
Well that explains it. Good luck to you. If it works out consider yourself one of the chosen few.
He does seem interested...which is exactly why I'm suspicious--not in a low self-esteem kind of way. I'm not saying "how could he be interested in ME?", but rather because he is really, really in pursuit. He is very respectful of my pacing and boundaries, which is great. I don't jump into things, he has picked up on that and doesn't push...but I'm just wondering--do Cap Men ALWAYS come on strong, and then fizzle out if you're not "the chosen one"? As cancerians out there will understand, it is hard for me to not get involved emotionally, even when I am taking it slow...I am terrified this guy will rip my heart out.
Any warning signs I should look out for? So far (it has been 10 days now) I have seen him three times, he just asked me out again, and he emails several times a day and calls.
He does seem interested...which is exactly why I'm suspicious--not in a low self-esteem kind of way. I'm not saying "how could he be interested in ME?", but rather because he is really, really in pursuit. He is very respectful of my pacing and boundaries, which is great. I don't jump into things, he has picked up on that and doesn't push...but I'm just wondering--do Cap Men ALWAYS come on strong, and then fizzle out if you're not "the chosen one"? As cancerians out there will understand, it is hard for me to not get involved emotionally, even when I am taking it slow...I am terrified this guy will rip my heart out.
Any warning signs I should look out for? So far (it has been 10 days now) I have seen him three times, he just asked me out again, and he emails several times a day and calls.