Composite Charts - let's talk about them!

This topic was created in the Relationships & Astrology forum by TaurusinTexas on Sunday, February 5, 2017 and has 4 replies.
Inspired by the 4th house composite thread. But I agree with, I think it was @starwars who said there doesn't seem to be a lot out there on composite charts. And on top of that, I've heard mixed things, I've heard look at the houses not the aspects and then vice versa.

So, what are your thoughts on the composite and how do we read them?

And difference between Davidson and composite? Which do you prefer?

Also, what are the really positive things, like 7th house sun, etc and what are the red flag things, I think, I heard you don't want uranus conjunct the rising.
Posted by tiziani
Definitely look at the houses.

The biggest positive would be composite 10th House placements, assuming again you're talking about a Northern Hemisphere chart.

IC and MC are the points of breakups to makeups.
Thank you!

I had no idea until today that hemispheres matter, that's very interesting.

Also MC/IC, so Pluto or Uranus here would be, red flag, moon or something loving like Venus would be good things? Would Saturn be a good or bad thing, I never know with that complicated saturn? Or am I misunderstanding?

Posted by tiziani
If you want a more elaborate book on it read anything by Liz Green or .... there's another guy who writes almost exactly the same kind of lectures as she does, but I've forgotten his name.Both of their books on relationship charts are in lecture notes form, which is a little lazy but hey.
And I'm googling for a book right now, thanks!!
I liked this site far as real life examples: