Do you believe in Astrology ? Would you like to have a 1 to 1 chat with one ?

This topic was created in the Relationships & Astrology forum by VF2016 on Sunday, March 20, 2016 and has 4 replies.
Hello everyone

I am doing some research & looking for people who have a genuine interest in Astrology.

I am working on a project providing a 1 to 1 chat service with an authentic team of Indian astrologers . The service allows you to have an app based conversation ( like WhatsApp) with a team of genuine Indian astrologers based on your date of birth, place of birth and time of birth. This will be available to all Android and IOS smartphone users.
I'm looking for real people to trial this beta service and to give me valuable feedback on what they think. I would love to know your view.

If you would like to take part in the trial then please reply to this post or message me with your email address and whether you are an IOS ( I phone) or Android user.
Thank you in advance :-)

To sign up please go onto

Once you have signed up, you will be emailed in a few weeks when the app is ready for people to trial.
The email will have a link to download the app for free.
Once you have the app you can chat with an astrologer on a PRIVATE 1 to 1 basis .

Thanks for you interest in taking part . Unless we don't have real people giving their views on the service then we will never know if it is worth actually doing. Really appreciated :-)
I am interested. Been studying for my own interest for the past couple of years. I would love the opportunity for 1 - 1 discussions with astrologers. I find the whole subject truly fascinating.

I use android mobile phone and Apple iPad

I'll reply in a day...after another DXPNETTER tried something like this today and turned it into an April Fool's joke...I'm skeptical.

Also, for Indian Astrologist...wouldn't be a completely different view than what most of us are familiar with since we study Western Astrology??? Hell would I even be a Pisces according to the Indian Astrologists?