Does anyone else have this issue? I'm super unaffectionate, and it ruins my romantic relationships. I hate this quality about myself, but I was raised to think that affection is weird. I drove all my exes crazy, and they all thought I never cared about th
Who's the Aries of them all ;)
Now i've been accused of being a people pleaser....god help me with this man. Bout to break some tempers around here to crack the true character. Dont mind if i do :-D
I lost my Pisces grandmother 4 years ago, today. I was just remembering how wonderful she was and feeling a bit sentimental. She was a true Pisces in all of its awesomeness.
I have sun, moon , Mercury and Pluto in the tenth house all in Scorpio.
our forum is always dead. lol
You know you have to head home ladies. The feet are killing you.... but then it happens that endless glass of wine holds you captive. And before you know it, what turned out to be a quick one after work has you,.... yet again crawling home on your eyelas
What placements show the potential of someone becomes wealthy?
Hi, this is a girl on girl thing. I am a Cancer, and my ex girlfriend is a Taurus. AND I REALLY NEED SOME HELP, PLEASE.
For the starters, we were toghether for like 4/5 months. We meet and we clicked imediately. She had a boyfriend but she started be
Is it common for a Taurus woman to be this way with a Aries male with a strong dominating presence. She been chasing me for almost a year and with other people she isn't shy and is very outgoing but with me she always jams up gets shy and makes me do all
The December 13-14 Full Moon falls in the airy sign of Gemini and will be culminating events, feelings and emotions that took place around the Sagittarius New Moon back in November.
December’s Full Moon is actually another Super Moon that has been part