Do cancer men do a lot of talking with no action?

This topic was created in the Relationships & Astrology forum by Texascutiepie on Tuesday, March 21, 2017 and has 13 replies.

I'm an Aries woman who is 29 and recently dating a cancer man. He is 31 with 2 kids from a previous relationship. I do not have kids but I really care for him and can see myself being with for the long haul. We are currently long distance, but we talk about me moving to be closer to him and his kids(no set date), but crazy part is that I have not met his family or kids yet. We have only been dating for 2 months and we act like we been together for years. He is so sweet and loving towards me and he acts like he really cares.

Here is the twist and turns...

I'm getting the impression that he is doing a lot of talking, not saying his actions are not matching up. I mean I think I should give more time for all these promises he is making some time. For example, he always ask me do you love me? Do you want to marry me? Do you want to have a baby? (But still wants to wears a condom) he also, tells me how good his family is and that I'll meet them one day and that they will love me. But he hasn't made any plans for me to fly out to meet his family. FYI..... he pursued me, followed me on IG, stalked me on YouTube, and when I was single, he came full force and within 2 weeks of knowing each other we were in a relationship. He said he has been watching me for 2 years on social media and always wanted me. So, when he got the chance he jump straight in, head first.

So, my question is do cancer men tend to do a lot of talking, but really don't mean what they say?

First time dating a cancer man
A lot of people just talk a big game and this is why I place a significant weight on actions. It's all about actions.
I dont think intentionally. But, I do think they get very excited in love, but also easily wounded. When they are wounded they will retreat and you'll begin to question everything they said. I would say tread very lightly in the way you conduct yourself and speak. Not to kiss their ass, but to remember to be extra soft.

I would look at additional placements.

My friend dated a Cancer man about 5 years ago that had other secret relationships, lied like hell. Was the worst.

I dated a Cancer who was great but a bit immature and couldnt handle conflict. Has a history of running into his shell and staying there.
Posted by Ellygant
It's been two months. The man hasn't had much time to fulfill anything. Presenting an idea for the future, meeting his kids, getting married and having children doesn't mean he's going to propose tomorrow while you meet his kids and then have beautiful raw dog sex with you and impregnate you.

You should be more concerned if he was trying to knock you up or get hitched too fast.
I agree, cool yer jets and relax and see where this goes and stop rushing things ... he's talking about a future together but it's only been 2 months ...
@camerlizedcoffee these we're all his ideas. I never brought these questions up. These were questions he asked me. I would tell him, let's see how this thing goes. Or I'll say maybe one day. I was asking to see if I should pay attention to his words or more actions. I'm an Aries, we usually jump start everything, but this time around it wasn't me. It was my cancerian who jump started everything and the Aries I am, I went with the flow.
Lol @ 2 months in and you think you should be meeting his family and kids.

Relaxx... you guys just started to get to know each other and long distance. just let things progress first.
From reading everyone comments, I guess I sound kind of crazy. I was in a 4 year committed relationship with an Aries man and had a lot of broken promises and lot of excuses. The Aries that I am, I love hard and I don't give up, especially on love. I'm just not trying to repeat about failed relationships. I'm trying to get some understanding about these cancer men, that way I can protect my heart.
Cancers usually talk a big game at first and once it actually gets serious, they retreat into their shell. Youre still in the homeymoon phase. Go read all the "cancer man left me" threads. Lol
Posted by Texascutiepie
From reading everyone comments, I guess I sound kind of crazy. I was in a 4 year committed relationship with an Aries man and had a lot of broken promises and lot of excuses. The Aries that I am, I love hard and I don't give up, especially on love. I'm just not trying to repeat about failed relationships. I'm trying to get some understanding about these cancer men, that way I can protect my heart.
not crazy but gunshy for sure - no, 4 years is too long to put up with that crap ... take this out to almost a year and then make your decisions - in the meantime you can still guard your heart
@nikkistar That made me LOL not even sure why.
This guy sounds like he loves to hear himself talk .. it's ok to flirt with ideas of marriage & kids but they're just words.. as much as I love words & need them , I love actions even more & for good reason .. there's no action with him .. go slow with him , get to know him .. there's no way of really knowing someone after 2 months even if u spend a lot of time together
I'm more concerned at this statement.

'He asks if I want his baby but still wears a condom....'

Slow down. Whirlwind romances can happen but it's a long distance relationship, you hardly know him. Perhaps this is his way of romancing you, showing he's serious by talking about commitment.

I married a crab, my experience is that they are slow with the actions but I think that works in our favour. By taking it slowly you get to know the real person, not the honeymoon facade.