capricorn woman picses man are we a good match?

This topic was created in the Relationships & Astrology forum by 0mycancerdancer on Wednesday, April 29, 2009 and has 5 replies.
I met this wonderful man(he's an actor) and we have been talking for a few days now nonstop via phone, email, text( because we both very busy) we plan to meet up very soon. We have the greatest convo's. So I asked was he involved he replies he's not married but seeing someone..i said she doesnt mind you giving out your number to other women..and he replied no they dont own each other it isn't that kind of's very obvious hes interested in me but this has me confused..he says there is nothing to worrry about we are developing a relationship..this man is older...way older than me like 20 yrs..i'm over 21 so it's okay..but i don't know...anyway i think i should just play it by ear and not get too involved with him relationship wise and keep it friendly until becuase of this person he's seeing..don't u guys think that willl keep me from etting hurt in the end? My question is how well do picses men and cap women get along?
NO! Your relationship is bound to fail, quit while you are ahead! Dumb quesions merit dumb responses.

Go for it! As a Cap, You'll have to be the pillar of strength for him. But also, don't crowd him or control him. The fish don't like that.
thanx to all who responded..i have not been in contact with him only as a friend. I realized it wouldnt work any other way and i dont want to put myself thru that...

Aw c'mon! Take a chance! Why do Cap women not be more forthcoming in relationships? The fish won't hurt you because you lot are strong enuff to bounce back from failure. C'mon, don't give up so soon Sad